11 - Part D:

Ratatatata* Ratatatata* Pepepepew* Ratatatata* Pepepepew* Ratatatata*


"What the hell is this maidbot?!"

"Who cares! Just shoot!"

The guards said like they were panicking while shooting Louise.

Ratatatata* Ratatatata*Pepepepewpew*

The reason why they were panicking it is because Louise blocks the barrage of bullets with her green plasma blades at the back of her arms in a high-speed motion.

Ratatatata* Pepepepew* Ratatatata* Pepepepew*

Behind Louise who were taking shelter from the barrage of bullets are Aeris, Kana, Maple and students from class 3.

"Screw this!"

One of the guards said and toss his gun away.

After that, he took out his stun baton and tries to hit Louise.

Wam* Thud*

Before he was able to land a hit, Louise executes a kick with her left leg that sends the guard flying backwards and he fell towards the floor.

As a result, he lost consciousness.

After that, she quickly points her right hand at the other guard, and a small muzzle appears on the middle of her palm.


A red particle beam shoots out from the small muzzle and hits the other guard.

The guard flies backwards because of the impact of the particle beam and fell on the floor.

As a result, he lost consciousness.

Louise rushes towards the other guards and slashes them with her plasma blades.

Slash* Slash* Slash* Slash*

While Louise was busy fighting the other guards, Maple quickly runs and picks up the sub machine gun that the guard threw away earlier and joins in the fight.


She shouted and pulls the trigger.

Ratatatata* Ratatatata*

Maple's right hand man runs towards the other sub machine gun, picks it up and joins Maple.

"Boss! I came to assist!"

He said and starts shooting.

Ratatatata* Ratatatata*

"Good Favion! Now let's smoke their asses!"

Maple said in a cool manner like a Mafia boss.

Ratatata* Ratatata*


The right-hand man of Maple named Favion said.

Ratatata* Ratatata*

"Everyone let's help them!"

Aeris said and picks up the hand gun that was on the floor and joins in the fight.

Bang* Bang* Bang*

"Let's show them what students from Silver Wing Academy can do!"

One of the students class 3 shouted.


Everyone from class 3 shouted as a war cry.

They picked up the guns that were scattered on the floor from the unconscious guards and joins in the fight.

Ratatata* Bang* Bang* Ratatata* Bang* Bang* Ratatata* Bang* Bang*

After few minutes, the guards were being pushed back by the might of the students from Silver Wing Academy.

"Fall back! Everyone fall back!"

One of the guards ordered a retreat and they followed.

Louise and Maple didn't let them get away and attacks the remaining guards.

Ratatata* Slash* Slash* Raatata*

Louise and Maple successfully defeated the remaining guards.

After the battle, everyone started looting from the unconscious guards and proceed forward.

(Linel's Side)

As we reached the next floor...

"What the hell happened here?"

I reacted to what I saw.

There are multiple bullet holes on the walls and on the ceiling and a bunch of unconscious guards scattered on the floor.

This scenery looks like a war just broke out.

"It looks like it happened recently judging by the bullet holes."

Ace deduced.

"So the others must be nearby!"

Lokki said positively.

"Let's go man!"

Roc said and walks forward.

Everyone did as well.

If this happened recently, how come didn't hear a thing.

This is bothering me.

I suddenly stopped walking and call out to everyone.


"What is it Linel?" (Ace)

"You forgot something?" (Lokki)

"Yeah?" (Roc)

"Huh dude?" (Zack)

"Yes my darling?" (Mathias)

"What now weirdo?!" (Wren)

And everyone responded.

Alright! Time to tell them what's on my mind.

"If this happened recently, how come we didn't hear a thing?"

"Well that's because every floor in this prison is sound proof."

As Ace explained.

"What?! You didn't know weirdo!? That's just plain common sense!"

Wren said harshly.

"It's because I haven't been into a prison before so I didn't know."

I pointed out.

"Fair enough!"

Lokki accepted my explanation.

"Whatever man!"

Roc said like he doesn't give a crap.

"Dude! I didn't know either!"

Thanks Zack! You made me feel like an idiot.

"Don't worry my dear. Knowledge isn't everything."

I wonder what Mathias meant by that.


Wren did her usual and walks away.

"There's a first time for everything so don't worry too much about it Linel."

Ace said in a cool manner and follows Wren.

"Let's go man!"

Roc said and goes after Ace and Wren.

"Dude! Wait up!"

Zack said and follows after Roc.

"Let us move on my darlings."

Mathias said in a flirting manner and follows after Zack.

"Come on Linel!"

Lokki said and taps on my shoulder.

After that, he walks towards the others.

There's a lot of things that I don't know about huh. Looks like I've been living in a small world after all.

"Hurry up weirdo! You're falling behind!"

As Wren shouted.

I follow them in pursuit.

As we walk past through the area where all the unconscious guards are, we noticed that there weren't anymore guards lying around.

If that's the case, all of the guards in this prison have already been defeated or maybe they ran away.

"Don't let your guard down everyone!"

Ace warned us.

Because of that, we walk cautiously while holding are weapons up.

This kinda reminds me of the Zombie movies that my family loves to watch wherein a bunch of people goes into a prison and do what we are doing right now.

Though I'm not good at handling horror movies when I was a kid, Zombie movies doesn't seem to have that same scary effect as horror movies do.

More like Zombie movies are just plain bloody.

Suddenly I heard a bunch of familiar voices.

"Hey first years!"

"Bat man!"

"Your highness! I'm glad that you're safe!"


It was Feini, Clarissa, Eri and... Who's that guy again? Anyway, they came out from an intersection that we passed by.

Suddenly Clarissa approaches me.

"Bat Man! Are you alright? Are you hurt anywhere? Did those mean guards did something to you?"

She bombarded me with questions.

"Clarissa baby!"

The guy said in distress.

"Get away from him!"

Wren shouted.

"Oh your highness! Showing you're true colors now?"

Eri said teasingly.

"What?! No!"

Wren retorted.

"You! What do you think you're doing to my Clarissa?!"

As the guy said and grabs my collar.

My classmates glares at the guy while Mathias approaches him from behind and points his gun at his head.

"Get your filthy hands of my darling!"

Mathias said like a gentleman who's defending his girlfriend.

Alright, that's quite disgusting.

"Hey! We're not suppose to be fighting amongst ourselves right now you know!"

Feini scolded us.


The guy clicks his tongue and releases his grip on me.

After the tension was cleared up, Feini suddenly ask us.

"So first years, care to join us on our search for the others?"

"Well since your group have the same agenda as ours, we could join forces. What do you say everyone?"

Ace answers her and turn towards us afterwards.

"Go ahead..." (Linel)

"No problem for me." (Lokki)

"The more the merrier man!" (Roc)

"Sure dude!" (Zack)

"Hmph! Whatever!" (Wren)

"If my darlings agree then I agree as well." (Mathias)

everyone answered.

"There you have it."

Ace said to Feini.

"Welcome aboard first years!"

Feini said cheerfully.

Wait! Isn't it the other way around?

We resume our search with four new members.