Chapter 24- A Deadly Warning!!!

Raj POV:-

I am looking at Teja and Tanish, who are having dinner.

I can see their love and care for each other.

Teja is a decent girl who wants nothing except love and respect.

I am happy that I agreed with Rajshree for our children's marriage.

My son got a gem for himself.

And we got a perfect daughter-in-law for us.

I saw how Teja politely refused the proposal of others.

I mean, this girl is the first who has proposed to someone after her engagement.

Her innocence made everyone attracts toward her.

She is really an angel, my angel.

I never forget when she had her first miscarriage.

We lose our first grandchild, a girl.

That day brings sadness into our life, and we couldn't take out that sadness in our lives in these six years.

Teja maybe didn't get depression but, she fought well from her emotions and became a perfect doctor.

But, the liveliness in her eyes destroys by that incident.

On the other hand, Tanish started wh*ring around, partying, and become colder than before.

He made me proud by managing our company well.

But his trust for anyone broke.

He becomes possessive over things.

He behaves rudely with the employees.

Jump into the conclusion without seeing the other side.

Short temper and many more things.

But, his behavior towards us never changed.

Since Teja come back into his life, he changed.

He starts smiling with his heart. He laughs, teases, and becomes cheerful.

He needs to work on his temper now.

And I know Teja works on it well. After all, she is a neurosurgeon.

She knows about the brain better than us.

But I saw Tanish smiled arrogantly towards Teja like he is showing her she is going to become his.

But I saw he always do that when Akaash and Srishti were around my children.

So, I shrug off my feeling.

Even I have to become a little selfish for my children's happiness. Then I will become selfish for their sake.

Teja and Tanish are medicine for each other but, they both have to realize their feelings and cooperate.

Then they will become the best life partners for themselves.

The best way to understand someone is to talk.

" Ladies and gentlemen, dinner is ready. " We heard one of the maids said, and we went towards the dining table.

We sat on the chairs, and Kaya also came to the dinner.

We didn't even realize when this day comes to an end.

We had dinner and said good goodbye to everyone, and went to our room.

Tanish POV:-

When we were saying goodbye, I saw Teja is talking to her mother and taking her to her mother's room for medicine.

That is the perfect time for me to talk to her.

Secretly, I went to her room so no one can see me.

About half an hour, I saw her entering her room and lock the room without knowing my presence.

She put her head on the door and said in a sad voice, " I am sorry for lying.

Why do I have to lie to anyone?

I am tired of this fake smile and fake love show.

I wish I could stop this marriage and run away from Tanish. " She mumbled.

And her last sentence made my blood boil.

I stood up from the couch and started walking towards her, and she turned and looked at me with shock.

" T... Ta... Tanish!!! What are you doing here? " She asked with shock and fear.

I caught her hair in my fist and pulled her towards me.

" Tanish, what are you doing? Leave me. " Teja whispered, tried to push herself from me.

I caught her wrist from my other hand on her back.

Her breasts are touching me, made me feel desire for her.

Her rose fragrance makes me calm whenever I was depressed or worried or stressed, but I am mad right now.

It will work nothing.

" So, you want to stay away from me. Huh!!! " I yelled.

" Tanish, it's not like that. I- " She tried to explain, but I cut her off.

" So, you want to go to your lovers, who is it? Akaash or Sooraya? Huh!!! " I asked.

She flinched and looked at me in disbelief.

" It's not like that. I want freedom and peace, which I never got whenever I was with you. " Her confession shot an arrow in my heart and injured my heart.

" So, do you expect her to love you after what you have done to this innocent girl. " My subconscious mocked me.

" Teja, you are mine. You can never leave me. I will never let you leave me.

Your body and soul belong to me.

If I ever find that you like any man other than me, I swear, I will kill that person. " I said everything with possessiveness.

A tear come out from her eyes, and I kissed that tear.

" Why are you crying, dear? I didn't even start your punishment. " I asked, and she chuckled.

" You may get my body after our marriage, but you will never get my heart and soul, Tanish.

Day by day, my disgust towards you is increasing.

I don't hate you anymore, but I felt disgusted. " I looked with an emotional less face, and Teja is looking at me with disgust.

I threw her on the bed and hover over her.

I caught her hands and put them on her head.

" You have to do as I say, dear. If you want to protect your sister married life and your mother's life.

You know how powerful I am, right? " I asked with an evil smile.

She gulped and nodded while trembling.

" So, if you dare to say these words in front of me again, I will do something which is not good for your sister or mother, now the choice is yours?

What do you think?

Do I need to show you a demo? Hmm. " I asked with a wicked chucked.

She shook her head as a no and said, " No, please, no, Tanish.

I will do everything as you say, but please don't harm my loved ones.

Please, you can do anything with me, but leave my family. "

I chuckled and caressed her cheek.

" What a smart decision, my sl*t wife. " I said, and Teja closed her eyes. Tears come out of her eyes.

That is what I want. I am breaking Teja slowly and painfully.

" Now, it is punishment time. " I said and smashed my lips on her lips painfully.

She moaned in pain, but I didn't leave her till she became breathless with my harsh kiss.

I didn't tear her lips as I know everyone will see my work, and I don't want that.

I kissed her neck harshly, which left my hickeys tomorrow.

She can hide it with makeup, but I need to teach her a lesson for her behavior.

So, in the future, she never raises her voice at me.

She can never stand up for herself. She never disobeys me.

" Strip!!! " I command after I left her.

She looked at me with wide eyes and said, " You are joking, right, Tanish. "

I laughed and said, " No, my w***e. "

" Tanish, you promised me that you would not do s*x with me till we got married. Then, why? " Teja yelled.

" Oh, dear. I will not do that. But, I can punish you for your disobedience. So, do as I said or- " I replied and threatened her.

Tears fall from her eyes, and she nodded.

I know how much she likes to cover herself.

This act made her broke more.

She stood up, and slowly with trembling hands, she took her clothes off.

She is crying continuously but doing as I said.

Her cries made my heart twitch, but I controlled myself.

Her curvey body has many scars, but it doesn't matter as it gave her a mesmerizing look.

She was about to take off her bra when I stopped her.

" I think this lesson is enough for you. Doesn't it? " I asked, but she didn't say anything and hung her head low.

I know she is ashamed.

So, I took the cover and covered her body.

I kissed her on her cheeks and lips.

" Good night, dear. I am waiting for your birthday and our wedding. So I can give you the best birthday gift. Our first Wedding night. " I said with an evil smile and left.

Teja POV:-

As Tanish left, I locked the door and fell to the ground.

I never thought Tanish made me strip.

He broke my pride, self-esteem, and my heart.

I truly felt like a wh*re today.

What was my fault?

Suddenly, bile rose in my throat, and I ran towards the bathroom and puked in the toilet.

I always vomit whenever I can't control my emotions.

Today, I am breaking, and I can't heal myself because of my loved ones.

I rinse my mouth and look at my reflection.

Tanish made his territory on my skin by giving me, hickeys.

I want to break this mirror, but I can't because I don't let anyone be suspicious of me.

I sat in the bathtub and went under the water.

I want to commit suicide, but I can't because of my mother.

So, I came out from the water and took a deep breath.

I washed three times, but still, I felt his touch on my skin.

How am I going to remove his touch when he would intimate with me every day after our marriage, and I can't even stop him.

With this thought, I cried and cried.

" WHY??? " I yelled.

" Tanish, please don't break me this much that no one can mend myself. " I mumbled.

" I am tired, God. I am tired. Can't you let me in peace?

Why do you hate me so much? " I asked.

" Dad, I missed you. I wish you are here for me. " I miss my father terribly.

Soon, sleep engulfed me.

Hello, everyone.

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I am eagerly waiting for your comment.

Love you!!!