Chapter 25- Chaak Ceremony

Teja POV:-

I woke up with a loud knocking sound.

I looked at the surround and found myself in the bathtub.

God, I slept in the bathtub.

I was feeling week.

I stood up from the bathtub, but I fell back, and my ass hurt because of it.

I tried to sit in the corner of the bathtub and succeed.

I took out my legs and put them on the floor.

Who told me to slept in the bathtub when the wind is still chilly.

Yes, this is the end of March, but the weather is still cold.

I massaged my body with body lotion and took off my inner garments, and wore the bathrobe.

I went towards my room and saw both mom and Bubbly with shock.

They are looking at me with shock too.

" Teja, it's already 11:50 am, and you just come out from the bath. Have you forgotten about your Chaak rasam?

God, what happened to you?

How can you forget this important this?

Go and get ready quickly. " Maa yelled and ordered me.

I went to my wardrobe, which is another room, and quickly wore a yellow saari and accessories of mine.

I did the makeup to hide the hickeys, which turned blue already.

Thank god, I didn't tie my hair, and it sticks to my neck, so no one saw this thing. It would be so embarrassing.

I wiped my hair with the towel and combed it.

I took the click and took half of my hairs, pinned them behind.

I looked at myself.

I am looking pale and tired.

Because of the water, my eyes aren't looking puffy.

I come out from the wardrobe, and everyone looking at me with a smile.

But mom smiled dropped.

She came near me and touched my forehead.

She gasped and said, " Teja, you are burning with fever. "

I heard everyone gasped and sat me on the bed.

" Listen, guys. I am okay. " I said, but Bubbly cut me off when she checked my temperature.

" Your fever is 104°F, and you are telling me you are okay. Have you gone mad? How the hell did you catch fever? " Bubbly yelled and asked.

Everyone is giving me an angry look.

Bubbly left, and after a minute, Tanish, dad, and Jassi entered the room.

" Teja, Bubbly told me you are burning in fever. You need to be careful, dear. " Dad said.

" Dad, mom, maa, Bubbly and Jassi. You guys go and do the chaak ceremony. I am here to take care of Teja. We can't make her eat anything before this ritual, but I can reduce her temperature. Don't worry. " Tanish explained, and everyone sighed and left the room.

In this ritual, Tanish and I have to stay in the home, and Dad invites the potter with five big and small pots at the end of the garden.

They worshipped the potter's machine and those pots.

Then they will fill those five pots from few gulps of water in the first big pots, and they filled the small pots with few grains of green gram.

Five married females put those pots on their heads and come back here.

Then Jassi worshipped the potts as we are living in the same place.

After that, they will worship Tanish's sword and my little sword.

Then the haldi ceremony is held again, and we took a bath with haldi. Till my sweet-making ceremony didn't complete. I am super excited(Note the sarcasm).

After this ceremony, we are going to eat something.

" Teja, down to earth!!! " I heard Tanish's voice, and I look at him, who is shooting daggers at me with his stare.

" I am sorry. " I said, which come out as whisper because of my illness.

" Did you do it deliberately, so I can't touch you on our wedding night, right? " Tanish asked with irritation.

" No, I didn't mean it. I slept in the bathtub as I was so tired. " I confessed, and Tanish looks at me with shock.

" Have you gone mad? Have you forgotten that you catch the cold and fever quickly in this weather? " Tanish yelled, and I look at him with shock.

How did he know about it?

He understood my shock reaction as he said, " Did you forgotten that you caught a cold When you got punishment by the students in the school? " He asked, and I realized he remembers everything about our school incidents.

He may remember everything, but he is never able to understand me.

" Lie on the bed, NOW!!! " Tanish commands me, and I obliged while trembling.

I thought he is going to punish me again, but he covered me with a duvet.

He went inside the bathroom and came out with the towel and a bowl filled with cold water.

He dipped the towel in the water and squeezed it.

Then he put the towel on my forehead and a shiver travel down in my body.

I felt calm after that.

I look at him, who is looking at me with so much affection.

Who is the real him? The rude, cold, and possessive Tanish or the soft, caring, understanding Tanish?

Is he suffering from bipolar disease?

He took care of me when I was sick and hurt.

He hurt me whenever I disobey him or made him angry.

He will make me mad one day. I am sure about it.

He held my hand and stroke it sweetly, and I felt comfortable.

Soon, tears come out of my eyes one by one.

I don't know why but I am getting emotional.

I want to pour out my emotions from my heart.

Tanish came beside me and hugged me.

He strokes my back comfortably, and I am crying and wet his kurta with my tears.

Tanish POV:-

I know I did wrong with Teja yesterday.

I was guilty after I reach my room.

I didn't get asleep a bit like every time I closed my eyes, her teary face come in front of me.

I took a bath and came downstairs looking for Teja.

But, she was not here.

I asked my mother and Teja's mother about Teja, but no one saw her in the morning.

I got worried and looked for her in the whole mansion as I know she woke up early every day.

But she wasn't anywhere.

Mom called me and told me that it's time for chaak.

Then they called for Teja, but she didn't respond.

They called on her phone, but she didn't respond.

Maa guessed that she is taking a bath, but after an hour, she didn't respond.

Mom, Maa, and Bubbly went towards her room and knocked, but she didn't respond till 10 minutes.

Jassi and I were about to go towards her room when I heard maa yell at Teja.

We sighed in relief and sat on the couch.

After half an hour, Bubbly came towards us and told us about Teja's condition.

We assured the guest and came to her room.

I was sad when I looked at her pale face.

Her eyes are red because of a high fever.

I assured everyone and told them to do the ceremony.

They left, and I yelled at her.

She didn't flinch and told me honestly everything.

I know I hurt her, but I didn't aspect this condition of her after my wrongdoing.

I was guilty and mad at myself.

I took care of her, and when tears fall from her eyes.

I lost it. I hugged Teja, While sitting beside her and cover myself with the duvet.

I stoke her, and her crying increased.

I know she is suffering, and she is not saying her miseries to anyone, and it's affecting her the most.

But I have to do it so I can mend her.

She needs to realize that I can't leave her.

Those six years without her is not happy for me.

I need her in my life in my way.

Her hiccups are louder, but no one can listen to them as this mansion has soundproof walls.

Second, everyone is outside the mansion.

But, Teja's cousin sister entered.

I think her name is Anamika.

She looked at us with shock.

" Teja, dear. What happened? Why are you crying like this? " Anamika asked.

Anamika is married to Anshul for six years, and they have a cute daughter Aashi.

" Di, she is burning with fever, and she missed her sister. That's why she is crying. " I lied.

I know about her sister who died because she is sad on those days. When her sister died and was born.

She told me about it before the farewell.

Anamika di got sad and said, " Teja, don't you love me, dear? I am your sister too. Ritu will be sad when she sees you like this. "

Teja sighed and controlled herself.

" Yes, di. You are right. It's the effect of fever. " Teja said, and I sighed in relief.

" Well, everyone is waiting for you guys downstairs for rituals. " Di said, and we nodded, and she left us.

I wiped her tears and checked her forehead.

Her fever reduced a little, but not completely.

" Do you think you can go downstairs? " I asked worriedly.

She nodded.

She stood up and started walking.

I walk with her, but she held the wall as he felt dizzy.

I sighed and picked her in bridal style.

She looked at me with wide eyes, but then she put her arms around my neck, and I smiled.

I know she is comfortable around me.

That is good for me.

We went downstairs, and we sat on the couch.

Everyone is looking at us with judging eyes except our parents and cousins.

The sword tika ritual starts, and I look at them curiously as we only have few traditional rituals.

Also, I never attend these rituals, so everything is new for me.

When the ritual is done, they put the haldi on us.

Everyone starts enjoying themselves as dad invites the dhole band.

Everyone dance madly and soon they took us with them and told us to dance.

We were dancing, but Teja is feeling weak, but showing everyone that she is strong.

But, her eyes and pale face are telling me everything.

I took her with me and sat her on the couch.

Our mother and my dad smiled at my caring, but they danced.

After a while, they send us to our room for a bath.

After taking a shower, everyone enjoyed lunch as everyone was hungry.

Then I took Teja to her room and give her medicines, made her sleep.

After all, at 6:00 pm, the Mehendi and Ladies sangeet start.

I went to my room and laid on my bed with a smile.

Tomorrow is her birthday. She will become Mrs. Teja Tanish Kashyap after the wedding.

I will tell her my feelings tomorrow on our wedding night.

I will make love to her, and soon sleep took over me.