Chapter 5

I park my truck closer to Jake's garage than usual, I think I've been pretty lucky that no one was suspicious of the tarp or saw the bikes some other way so let's not blow it at the finish line.

I turn off the ignition and before I even had time to turn towards my door it flies open and I'm pulled out into warm arms.

"Bella." Jake breathes my name like it's his first taste of air in days. And I feel us both simultaneously relax in each other's arms. How the hell can you miss someone this much in one day?

"Hey Jake. Missed you." I know it was mean to say it, even though it was completely true, since anything like that can get his hopes up. But it was like I had no control over my mind, the words just had to be said.

"Not as much as I missed you." Jake whispers in my ear. His voice and hot breath send chills down my spine all the way to my toes. I quickly change the subject as I gently pull out of his embrace.

"Now before we get into trouble from Billy, close your eyes and come with me." I order.

He complies quickly and quietly, a huge grin on his face. I take extra care maneuvering us both to the bed of the truck and we make it one piece.

"Ta-da!" I say as I rip away the tarp.

Jake looks over the bikes, his eyes widening in surprise and excitement.

"Scrap metal, aww Bella you shouldn't have." He teases causing me to roll my eyes.

I tell him all the information I know about the bikes as he runs his hands and eyes over them.

"I don't know what to say Bells. These are awesome, like you said if they run in the end or not I needed to get used to motorcycles. Thank you. And hey, maybe we can ride them a bit if they do work." He tells me before crushing me to his chest. I'm glad he can't see my face and that my mouth is muffled by the embrace so my nod doesn't seem strange.

"Let's get them into the garage before your Dad sees." I say.

Jacob then proceeds to pick one of the bikes up in his hands as if it were a kid's tricycle instead of a two hundred pound motorbike and places it down in the garage.

"Woah, be careful Jake!"

"I'm cool Bells, don't worry." He chuckles.

Jacob repeats this process with the second bike and immediately starts tinkering away at one. Still not mentioning his new muscles, nope nope nope.

After a while of companionable silence, I ask if he wants to talk about how he's been feeling lately and it's like I opened the flood gates.

Jacob talks for almost half an hour with little input needed from me. I'm glad he didn't look for me to say much right now because I'm pissed. The root of all this stress and anger is the one and only Sam Uley. Jake said he keeps seeing Sam practicality everywhere he goes but they never speak, the older man just stares and it's making Jake feel like he's waiting for him. To do or say what he has no clue. By the end of his vent, Jacob looked and sounded like the young boy he is rather than the grown up that we all treat him as.

"It's scaring me Bella. I don't know what the fuck he could want from me and my Dad has nothing to say about all this. I don't know what to do." The look on Jacob's face when he says this breaks my heart and has my temper boiling at once.

"It might be hard or even impossible but avoid him at all costs. And if you can't, then just ignore him, pretend he's invisible. Do you want me to do anything? I hate seeing you like this Jake it's killing me to see you so worried and scared."

"Being here, listening, looking out for me with no judgement is enough. Tough being a guy and feeling like this. If I didn't have you, I don't know, I just feel like I wouldn't be able to handle this shit. I mean I'm not doing it well but at least I haven't completely fallen apart."

"I won't ever let you fall apart, I promise Jake." I tell him and I hope he can feel how serious I am.

He looks at me and smiles before turning his attention back to the bikes.

Over the next almost month I learned the key to keeping life for Jake himself and also between Jake and I simple is having a distraction and a routine. We work almost every day on the bikes. It didn't take long for Jake to realize there was nothing seriously wrong with them (they needed servicing and new batteries) and it wouldn't break the bank to fix them. Much to his dismay I put my foot down and insisted on buying the very minimal parts. I just wanted to show him how proud I am of him and how much I believe in his dream of owning his own business.

Even though the majority of our time was taken up with the bikes we didn't sit in the garage everyday, it was nice just watching TV, going for walks on the beach and doing our homework together too. This routine made it easy to keep things light and breezy between us and even easier to keep Jacob away from Sam. He still got tense and stressed easily but the less Jake saw Sam the less he lost his patience. It was also a good time for us to catch up with Quil seeing as Embry never came around to spend time with us again it was just us three.

One Friday night Jacob and I were hanging out in the garage, me reading a new book that I had ordered online and Jake tinkering away at the bikes. I thought we had come out here just to spend some time together since we were all going over to the Clearwater's later for our usual fish fry dinner with them.

We started periodically having dinner with them a couple of months ago and the first time I was so nervous I almost feigned illness and stayed home. However, after two minutes of being in their house I felt like I was a part of their family. Harry is a true spitfire with a wicked sense of humor but is also a papa bear and takes care of those he loves. Sue is warm, gentle and kind and it's easy to tell their youngest child, Seth, takes after her. It's also easy to see he will be almost as tall and handsome as Jacob when he's older. Leah, their eldest, is a mix of both parents but is more like Harry. Well, that's what Jake told me, she had her heart broken by none other than the infamous Sam fucking Uley several months ago and hasn't been herself since. I finally saw a glimpse of the Leah they all miss after spending several evenings at their house and I don't know if it's the mutual heartbreak or what but we just got each other and I feel lucky to call her my friend now.

The sound of Jacob's voice breaks me out of my thoughts.

"So are you free for our usual hang out this weekend?" He asks with a twinkle in his eyes.

I play along. "I'll have to check my schedule and get back to you. What should I pencil you in for?"

"How about riding lessons on Sunday?"

The smaller part of me, the part I still hate, wants to launch my body towards the bike and beg Jake for a lesson now, right now! Who cares that it's dark and raining? Not this psycho. Thankfully, the other part of me is bigger and stronger these days and throws crazy back in her cage before replying.

"They're ready Jake? That's awesome!"

"After a couple more checks and a test drive they will be but I can do those tomorrow. Leaving us Sunday to ride them."

"We don't have to rush, we can ride them another day, you've been working non-stop."

"Actually, we cant. Word travels fast in small towns and there's four people interested in the bikes already, two are coming Monday after school to see them." He beams.

It surprises me how I'm barely disappointed at hearing this. Don't get me wrong, I want to test out my Edward theory and long to hear his perfect my mind. But I can't become addicted to this vicious cycle of, teetering the edge of safety just to hear my long gone ex-boyfriend's voice, feel guilty and stop for a bit before looking for my next daredevil move. It's not fair to me, my life, my family nor my friends. It seriously has me on the verge of telling Jacob to forget the lessons, Miss Clumsy herself really didn't need to sit on anything with only two wheels anyway.

Instead I say, "Wow Jake that's impressive, congratulations. And Sunday sounds good for lessons."

I swear the remainder of Friday and Saturday are gone in the blink of an eye. Before I know it, and am probably ready for it, I'm watching Jacob test drive both bikes on a deserted road in La Push, diligently checking for any errors.

"Well, I wasn't too worried anyway but it feels good to know they both ride like a dream." Jacob says, with a well deserved proud smile on his face, as he parks one of the bikes next to where I'm leaning against my truck.

"Not that you need the ego boost but you really kicked ass fixing these bikes and finding sellers so quick." I tease, yet it's still the truth.

His warm laugh in response makes me feel butterflies and about fifty other dormant feelings inside.

"Why thank you Miss Swan. Now, are you ready to try out one of these bad boys?" Jake asks.

"Say no. Please." Edward's melodic voice begs me.

Even though I knew this was more than likely going to happen I still froze at the sound of his voice. And I couldn't tell you what expression was on my face in that moment but that, combined with my too long pause had Jake backtracking.

"We don't have to Bells, I'm sorry if I made you feel pressured just because we only have today. I thought you might have fun is all and I'll be riding on the bike with you until you're comfortable." He rambles.

"Jake don't be sorry, you never pressure me. I just got a little nervous thinking about it is all. I definitely want to try." I tell him and muster up my best smile.

"Cool! Put on this helmet then you hop on first and I'll kick start it before getting on too."

As I put one leg over the bike I hear him again.

"Bella, please don't do this." Edward pleads. I close my eyes and savor the sound of him so close and blink away a couple of tears.

"Alright Bells let's do this!" Jake says cheerily as he climbs on right behind me.

Even though Edward never even tried to tolerate Jacob he must've known no harm would come to me with Jake around. Even when we started to speed up and took some corners wide and low Edward didn't try to dissuade me again.

And I actually had too much fun to even dwell on my sadness. I had to kick this addiction in the ass before it got out of control. Knowing me, I would come into accidental danger all on my own without any effort, you know like when Victoria finally puts her claws into me.

I always try to push away any waking thoughts of the firey haired vampire from mind since she lives in my nightmares almost nightly. And this is the opposite of a good time to think about Victoria's ever looming threat. All this means that I will hear him again probably all throughout my ungraceful life. So, right here right now I had to keep trying to move on, to be happy, to be more for me and for Jacob.

I never felt comfortable enough for Jacob to get off the back so we ride the bike together for almost two hours. It was exhilarating and if Jake buys his own one day, like he was telling me repeatedly, I would be excited to learn to ride on my own. I help him clean them both up before we head back inside to hang out for a bit and I also need to check to see how low the stash of my pre-made meals for them is getting.

As I'm heading towards the door to go home Billy calls my name.

"Bella, tell your old man tomorrow night is good for you two to come over for dinner. And we're ordering pizza, no if's ands or but's. You don't have to cook for us all every night." He tells me with a warm smile on his face.

I chuckle before responding. "Thanks Billy, I'll tell him. And that sounds good for tomorrow but don't worry about me, I like taking care of you guys. See you tomorrow." I tell him.

"And everyone, except our waistlines, loves that you do it so well. Bye Bella, drive safe." Billy says.

Jacob walks me out to my truck and once we're at my door I say with a smile. "Hopefully the next time I see you you're no longer the owner of two motorcycles."

"Fingers crossed it goes well. Look, I know I've said it like a million times already but thank you Bells. When these bikes sell it'll be the perfect start for the garage and also for...I mean I just can't tell you enough how amazing you are. And once they're sold we're going to dinner, away from Forks and the Res. Just us." He promises without finishing his previous thought, I would have to push him on that later. And I gloss over the fact he's pretty much asked me on a date, I need to deal with that alone first.

"That sounds perfect to me. Now go study and I'll see you tomorrow."

Jacob laughs before giving me one of his usual, and perfect, bone crushing, air stealing hugs.

"Yeah yeah I will. Drive safe Bells." He copies his Dad's request.

When I get home, Charlie is coming down the stairs meaning he hasn't been here much before me. He's still putting in crazy overtime and I'm about to tell him needs a break if he doesn't slow down soon.

"Hey Bells! Have a good day?"

"Yeah really nice. Billy says tomorrow is good for dinner and that we're having pizza."

"Great! We have something to tell you and Jake at dinner."

"Are you two getting married?" I tease.

"What! No! But if I'm still single at fifty I might think about it. Could do a lot worse than Billy." My Dad only half teases back, he is right, they're both catches. "Nothing major and nothing bad. You'll find out tomorrow. Now, I'll go heat up some leftovers for us." He says as he walks past me, squeezing my shoulder.

Ugh the curiosity is going to drive me nuts! Well, never thought I'd say this but, thank god for math homework. At least I'll have something after dinner to kept my mind busy.

Calculus was a mediocre distraction from the anticipation of Jacob hopefully selling the bikes and the waiting game of whatever our Dads we're hiding, but I made it to bed without chewing off every nail I have.

Unfortunately, no matter how short, my thoughts on Victoria earlier stuck with me and she came to wake me from my sleep tonight.

I have to believe that at least Carlisle and Alice would warn me if Victoria indeed decides to come after me or them but in my dreams that's never the case. I'm alone and helpless, just a lame human. Her torture is always worse than that of her mate James and ends the same way every time, me seeing my own lifeless body drained of blood. And cue me jolting out of sleep panting for breath.

I haven't had a nightmare this vivid in ages. They still come regularly but I only see flashes of color, red and white and I just feel this sense of dread before waking-up. I'm sure this change is simply from my wandering mind earlier today, right?

For a Monday the day isn't bad and I even make weekend plans. Angela surprises me at lunch with the invite.

"Bella I was hoping you would come over Friday after school for dinner? Jessica is coming too. My parents are going to Port Angeles for a date night and I'd love the company while I babysit my brother." Angela asks almost timidly. Maybe I'm not the only introvert here.

"That sounds great Ang, thanks for inviting me. And thank you for still including me after...everything. I really appreciate it."

"You don't need to thank me Bella. I, we I mean, all honestly want to include you, be there for you. You're our friend and that's what friends do."

And I believe every word. I don't feel the need to make myself feel worthy of her friendship or force myself to not doubt her sentiments. This is real friendship, nothing like what I had with the Cullen's. I always felt just less than them, like I was late to the party and never fitting in. It was better with Edward and Alice, that's why I think I still miss her, she did want to be my friend. I stop my mind there, I wasn't sad thinking of them but that could change at any moment.

"You're a good friend Angela. And I'm excited for Friday." I tell her honestly.

Finally, the day is over and I'm on my way to the Black's. Charlie was off today but popped into the station before dinner just to check on everything quickly so he would drive the cruiser.

As I pull into their yard Jacob is helping a man in his probably late forties put one of the bikes into the bed of his much newer and bigger (than mine) truck. I guess feigning needing assistance to carry the motorcycle was a better bet than scaring away a potential buyer with Jake's new kinda crazy strength. One down for sure, I wonder if the other sold already? I couldn't wait to ask Jake after this gentleman left.

I make it to them just as they've secured the bike in the truck and I'm thankful, as always, for Jacob's bright and outgoing personality. Introducing myself to a stranger is not on my list of "things I do with ease."

"Bella hi! Mason, this is my best friend Bella, she started this motorcycle flipping project for me." He tells the man, his face beaming.

"Well then I have to thank you too Miss Bella! And it's nice to meet you." Mason says as he shakes my hand. "I've been chomping at the bit to get back on one of these beauties after mine up and croaked on me last month." He tells me while eyeing up the bike.

"It's nice to meet you as well Mason. And you're more than welcome, I'm glad someone will make good use of the bike." I say.

We all, yes even me, share a couple of minutes of small talk before waving Mason off with his new purchase.

"Well I know one bike sold, what about the other?" I ask Jacob.

"Sold it an hour ago for almost the full asking price and Mason did pay the full amount I was looking for." Jacob tells me and then hugs me before spinning me in the air. "All because of you, thank you Bells!"

I can't help but smile and laugh, his excitement and happiness is contagious. And in that moment I realize, his happiness is more important than my own, seeing him beaming like this has me feeling brighter than I think I've ever felt. I promise myself right then to make Jacob happy every chance I got.

My Dad arrives not long after with the pizzas and we all sit down and dig in. Thankfully, our fathers put us out of our misery as soon as everyone has a slice.

"Okay kids, I know you were wondering why we decided to have dinner tonight. It's nothing that major but still exciting and we need you both to be extra responsible if this is to work out. Billy and I may have a share in a cabin up in Lake Cushman. Buddy of mine at work just remodeled his cabin there and whoever he was sharing ownership with pulled out so Billy and I are heading there Friday to see if we want in on it." My Dad explains.

"Meaning you two are on your own this weekend. We're driving up on Friday afternoon and will be back by Monday lunchtime. Now, we've decided it's up to you if you want stay over at either house together just no funny business." Billy says.

"Dad!" Jacob interrupts.

"What? I'm a dad I get to say those types of things. Anyway, if this works out it'll be great for fishing and weekends trips. We trust you two to make this a smooth and quiet trip for us by staying out of trouble." Billy warns.

"Of course Dad, we'll look out for each other as usual and I'll cancel the rave I had planned. Bella can you tell your friend not to bring those kegs?" Jake jokes.

Billy and I crack up at his absurd joke but Charlie is just about able to keep himself from smiling.

"Alright alright enough, time to be serious. We trust you both so let's keep things that way." My Dad says.

A weekend alone with Jacob...why was that giving me butterflies?

I was actually giddy the rest of the week thinking about my weekend plans. A normal girls night and uninterrupted time with Jake? Maybe my life is taking a turn for the better.

I see my Dad off after school on Friday before heading to Angela's.

"Now Bella, if you need anything just call me and I can come home. Otherwise we'll be back by Monday afternoon at the latest. I left some extra cash on the coffee table." He says before giving me a squeezing hug and soft kiss to my forehead. I didn't realize for too long how much my life was missing without my Dad in it.

"I'll be fine Dad and I'll check in with you. Have some fun and I'll see you on Monday. Love you."

"Love you too Bells." He tells me and then gets in the cruiser and heads to the Res to pick-up Billy.

How sad am I that tonight is my first girls night? (Times with Alice aside of course). It was so perfectly normal and I was living for it. We ordered and ate too much Chinese and still continued to consume three different types of dessert.

When we were finally full and lounging in Angela's room her added ulterior motive for inviting us over finally came out. She needed advice about a friend of all of ours, Ben.

I had seen them talking and spending time together at school since I moved here but as far I knew they hadn't dated. And honestly, after listening to Angela it didn't sound like she really wanted to. It's one of those cases, she likes the idea of him as a boyfriend more than she actually wants him as her boyfriend.

Jessica seems to notice this too and gives vague advice about fate and letting things happen naturally. I'm glad she didn't tell her to just go for it even though it's an awkward situation. I decide to be a bit more honest.

"Ang, I think it might be better to wait. Ben is a great guy and you know we think you're amazing but if you two were meant to be, something would've progressed by now. You don't want to date someone just to date, you want to do it because you want them specifically." I tell her, hoping not to hurt her feelings.

She sighs before responding. "Ugh you're right Bella. I just, I don't know I'm tired of being the only one who hasn't gone a date before, let alone done anything else. And now Jessica and Mike are trying to make things work again and you have Jacob. I would just really like a relationship."

I feel for her, she has been one of my only support systems here in Forks no matter the circumstances. Angela is smart and beautiful and honestly fun to be around. I know she can have whoever she wants even if she doesn't see it but I also know she won't just date anyone, that's why she needed us to talk to tonight to remind her of that.

"I get it, trust me I do. I didn't have friends in Arizona and I definitely didn't have a boyfriend. You guys are my first real friends and Edward was my first boyfriend and my first kiss. And even though it ended it was meant to be for that period of time and I don't regret it, not even now. But that's why Jacob and I are still just us and not in a relationship yet, it needs to be the right person and the right timing. You'll find him Angela, I promise." I tell her.

"Yeah you're a total babe and super funny. Any guy would be lucky to have you." Jessica adds.

Angela throws her arms around us before speaking. "I love you two, thanks for being my best relationships, no boy could compete. But I can't wait for one to try!" She says and we all fall into a fit of laughter.

I'm still grinning from ear to ear when I get home a couple of hours later. I guess sometimes you do really just need your girlfriends.

I had been texting Jake all night and promised to call when I got home so I grabbed the house phone as soon as the door was locked.

"Hello" He answers in his usual sunny voice.

"Hey Jake! How was your day?"

"Bella!" Is all he gets out before I hear yelling.

"Ooh it's Bella? HEY BELLA HOW YOU DOIN?"

Some shuffling goes on before the arguing starts.

"Quil you idiot shut the fuck up I'm trying to have a conversation here."

"Calm your tits lover boy I'm just saying hi, she's my friend too. OW!"

I can barely speak when Jake finally comes back to the phone I'm laughing so hard.

"Sorry about that Bells."

"Friends reruns and pizza with Quil again huh?"

Jacob barks out a laugh. "How'd you guess? I hope your night was better than mine."

"It was a lot of fun actually. We'll have to try another hang out so you can meet Angela and Jessica."

"Sure sure sounds good." More shuffling and grunting. "Bella let me text you in a bit, after I hide Quil's body and I'll see you tomorrow afternoon?"

"Yeah whenever works, just tell me a time tomorrow morning. And I'll be your alibi for the murder."

Jacob laughs at the same time I hear an upset "Hey!" from Quil.

"You're the best. Night Bells." Jacob says.

"Sweet dreams Bella!" Quil yells.

"Night boys."

The smile is starting to make my cheeks ache and it's the best feeling in the world. Almost as good as sleeping through the night and even snoozing my alarm.

I don't lie in too long though, I need to get ready for Jacob. We decided dinner and movies or TV was a perfect Saturday night in.

I wanted to make Jacob happy and a sure-fire way to do that is through his stomach. Charlie has enough steak in the freezer to sink a ship so I defrosted two of them Thursday and started marinating them on Friday. I decided to pair them with my famous mashed potatoes and Grandma Swan's cornbread (I would force some sort of vegetable into Jake as well) and even I was hungry thinking of dinner tonight.

I did a quick, and probably not needed, clean of the house before doing as much dinner prep as possible so I wouldn't waste any time with Jacob. He was bringing dessert, a cake from our cafe, which was a huge and sweet help to me. Jacob had literally tried everything edible they offered and said their chocolate cake was the best but only because I hadn't made him one yet, huge hint in my direction.

Once I had done everything I could, so far, in the kitchen I showered and took my time getting ready. Jacob would be here by 3:00pm leaving me around an hour to get dressed and do my hair and make-up. I settled on a comfy but cute (well to me at least) grey, off the shoulder sweater and black leggings, we were staying in after all. I dried and tried to curl the wayward ends of my hair before putting some liquid eyeliner on my lash line, -my newest self-taught from YouTube trick- eyeshadow and mascara. And I had to say, I scrub up pretty dam well.

I still had a few minutes until Jake should be here so I started to look through the channels for something to watch. Bingo! An all-day marathon of my favorite zombie TV drama. Jacob had started watching it a few weeks back so we could binge and catch him up.

Moments later there's a knock on the door before I hear it open then shut and Jake appears in the doorway of the living room. I can't help but stare at him in his tight long sleeved black shirt and blue jeans. Both articles of clothing set off the beautiful color of his skin, his perfect white teeth and raven hair. God I hope I'm not drooling.

I don't think he even noticed my ogling since he was doing some of his own.

He clears his throat before speaking. "Hey Bells, you look great." Then he holds up the telltale purple box from the cafe. "I got dessert and I didn't even eat any on the ride over!" He says proudly.

I chuckle and stand-up. "Hey Jake, thanks. I'm proud of you and slightly surprised. Come on, let's put that in the kitchen."

After setting the cake down we make our way back to the living room and I tell Jacob we have time to kill before I need to do anything else for dinner. He of course offers to help me and after making fun of my show he then happily sits down to watch it. He's such a tease.

The rest of the evening flies by and we mostly laugh our way through it. No matter what he says I know Jake is into the zombie show and he confirms this when he paused it before heading into the kitchen to finish dinner, thanks for getting the good TV Charlie.

We stay in the kitchen as the food is cooking just talking and enjoying each other's company. And even though we always have an undeniable chemistry, yes even I admit it, tonight it's as if it's heightened. Every brush against each other's hand or side, every time our eyes meet when we speak I can feel myself getting warmer. It's terrifying and irresistible all at once.

After eating our meal, I did well for me and Jacob ate more than usual I swear, we go back to resume our TV binge.

After only an episode or two, Jacob's arm leaves the back of the couch and rests around me, his thumb absentmindedly tracing circles over my exposed shoulder. It's as if there's an electrical current connecting us just from that simple touch and it has my heart and stomach doing jump rope together. I don't stop him because I honestly don't want him to stop and this isn't making me freak out and want to run for the hills, yet.

Of course, I should've known it wouldn't just stay like this. Every other normal girl in the world would've thrown themselves into Jake's lap by now. They wouldn't be getting nervous and have their thoughts going a mile a minute once they realized he kept glancing at them every few moments like he is to me right now. Because I knew what would happen the second I look back at him.

Yet, my head still turns to him and our eyes meet. His thumb never loses its rhythm as his other hand comes up and his fingers brush my cheek. I don't move away or say a word as his gaze shifts from my eyes to my mouth or as he begins to lean in, his eyes closing as he gets closer.

Even though Edward and I never slept together, other than in the platonic boring way, nor did we do any other sexual acts or even remove our clothes I still wasn't a total loser in this department. Our make-out sessions often got hot and heavy with straddling and some petting even. And it was good, yes it was all I knew but I always felt turned on and I know we had chemistry.

Well, I knew that until now.

Because what I felt with Jacob was something I thought never even existed. Our kiss was short but sweet. Jacob only brushed before gently pushing his lips against mine, I'm sure meaning for it to be chaste but I don't think he's capable of making anything chaste. His lips were so warm and soft and the second they touched mine they set me on fire. How could one sweet kiss have my heart racing, fill my stomach with butterflies and have me wanting to rub my thighs together?

It also had my mind going in circles. What did this mean? Was I more connected to Jake? Was this really meant to be? Was I ready? These feelings and questions scared the shit out of me. I couldn't ruin anything between us I just couldn't live without him but I also wanted to try for more. We both deserved it.

Everything hit me at once causing me to not only freeze but then jerk back slightly. Before I could say a word I saw the damage that one move made. Jacob's face fell with his hand before twisting into anger. His other arm was from around me and he was standing in the living room before I could blink.

"Are you fucking kidding me Bella? Was the kiss that bad you had to get away from me?" He growls, hands pulling at his hair and I swear he's vibrating he's so angry.

"Jake no! I jus-"

"Don't. Don't bother. I'm so sick of this back and forth shit. I can't even think right now. I have to go." He says as he turns towards the front door. Jacob is so furious he doesn't even sound like himself.

"Wait Jacob, please!"

By the time I can scramble off the couch and make it to the open doorway there is no sign of the Rabbit or Jacob.

I collapse on the porch staring into the dark night.

That's it, I've finally done it. He's gone.