Chapter 21- Holi and Allergy

One Week Later:-

Tanish POV:-

Finally, this day has come.

My Favorite Indian Festival.


I am so happy today.

It's my favorite festival, and for the first time, I am going to celebrate with the love of my life.


Ahh, I can't describe my happiness.

Seven years back, we hadn't celebrated it together. As Teja had a car accident, and we lost our first child, our baby girl.

But, today, we can enjoy it fullest.

We had planned a party in our mansion's garden.

We invited Teja's family today.

Many friends and relatives come for the celebration.

" Tanish, why are you standing at the door? " I heard my mother's voice.

I turned and saw mom and dad together looking at me with curious eyes.

" Mom, actually- " I tried to explain my mom, but it's embarrassing.

So, I put my palm on the back of my neck.

They looked at each other and laughed.

Mom came towards me and pinched my cheeks lightly.

" My baby became so adorable!!! " Mom cooed me, and I jerked her hands away from me.

" Mom, I am not a baby. So, please!!! I am a very handsome man.

At least think about my image.

" I replied with irritation.

But mom caught my ear and twisted it tightly.

" What did you say? Think about your image first.

Even if you gave us our grandchildren, for us, you are still our child.

Do you understand, my dear son? " Mom asked calmly.

" Okay, okay!!! I am sorry, mom. Please release my ear.

It's hurting. Please, mom!!! " I replied while begging.

I heard someone cleared their throat.

Mom left my ear, and I turned immediately.

I looked at Teja's family, who are trying hard not to laugh, except for Teja's father and grandma.

I greeted everyone and touched the feet of my elders.

" Look, Teja, This is our traditional manner. You didn't learn from your mother. After all, your mother didn't teach you anything. " Teja's father taunts Teja.

Teja looked at her with hatred but didn't say anything.

She came towards my parents and hugged them.

" Maa, papa. It's so good to see you after so many days. How are you?

Mom, are you taking your medicines in time? " Teja asked.

" Yes, Teja dear. We are good, and I am taking my medicines in time. Don't worry. " Mom replied with a smile.

" Nirbhik, don't say anything to our daughter. She may be your daughter, but she is our daughter now. She knows our traditional manner more than our son. So, don't taunt her. " Dad replied with a sneer.

I never understand why my parents hate Teja's father so much.

I know he is not Teja's biological father.

But, still!!!

" Happy Holi, mom, and dad. " Teja said, and everyone smiled and wished everyone.

We walked towards the garden and saw everyone started throwing water and colors at each other.

Teja wears a white saari with silver bangles.

She is looking sexy, and her innocence is enhanced more because of her tika.

I went towards the red color plate and took some color in my fist.

I walked back towards her, and she looked at me with horror.

" No, Tanish. List- " I cut her off as I pushed her towards me and filled the partition with the color.

I put the color on her cheeks too and said, " Happy Holi, my love!!! "

" Tanish, what had you done??? " Teja yelled and threw the colors on me and tried to wipe the color from her face.

But, I stopped her and yelled, " Teja, what is wrong with you? "

" I am removing the color as I am allergic to the Holi's colors. " She yelled, but it comes out as a whisper.

I look at her with shock as her skin started to swell.

She starts scratching her face and neck.

" No, Teja. Don't scratch!!! " I said and caught her wrist in my hand.

" Tanish, it's hurting so much!!! I am so uncomfortable!!! " Teja replied, and her face becomes red and swelled, even her other body parts showing rashes.

" Tanish!!! Teja!!! " I hear maa's yelling.

Maa came to us and looked at Teja with shock.

" Tanish, take her to the hospital!! She is severely allergic to colors. " Maa ordered, and I picked her in the bridal style as she is losing her consciousness.

" Oh, God. It's not good if she is losing consciousness. Teja!!! " Mom said and trying to wake her while we are running towards my car.

" Driver!!!! " I called my driver who comes out before I called her a second time.

He opened the car, and we entered inside.

My driver sat in the car and started driving towards the hospital.

I looked at Teja, who is whimpering in her unconscious state.

" Who threw color on her? " Maa asked.

" It was me, maa. I didn't know Teja is allergic to colors, or else I didn't invite her. " I replied with guilt.

" It was not your fault. I was the one who told Teja to come with us as this is your first Holi festival together.

She told me to be with her every time, but I left her alone. It was my fault. " Mom explained, and I got quiet.

" Sir, we arrived. " I heard my driver said and I took her to the hospital.

The staff came and took her to the VIP room and started her treatment.

After 20 minutes, they came out, and the female doctor said, " Your fiance is alright, sir. We gave her the medicines, and she will be in the hospital today as we have to observe her.

You need to be careful as if you will be late for the next 5 minutes, she could die. "

I got stunned and look at her.

" Make sure to stay your fiance away from Holi's colors as her skin is very sensitive. " Doctor stated, and I nodded.

Maa sighed in relief and hugged me.

" She is safe, dear. Don't worry. " Maa said, and I smiled at her sadly.

" But, it was my fault, maa. " I confessed.

" No, dear. It was not your fault. It happened sometimes. At least, Teja is alright. " Mom stated, and I hugged her.

I remember when I talked to her two days ago.


Tanish POV:-

I am looking at the clock which shows 1 pm.

That is the perfect time to trouble Teja.

I called her immediately.

On the first bell, she picked my call.

I got shocked as I thought she was sleeping right now.

I will disturb her sleep and told her about my wet dreams about her.

After all, she hates to talk about intimation.

" Hello, Tanish, why did you called me so late? " I heard Teja's sweet voice, and I came out from my trance.

" Hello, my love! I called you as I just woke up from my dream. I thought to call you and talk to you for a while.

But, aren't you sleeping? " I asked.

" No, I am not tired. So, I was reading a good novel, but you disturbed me. " Teja replied with sarcasm, and I chucked.

" What type of novel are you reading? " I asked curiously.

" I was reading a werewolf novel, and I was reading an intimate- No, I mean- " Teja didn't complete her sentence and trying to say something, but I cut her off.

" Oh, so my wife read intimate scenes. That's a good idea as I want to tell you about my dream. " I said and trying to divert her.

I was feeling that her cheeks are crimson red on the other side.

" Yes, tell me. " Teja said.

" I was dreaming about us on our first wedding night where I was taking off your clothes one-by- " I was telling her, but she cut me.

" Tanish, you are shameless. " Teja yelled, and I chuckled.

" Why are you uncomfortable talking with me about this when we have already become one. " I said, but the other side fell silent.

" When we did it, I was under the influence of the drug.

If I was in my senses, then all those things never happened between us. " Teja replied with seriousness.

I sighed.

" Why did you never accept me, Teja? " I asked.

" I want to achieve my goals first, but if our baby is with us, then maybe I accept you wholeheartedly.

But it's good. My baby is not with us because if she saw her father wh*ring around.

Her innocent heart will break down. " Teja replied, and my tamper rise.

" Teja, all this happened because of you.

I was loyal to you at that time, but what you did. Huh!!

You broke my heart and went away with that bastard Akaash. " I yelled.

" I didn't plan to go with him together.

It was a coincidence that we were going to the same university. " Teja yelled back.

" I don't believe you. I know how much Akaash loves you since our school time.

If I didn't force you, then I am sure you will choose him. " I replied with venom.

" Surely, I choose him.

He never left me alone in my weak times.

He understood me very well.

He supported me when you betrayed me.

He motivated me and taught me to become better.

He respects me and never touches me without my consent.

He- " Teja just praising him, but I cut her off.

" Teja, don't you dare to say one more good line for him. You are my fiance. I am your husband. Alright? " I yelled.

I heard a sigh from the other side.

" Alright, but Tanish, I want to tell you something. " I heard Teja said with nervousness.

" What?? " I asked arrogantly.

" Mom called and told us about the Holi party. " Teja said.

" So, what? " I asked.

" I can't come to the party as I- " Teja refused to come to the party, and my temper rise.

" Teja, you need to come at any cost. You are my fiance.

My relatives and friends will come. I don't want to hear your tantrum.

You will come, or I will cut off your mother's treatment. " I threatened her.

She knew very well that I could do that very well.

" FINE!!!! " Teja said and hung up the call.

This girl will never understand.

Hello everyone!!!

I hope you are doing good.

From the next chapters, I am gonna start writing about their marriage rituals, which are filled with many emotional rides.

So, stay tuned!

Also, don't forget to comment to me about the story.

Love You!!!