Chapter 31- Teja made breakfast!!!

Srishti POV:-

I saw my love married to Teja in front of my eyes.

That was like someone was stabbing the knife in my heart continuously.

I did everything to stop their marriage.

I was the one who adds the tiny pieces of glass in Teja's Henna.

But That b***h healed immediately like a supernatural woman.

I helped Akaash so he can elope with that b***h.

For the sake of their reputation, Tanish has to marry me.

But that b***h convinced Akaash that she is getting married to Tanish willingly.

I knew she is willingly married.

I made a fake story that Tanish is forcing Teja into marriage so I can manipulate Akaash.

After all, who doesn't know the rivalry between Akaash and Tanish?

I made a second plan as I knew how sharp-minded that b***h is.

I told one of my guys to clicked pictures of Akaash and Teja.

He clicked the pictures in that angle which show how they desire each other.

I showed those pictures when Tanish got ready, and everyone left his room.

I thought Tanish would stop this marriage and insult Teja in front of everyone.

But Tanish believed in that b***h instead of me and got married.

But I will not stop.

Teja, you b***h, you dared to snatch my Tanish away from me.

Live your life happily with Tanish because I will break your marriage at any cost.


With those thoughts, I drank the whole bottle of wine and slept on my bed.

Teja POV:-

I opened my eyes and turned my eyes to find the other side of the bed empty.

I tried to sit, but my whole body is screaming in pain.

But, still, I was able to sit on the bed.

I looked at the time which is showing 8 pm.

So, I slept only four hours.

I stood up on my feet only to fell on the floor.

I crawled towards the bathroom.

I put my hands on the slap and stood on my feet with difficulty.

When I looked at myself in the mirror, I screamed.

I am stark naked, and my whole body fills with red, blue, and purple hickeys.

The prints of the fingers are showing, and my face swelled.

My eyes are red, puffy, and dark circles have formed around my eyes.

My whole body has hickeys and scratches.

My inner body has filled with dry blood.

Tears came out of my eyes when I looked at myself.

Is that person really me?

I never thought I would look like this mess after my wedding night.

The flash of the previous night came in front of my eyes.

I remember how Tanish took off all my accessories roughly.

I remember how he took off my clothes and his clothes.

I remember how he pushed himself on me harshly.

I wasn't intimate with anyone after Tanish on our farewell, so my vagina was still tight.

But, his harshness made me bleed a lot last night.

I remember what he told me when he saw blood coming out from my vagina.

" You sl*t, f**k, how can you be still so tight after f**king, Akaash? You b***h!!! You are my personal slave. You will call me sir from now onwards when no one is around us. Do you understand? " Tanish said while trusting himself on me so harshly that I screamed in pain.

" Yes, please, Tan- " Before I could complete my sentence, he slapped me on my face and ass.

" What will you call me? " Tanish asked again, trusting himself more harshly than before.

" Yes, sir. Please slow down. You are hurting me. " I said but earned another harsh trust.

I come out from my thoughts and see myself trembling.

I controlled myself and did my business.

I wore a red Anarkali suit with my bangles.

I wore my mangalsutra and filled my partition with vermillion.

I did a lot of make to hide the creative work of Tanish in my body.

Thank God, this Anarkali suit is a collared and full sleeve type.

So, I don't need to make up on my back and shoulder.

The room door opened and Tanish entered looking fresh.

I controlled myself from trembling as I am getting an anxiety attack.

I controlled myself by thinking about my happy and sweet memories.

I didn't realize that Tanish came behind me.

Tanish wrapped his hands around my stomach, and I opened my eyes in horror that he will do something to me.

" Don't worry. I won't hurt you. Relax!!! " He said with seriousness, but still, I am stiff under him.

I may look relaxed around him, but inside I am very alert to what he will do to me.

" I am sorry, darling. Did I hurt you too much yesterday? " Tanish apologized and asked.

" Yes, sir. " I replied, and I felt coldness in his body suddenly.

" Why are you calling me, sir? " Tanish asked coldly and turning my face towards him.

I turned and looked at him in his eyes, " You said that from now onwards, I will call you sir when no one is around us. "

" F**k!!! Honey, forgive me. I drank alcohol after mom and dad left. You can call me whatever you want. " Tanish cursed and explained himself.

I was confused by his behavior.

" I will make breakfast now as mom and dad are coming for breakfast made by me. " I explained, and he nodded and kissed me on the forehead with affection and then pecked me on my lips.

" Do you want my help? " Tanish asked curiously.

" No, Tanish. I have to make this breakfast alone. " I explained, and he nodded in understanding.

I looked at my hands which have deep cuts because of Tanish's brutality.

I ignored my pain and thought about what to make.

Then I decided to make aloo ke parathe because dad likes it so much, sandwiches for mom and pasta for Tanish, as for dessert, I will make kheer.

I started to do my work, and in one hour, breakfast got ready.

Also, when I was done with the decoration, the bell rang.

That means mom and dad arrived.

I came towards the door and opened it.

The whole penthouse is the same as before.


Mom and dad looked at me with a smile.

Their eyes turned into a frown when they look around the home, but they didn't say anything.

" Mom!!! Dad!!! " I said and hugged them.

" Good morning, Teju!!! " They said in unison, and I smiled.

" Breakfast is ready, mom and dad. So let's have breakfast. I am starving. " I said enthusiastically, and they nodded.

I made them sit on the dining table while I arranged the food and utensils.

" Teja, what happened to your hands? " Mom asked suddenly and took my hands on hers.

She starts examining my hands. I looked at my hands and saw the scratches are still visible.

I cursed for myself for not seeing this before.

" Mom, I scratched my hands as I was feeling itchy because of henna. " I said which was partly true.

I felt itchy every time, but these scratches made my Tanish.

" Who made these parathas? " Mom asked suspiciously.

" I made these all dishes. " I replied, and they gasped.

" Tanish!!! " Mom yelled, and I looked at them with confusion.

Soon, Tanish came out of our room and looked at mom with confusion.

" What happened, mom? " Tanish asked.

Mom stood angrily and yelled, " Tanish, why didn't you helped your wife when your wife has injured by her hands? "

Tanish looked at her with confusion, " What are you saying, mom? "

" Look at her hands. She made all these dishes with her hands. " Mom yelled while showing my hands to him.

Tanish examined my hands and then the dishes. Tanish looked at me with rage.

" Teja, why didn't you tell me about your injury? " Tanish asked angrily.

" Ta... Tanish, it is the tradition that the bride has to make breakfast alone on their first day after marriage. " I replied.

" I don't care about these f**king rituals. Why did told me about your injury? " Tanish yelled.

" Tanish... language. How can you behave with Teja like that? " Mom asked with rage.

Tanish calmed himself and went inside.

Soon, he came out with the first aid box.

He sat beside my chair and treated my wound.

I hissed by the contact of a cotton bud in my scratches.

Tanish took care of my injury gently, and he wrapped the bandage around my injury.

" Done!!! " He said like a child, and a giggle came out of my mouth.

He smiled too, and we started having breakfast.

Tanish helped me eating breakfast.

Mom and dad smiled while looking at us.

" Teja, this is so delicious. I like it. You made my favorite my favorite food. " Dad complimented, and I smiled.

" Thank you, dad. I knew about you like in food. That's why I made parathas. " I replied, and dad smiled.

" Teja, it is so tasty. You know about our preferences very well. Thank you, dear. " I replied.