Chapter 26- Choice is yours!!!

Teja POV:-

I woke up when someone tightly gripped my forearm and made me stood on my feet.

I open my eyes and look at the person.

That person is none other than my so-called father.

His eyes are red because of anger.

I am still weak, and his grip on my forearm is hurting me.

" What the hell are you doing, Mr. Baghel? " I tried to yell, but it comes out as my weak voice.

" What am I doing? What the hell are you doing, you b***h? Why didn't you invite my sister and her family to this wedding? " He asked loudly.

I chuckled as I realized why he is behaving like a raging bull.

He looked at me with confusion.

" Because I hate you sister and her children. They are nothing to me. As far as I remember, they broke their relationship with my mom, sister, and me. " I replied sarcastically.

" We can put these facts aside. People are asking me about my sister's family. Just call my sister think of me as my last wish before the divorce. " He pleads, and I feel immense satisfaction in my heart.

There was a time my mother pleads while touching his feet in front of him. She requested him to take my sister to the hospital. At that time internet was not highly used in India.

So, we can't book a cab online. We didn't even use smartphones.

My sister was suffering from pneumonia.

But this guy never shows mercy, care, and pity for an almost eight-year girl who is suffering from a high fever.

This guy drank alcohol and slept on the bed.

He didn't take her to the hospital for almost five days.

When he took her there, it was already so late.

She was suffering from double pneumonia, and they couldn't save her through operation as her bones were weak since birth.

She was an angel who takes care of anyone.

But I couldn't able to save her as at that time I was almost seven years old.

She died after three days in the hospital.

But she died beautifully without any pain, as the doctor described.

I lost her because of this a**hole.

What was her fault?

I never understood that fact.

I looked at this person with an evil smile.

Today, I am doing something that he will surely slap me after hearing this.

" Last wish!!! Hahaha!!!!

As your last wish, I am giving you two choices, and you can choose only one option, alright? " I asked, and he smiled and agreed immediately.

Is he thinks of me, that innocent child?


" Either you can do my Kanyadaan, or I will call you sister's family. The choice is yours. " I said, and the bomb drop on him.

He looked at me with shock.

If he chose to do my Kanyadaan, then I won't invite his sister's family.

But if he chose her sister's family, he couldn't able to do my Kanyadaan, and our relatives asked him about it.

I was in my thought. Suddenly I felt pain in my left cheeks, and I fell to the ground with a thud.

I touched my cheek and felt a warm liquid.

I checked it and found blood.

This guy tore my lip.


He caught my hair in his fist and made me stand on my feet.

I am screaming inside, but I am not showing my pain to him.

After all, all these years, I am practicing hiding my emotions from everyone.

I gave him a sarcastic smile.

I am weak right now, or I will beat him.

" How dare you, you wh*re?

If it were not me, you were dead from hunger.

I raised you, your sl**y mother and sister, and this is how you are paying me back, you s**t. Huh!!! " He yelled and asked.

I was about to yell back when someone pushed him away from me.

He released my hair in his fist and fell to the ground.

Before I can see who saved me, that person hugged me, and I got relaxed, and I smelled the familiar cologne.

" Teja, dear. I am sorry for being late here. " Dad said.

Yes, Dad saved me, and I hugged him back.

" I am okay, dad. You don't need to worry about your daughter. She is strong. " I replied with a smile.

He gave me that love I never got from my stepfather or any of my uncles.

He broke the hug and looked at me carefully.

He touched my swelled cheek and tore lips, and I hissed.

That made him angry, and he punched Mr. Baghel.

" You bastard!!! I will kill you today.

How dare you raise your hands on my daughter, you a**hole? " Dad cursed and asked him.

I put my hands on Dad's forearms and said, " Dad, leave him, please. That is my fight. "

Dad huffed and released him.

I know Dad released him for me.

But that bastard laughed and said, " Oh, Raj, you are very worried about her. Did you f**k her too? How is she in taste? How is she- "

Before he can ask more questions, Dad punched him again.

" You piece of s**t!!! How dare you ask about such things? Do you have any shame left? " Dad spat at him.

Soon mom and maa entered my room and locked it.

" Raj, what are you doing? Teja, what happened to your face? What is happening here? " Mom asked worriedly.

" Dad, please leave him. Dad, please listen to me. Calm down. " I tried to console dad, but he yelled at me.

" How can I be calm after listening to this a**hole, Teja? " I jumped by his loud voice, but I controlled myself from trembling.

His eyes are so dark because of anger.

That is my first time seeing him this angry.

I am so scared.

But I can't be scared right now.

" I know, dad. But, please let your daughter handle this. You always tell me that I can handle everything. Then please let me. " I said calmly, and he sighed in frustration.

I know mom and maa want to know everything. They have to wait first.

I turned towards my so-called father.

" So, what is your answer, Mr. Baghel? " I asked calmly but coldly.

For the first time, I saw fear in his eyes.

" I will... I will do your Kanyadaan. " He replied while shuttering.

" Are you sure? " I asked in confirmation.

" Yes. " Mr. Baghel replied.

" Alright, then gat lost and take care of yourself first. " I replied coldly, and he ran away from my room.

" Teja, can you tell me everything now? " Mom asked.

I told them everything.

" Good job, my daughter. You did the right thing. I am proud of you. " Dad said after I finished explaining.

" I know, dad. " I replied with a smile.

Mom went to the drawers and came back with the first aid kit.

She treated my wound with teary eyes, and I smiled at her.

I know she is sad, but what can we do.

" Nirbhik went too far this time. That a**hole!!! " Maa said and cursed him.

" Maa, don't worry, we have to see his face for two days only. " I said, and she nodded.

" Maa, forget about him. Dad beat him well. he never dares to raise his voice and hands on me again. " I consoled her, and she nodded with a sad smile.

" Teja, it's all my fault. My daughters are suffering because of me. I am a bad mother. " Maa said, and her tears fall from her eyes.

I wiped her tears and said, " No, maa. You are the best mother for us.

Never think like that, maa.

If you are not with us, we can't become successful and have such a good family.

You are our lucky charm, maa. "

She smiled and nodded.

" Oh, god. It's time for the Mehendi ceremony. Teja, get ready quickly. " Mom said, tried to divert our mind, and we helped her.

Everyone left me, and I washed my face and did makeup.

I wore a green lehenga and adjusted my dupatta as I can't touch my dupatta when my hands filled with henna.

I wore accessories made of fresh flowers.

I looked at myself and sighed.

I put the fake happy smile on my face.

I come out from the wardrobe and saw Anamika di and Bubbly are already ready and waiting for me.

They both wore green saari.

But Bubbly's saari is transparent, and the border has mirror crystals.

Anamika Di saari is made up of lycra cloth which is giving her a royal look.

Their eyes are shining with happiness, love, and liveliness.

They both got the perfect partner for themselves, and I am happy for them.

But am I not deserve a perfect partner?

I shook off my thought and looked at them with a smile.

" Teja, you are looking gorgeous, dear. " Anamika di said and I smiled.

" Thank you, di. " I said and hugged them.

" Masi, don't you love me? " I heard a familiar melodious voice.

I lowed my head and look at my little niece who is looking at me with doe eyes.

" I love you so much, my dear niece. " I said while picking her in my arms.

I peck her cheeks, and she smiled like my sister.

Most of her features are like my sister's.

Even her behavior is like her.

She pecks my left cheek, and I smiled.

I know she noticed my swell cheek.

" Masi, why is your cheek swell and red? " Aashi asked.

" My cheek is hurt because I fell. " I replied, and she becomes sad.

" Don't worry, masi. Your cheek becomes well. " She said and pecked my cheek again.

I smiled, and I turned towards my sister, who is looking at me sadly.

I know maa told them everything.

" Let's go. " I said, and they nodded.

We left for Mehendi Ceremony.

Let's see what is going to happen in this ceremony.