11 - Part E:

While we were searching for the others, we talked about on how we were all captured.

Because of that, we all found out that the we were all captured at Spectral Mall.

If we go by this pattern, then everyone from Silver Wing Academy who were at that mall got captured and was brought to this prison. If there were teachers at that mall, then that explains the bunch of unconscious guards lying around since all the staff from Silver Wing Academy are elites. That's what gramps told me.

If that's the case, then Aeris, Maple and Kana are at safe hands.

We've been going up while searching thoroughly for awhile and haven't found anyone yet let alone any unconscious guards.

If this continues, then it means everyone has gotten out already and only us remains.

"Should we continue the search or just focus on getting out of here?"

I asked everyone.

"What kind of question is that? Of course we continue the search."

Feini said like she was stating the obvious.

"Um Feini, I think we just focus on getting out of here."

Clarissa suggested.

"I'm with you baby!"

The guy agrees.

"I think that's a good idea as well."

Eri said who seemed to agree with Clarissa.

"Uh... First years help!"

Feini call out to us like she was looking for someone to side with her.

"Let's get out of here! There's no more point in searching for the others and besides, they're probably out already."

Lokki stated.

"You have a point Lokki." (Ace)

"I agree with you man!" (Roc)

"Dude! Let's just get out of here!" (Zack)

"Let's stop wasting time and get out of here!" (Wren)

"If my darlings say so, then I agree with them." (Mathias)

Everyone agreed.

"Oh come on! No ones gonna side with me?"

Feini complained.

"It's decided then."

I said to everyone.

Our agenda has now change from searching for the others to getting out of here.

After we set our priorities straight, we focus on getting out of here.

Floors after floors after floors...

Damn it! This place is deep!

Where probably on the 20th something floor by now judging from where we came from.

When will we see the exit?

While we were walking, we suddenly hear faint sounds of gunshots.

Ratatatata* Ratatata* Ratatata* Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata*

"Hey what do you think those are?"

Lokki asked.


I replied.

"Yeah Linel I totally know that those are gunshots. What I mean to say is, what does that means?"

Lokki clarified.

"It means one of us is nearby and they currently need help."

Ace said and run to where the sound of gunshots are coming from.

"I guess miss trigger happy is up and ready. Come on guys!"

Lokki said and runs after Ace.

Isn't trigger happy a term used for people who likes to waste bullets by shooting rapidly?

It doesn't apply to Ace since she isn't holding a gun.

Oh well!

We ran after them.

As we arrived at the scene.

Ratatata* Pewpewpewpew* Ratatata* Pewpewpewpew*

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

Ratatata* Ratatata Ratata*

Louise, Aeris, Maple, Kana and class 3 are in the middle of having a fierce battle with a squadron of guards.

I thought all the guards were defeated?

We join in the fight.

Bang* Bang* Bang* Bang*

Ratatata* Ratatata* Ratatata*

In our group who are carrying guns starts shooting.


Woosh* Thud* Bzzzt* Wam* Bam*

Our close range fighters (Ace and Wren) rushes into the battlefield and joins up with Louise who's fighting with two green plasma blades sticking out from the back of her arm.

Slash* Slash* Woosh* Thud* Bzzzt* Ratatata* Ratatata* Bam* Wam* Bang* Bang* Ratatata*...

"Phew! It's over!"

Lokki said in exhaustion and sits on the floor.

"There's now time to rest Lokki! The exit is just right around the corner."

Ace scolded Lokki.

"Ah come on! Can't we just rest a tiny, little bit?"

Lokki said pleadingly

I feel exhausted myself, and I'm sure everyone else is.

"Look! Everyone is exhausted. Can we just rest for five minutes?"

I told her.

She looks at everyone who are exhausted and come up with a conclusion.

"Five minutes and that's it!"

Great! Now we can rest.

While where taking a break.

"Linel does your head still hurt?"

Aeris approaches me and said worriedly.

"Bat man you're head hurts? What happened?"

Clarissa barges in.

"Uh well..."

How do I explain this?

I got hit on the head by a metallic object? Or I got suckered punch by the police.

"Weirdo you're a man aren't you? So quit complaining and endure it! Hmph!"

And why am I being scolded by Wren?

"Oh your highness... Why wont you be honest and just say that you're worried?"

Eri commented.

"What?! Me worrying about this weirdo?! What a joke!"

Wren said angrily.

"But your highness, you were staring at him just a moment ago."


Eri said teasingly and Wren reacted.

Suddenly Clarissa rubs my head randomly.

"Does it hurt here? Or how about here?"

"Um I don't think you should do that."

Aeris was trying to stop Clarissa.

"Why? Bat Man seems to like it."

"If you do that, you might worsen the pain."

Clarissa suddenly turns towards me.

"Does it hurt Bat Man?"

She asked with a cute expression.

Crap! My heart started pounding just by looking at her.

I'm getting all flustered and can't think of anything to say.

Suddenly Louise approaches me and stares at me with her glowing green eyes.

"Young master, your body is in perfect condition except for your irregular heart beat."

Did she just scan my body?

Oh yeah! I can use her to change the subject.

"Hey Louise?"

"What is it young master?"

"How come you didn't go to me after we were set free?"

"That's because young master, everyone's safety is my top most priority."

So those unconscious guards were her doing.

"Bat Man! Are you sick?"

Clarissa said and starts checking my temperature.

"Linel you're face is flushed red. Do you have a fever?"

Aeris said worriedly and starts checking my temperature as well.


"Get away from him!"

Wren and the guy butts in which is making it more complicated.

"Everyone time's up! Let's get moving!"

And Ace saves the day.

I quickly stood up and started walking.

The others did as well.

At the top most floor of this prison which is the warden's office, we decided to take a break and discussed what to do next.

Some of us gave a suggestion on going back to the academy, and others suggested that we should look for the teachers.

While we were debating on what to do next, Kana is trying to open the vault where all our stuff are by hacking it with the help of Louise.

I wonder if this is how they were able to deactivate the particle beam bars.

Tootoot* Click* Creek*

"Mission complete!"

Kana said while fixing her glasses in place after successfully opening the vault.

We stopped with our debate as soon as we heard that and went towards the vault to get our stuff.

While we were getting our stuff, we suddenly experience a black out.

After few seconds, the electricity came back and we hear an announcement.


All students and staff of the Silver Wing Academy, this is your principal is speaking. The brain jammers have been deactivated. I order you to give them hell!*

Kill him!*

Ratatata* Ratatata*



Give them hell huh...

"Now you're talking!"

I said while cracking my fists.