Chapter 22- Haldi Ceremony

Thirty March:-

Teja POV:-

Yes, today is the day my pre-marriage function starts.

Today is the haldi ceremony.

I got better from my allergy as everyone took care of me.

Mom was so worried about me, so Tanish took care of me as mom illness made her weak already.

Tanish's servant, who works at my home already, told us that she vomited every morning.

So, Tanish wants her to bed rest.

We hire an event manager who will arrange everything.

So our workload is less already.

Bubbly and Jasi came from their honeymoon on Holi.

But before they met with me, that incident happened.

Anyways, I know Tanish wasn't at fault.

I may try to tell him about my condition, but his stubborn nature cut me off everything in our argument.

But, still, I have to try harder.

Now, I want to forget that.

Jasi, Bubbly, Tanish, mom, and dad have helped me a lot to buy the dresses for function.

Tanish didn't get the chance to irritate me as mom told us that we have shopping for our dresses without seeing each other.

So, Bubbly and I enjoyed our shopping without interfering with anyone.

Jassi went with Tanish shopping, and I got shocked as they were talking like childhood friends when we met at the decided place.

Even, dad was cracking jokes with Tanish and Jassi.

I was happy that Tanish hurt me, but he didn't say something bad to my family.

He never insulted my family.

He enjoyed their company even he was with my so-called father.

I am happy that my so-called father and grandma stay away from us and never interrupt us in our management.

They showed in front of the guest, and he behaves as nothing happened between us and we are a happy family.

I don't have any problem as long as he doesn't create any hurdle for us.

I took two weeks off from our hospital as we have to go on the honeymoon too.

I am worried about myself as I don't know what my soon-to-be husband planned for our honeymoon.

But, one thing I knew very well was that whatever he planned for us. It will not be going well for me.

We have planned together that our marriage happened in Tanish's farmhouse as this farmhouse has a big hall.

After ladies sangeet, Tanish's family and relatives go back to their mansion, and they will come back here with Baaraat.

We will perform our Rajasthani culture till our marriage.

After marriage, Punjabi traditions will follow.

I was looking at the beautiful garden through my window and sighed.

What my life had become?

After all, every girl has their thoughts for their marriage.

I never want a grand marriage, but a simple court marriage and then marriage in the temple in front of lord Durga.

I want a loyal, sweet, understanding, and caring husband.

But, like my every dream, this dream shattered too.

I am wearing a yellow lehenga and accessories made of flowers(imagine Teja's beautiful look).

I am looking good even my body is shining like a happy bride.

But this image is totally from what I am feeling.

I have stopped crying after that holi incident.

I know on my first wedding night, I will be crying.

My institution is telling me that something very bad is going to happen on my birthday.

That thing will break me to the core that I will never be the same as before.

" Di, what are you thinking? " I come out from my track when I heard my bubbly's voice.

I turned and looked at her, who is looking so beautiful in her yellow saari.

I never thought that one day I would see my little sister wearing a saari.

" Ohho, my chipkali wearing a saari. Has the sun risen from the west today? " I cracked a joke and laughed with a teasing smile.

" Di!!! You never gonna change. This day comes in a lifetime, you are getting married, di.

If today I will not wear Saari then, what will I wear? Nightwear? " Bubbly asked sarcastically, and I smiled.

" Then what happened to your rule that you will never wear any traditional dress in my life span? " I asked with a teasing smirk.

" Di, I am a married woman now. So, I have to follow some of our customs, and I don't want to take your limelight.

You do know very well how sexy I look in the western dress. " Bubbly replied, and I laughed.

" Yes, yes, my naughty girl. Now tell me, why do you come to my room? " I asked, and she facepalmed herself.

That means she forgot to tell me before about it.

" Oh, god, di, you made me forget my task every time I come to you. Maa said we need to go to the hall as the haldi ceremony starts now. " She said, and I nodded and left with her.

We cracked jokes to each other and tease each other, and in no time, we reached the stairs.

I saw everyone look at me with shock, so I composed myself and came downstairs slowly.

I am feeling an intense gaze, and I know it belongs to non-other than Tanish.

When I reached the last step, maa and mom come towards me.

They hugged me with so much love that brought tears to my eyes, but I controlled them from falling.

I broke the hug, and dad hugged me and kissed me on the forehead.

" You are looking beautiful, my princess. " Dad said as my mothers are not able to form words.

I smiled, and he took me towards the chairs on the stage where Tanish is already sitting.

He has an arrogant smirk on his lips while looking at me and someone my behind.

I sat beside him and looked at Akaash, who is looking at me with a sad smile.

I know he is sad as I am not mending our relationship.

But I can't as I am worried about his safety and my family.

I felt a tight squeeze on my hand.

I shifted my eyes towards Tanish, who is looking at me with anger look.

I know what he means, so I smiled at him with fake love.

After all, he is losing his love day by day from my heart.

Yes, I love him, but when he broke my trust and pride.

My love disappeared from my eyes.

" Oh, god. Look at us for a while. You can adore each other after your marriage. " Maa said, and everyone laughed.

I blushed and shifting my gaze lower.

Maa started the haldi ceremony first.

Then one by one everyone put haldi on the face, hands, and legs.

Everyone starts playing with each other with haldi while we are enjoying looking at them.

When everyone forgot about us Tanish took my hand in his and put the haldi on my skin sensually.

I know he wants me to do that too.

So I did that but casually, not sensually.

He got mad and pinched my waist.

He tight holds my hands that the grip is paining me.

But I didn't show any pain on my face.

I know my pain will encourage me, and I don't want to show him my pain.

Secondly, if I show any pain, then anyone can be suspicious about our relationship.

I look at him with a fake loving smile, and he is looking at me with an arrogant smirk which I truly wished to remove from his face.

Soon, songs start from the speaker, and everyone starts dancing.

Both mothers danced together and enjoyed it very well.

Everyone enjoyed it except four people My stepfather( emotionless ), grandma( huffed with everyone's happiness ), Srishti ( angry and wicked smile on her face ), and Akaash ( A sad smile ).

I am shocked that Srishti didn't do anything till now to harm me.

I know she is the type of person who never gives up on her love.

But, what is she planning?

I am curious.