Chapter 32- Teja's Birthday Gift!!!

Teja POV:-

After breakfast, we walked towards the hall and sat on the couch.

" Where are the maids? Why is your penthouse not been clean till now? " Mom asked curiously.

I was confused too, but before I can reply to mom. Tanish replied.

" Mom, Teja wants to handle all the chores of home. She didn't like maids at home. That's why we didn't hire any maid till now. " Tanish replied while looking at me with a sarcastic smile.

" Yes, mom. I told Tanish that I would take care of our home. " I lied to mom.

Mom huffed.

" You will not do any work, Teja Kashyap. Have you realized your situation? How can you do all the chores when you have to work at the hospital too? " Mom yelled, and I lowered my face.

Here I am scolded for those things I have never done because of my so-called jerk husband.

On the other hand, he is enjoying my situation.

" Don't worry, mom. I have hired servants already. " Tanish said sweetly.

" Good!!! Teja, I am so disappointed with you. Do you think yourself superwoman? How can you work this much? Do you think I don't know that you have to stand almost 12 hours while doing surgeries?

Also, you have to attend parties with Tanish and gave him your time. " Mom asked, and Tanish replied," I know, mom. Don't worry. I will take care of her. You don't need to be worried about her. "

" Alright!!! " Mom said and hugged me.

" Teja, I was worried about you. You are not our daughter-in-law, but my daughter. So, you will not do anything which hurt and disappointed me. Do you understand? " Mom explained and asked.

Tears formed in my eyes, and I said with a heavy voice, " Yes, mom. "

I hugged her while controlling my tears.

How can they treat me this nicely?

How can Tanish be so different from his parents?

I know why Tanish lied.

In the end, he made me do all the chores. I know about it.

Mom and dad care made me realize my worth in their heart.

This hell marriage gave me the best parents I ever want in my laws.

" Thank you, Tanish. At least you gave me such good parents. " I thanked him internally while looking at him in his eyes.

He is looking at me with confusion.

I broke my hug with mom when dad said, " Teja, do you forget about your dad? This old man also wants his daughter's affection. "

We laughed, and I went towards dad and put my head on dad's lap.

Dad strokes his hands on my hair lovingly.

" Is it okay, dad? " I asked.

" Yes, dear. Dad loves you so much, my princess. " Dad confessed, and I smiled.

I looked at Tanish, who is looking at us with jealousy.

" Dad, mom, this is not fair. " Tanish said dramatically.

We laughed when mom pinched his cheek and said, " Oh, so my son is jealous!!! Such an adorable act, my son!!! Come here, my baby!!! " Mom cooed him while he looked at mom with shock.

We laughed, and I sat on the couch.

" Teja, we want to give you your birthday present. " Dad said and gave me a white envelope.

I opened that envelope and found Switzerland tickets.

" We are giving you a 1-week honeymoon in Switzerland. " Mom confessed, and I looked at them with shock.

Tanish gave me a dare-you-reject look, and I sighed.

" Okay, mom. We will go. " I replied, and they jumped like children and kissed my cheeks together.

" Yippee!! I am so happy. Enjoy and live your life fullest!!! " Mom said, and I blushed.

Thank God they chose Switzerland. If they chose any beach area, I don't know how I can handle Tanish also bikinis.

Even when I live in Australia, I wore t-shirts and Capri whenever I went to the beach with my friends.

Everyone thinks of me as a bore, but I can't help it.

I never like to show my body to anyone.

" Yes, mom. But what about maa? Has she reached the court? " Tanish asked, and I realized that I totally forgot about today's hearing.

" Yes, son. I was waiting for her call now. When she calls me we will reach there and pick her up. " Mom replied, and I nodded in understanding.

" We will come here every month on the first Sunday for lunch and dinner with Teja's mom. " Dad ordered.

" No, problem, dad. " Tanish replied, and I nodded too.

" Good, then we are taking going now. " Dad said, and they left.

When Tanish locked the door, he turned swiftly towards me.

He took predatory steps while I step back.

I don't know what he is planning now.

My back touched the wall, and Tanish caged me.

" Is your hands hurting, Teja? " Tanish asked without any expression on his face.

If he found out that I was feeling pain, then he will do something worse.

I shook my head as no immediately.

He caught my hands and gripped them tightly.

I didn't show any pain on my face, so he left me.

" Good, then you can do the chores. Start your work now, dear wife. " He replied casually.

" Wow!!! You are made me doing chores even you are such a billionaire. What a miser you are!!! " I mumbled.

" Did you said something? " Tanish asked.

I shook my hands and started doing my work.

Before doing any chores, I wore gloves, so my bandage will not wet.

I am thanking maa for made me learn all these home chores after my tantrums.

In four hours, I cleaned the kitchen and the whole penthouse except our room.

Tanish was watching movies in our room as Dad strictly told him to take 15 days' leave.

I sighed and sat on the couch.

The whole penthouse is shining while I was tired already.

I went to my room and saw the mess.

Inside, I am crying while seeing the room.

I remember how beautiful this room looked before Tanish showed his brutality on me.

" Tanish, can you please go outside? I have to clean this room. " I asked Tanish calmly.

" You can clean the room. Why do you want me to go outside? " Tanish asked casually, and I know he is hitting on my nerves.

" Petals are scattered on the bedsheets. Blood has strained the bedsheet. Please, let me do my work. Please, you go outside. " I explained and pleaded.

" Alright, you can do your work, but you have to do something for me before I go outside. " Tanish demanded.

I agreed immediately.

" Yes, tell me. What do you want? " I asked quickly.

Then I realized I just hit the ax on my feet.

He pushed me on the bed and hovered over me.

" Let me take you!!! " Tanish said. I looked at him with shock and fear.

Before I can reject him, he kissed me and shut me already.

Then I went to a long round with Tanish's harshness.

I screamed, pushed him away from me.

But he never showed his mercy on me.

When he finished, I was a crying mess already.

He fell on me and took a deep breath.

He kissed my tears and said, " Teja, I took only three rounds with you, but you are already a mess. I have to be inside you a lot, dear. So, Don't waste your strength to resist me. I am your husband, master, or whatever you like. You are my wh*re. Only, I have the right to touch you.

You dared to sleep with Akaash. So, you have to receive the punishment. Isn't it? " Tanish said and asked.

I looked at him with teary eyes and said, " You are the only one who touched me in my life. When you took me yesterday, don't you realize my tightness? Your harshness tore my genitals, and I bleed a lot.

Still, you don't believe me. now I don't know how to make you believed in me. "

I was already tired that I didn't realize when I fainted after saying all those things to Tanish.

Tanish POV:-

I looked at Teja, who lost her consciousness just now.

" F**k! Teja!!! Teja!!! " I Said and tried to made her wake up.

She didn't open her eyes then I realize he is soo tired that she slept.

I took out my thing from her vagina and cleaned her.

I wore her one of my t-shirts and covered herself from the duvet.

I took a shower and wore my clothes.

I come out of the bathroom and look at Teja, who was sweating badly.

She is murmuring something which I didn't able to understand.

I patted her forehead and wiped her sweats.

Soon, she drifted to sleep after feeling comfort from me.

I smiled and thought about what she said.

What she said was all true.

But still, such a**hole I am, who didn't believe in her.

I know she loved Akaash as I saw care in her eyes whenever she looked at Akaash.

Care is the first stage of love.

She still forgives him after what he said to her at the hospital.

I am worried that she will choose her over me.

That's why I made her fear me.

S*x is the only way to make her connect with me.

S*x made her realize that she belongs to me only.

I was waiting when she got pregnant, and I support her on her pregnancy journey.

Till then, I have to break her.

I will break her and then mend herself in my way.

Third-person POV:-

In this game, Tanish forgot the main fact that a self-esteem person never crushes their pride at any cost.

They like to accept death then accepting another person's order.

They will not give up easily.