Chapter 33- I will never give up!!!

Teja POV:-

I felt a terrible headache when I opened my eyes.

I sat on the bed with great difficulty.

I tried to remind what happened before I slept.

Then, I remind everything that happened today.

I looked at my hands and found a new bandage wrapped around my hands.

I got my answer that Tanish treated my wound.

I am confused about why is he behaving like that?

He hurt me brutally, but he treated my wound too.

Why the hell is he doing?

I looked at the time, which shows 9 pm.

I gasped but fell on the ground badly.

I am cursing Tanish, who made me so sore.

I stood up carefully now and checked that I wore one of the Tanish's t-shirt.

I went towards my wardrobe and wore my underwear.

My legs are still sore, so I can't wear any leggings.

I went towards the kitchen for making dinner.

" Tanish will kill me today for making dinner late. " I mumbled, but I gasped for what I saw in front of my eyes.

Tanish was making dinner.

He tied a red apron on his waist.

I hate pink color that's why I told mom to buy a red color apron.

The red color has always been my lucky color and favorite too.

" Are you done eye-raping me? " I heard Tanish's voice which made my thoughts halt.

I may not eye-raping him, but I was staring at him with shock.

So, I blushed when I realized what I was doing.

I entered the kitchen and asked, " Why didn't you wake me up? Why are you making dinner? "

" I made you so sore already, so I thought to made you some rest. After all, I was never tired to make love to you. I want you to be ready every time for me, dear. " Tanish explained, and I blushed by his shameless talk.

But I realized that I was just a s*x slave for him. I controlled my emotions, and I made an emotionless face.

" What are you making, by the way? " I asked curiously.

" I am making curry rice. I know you are a fan of rice. I want to make something for my wife. " Tanish confessed, and I looked at him with shock.

Why is he so confusing?

" You are looking so tempting in my shirt like a seductress. " Tanish complimented, and I tried to hide from him.

But before I ran from the kitchen, he caught my waist and pushed me to him.

My front collided with his hard chest.

" You don't need to hide from me. After all, I see every inch of your body already. " Tanish said, and I closed my eyes, recalling all the harsh s*x with him.

" I... I will be back in a few minutes. " I said when I realized he had loosened his grip on me.

I ran to our room and went towards my wardrobe where I put my medicines.

I opened the door with trembling hands as I was getting an anxiety attack.

My past and my rape by Tanish are coming in front of my eyes.

I found my medicine bottle quickly and unscrewed it.

I took out the pill and swallowed it.

I screwed my medicine bottle and sat on the floor.

Tears come out of my eyes.

After some time, my breath got even, and my body calmed.

I wasn't traveling now.

I diverted my mind every time I was about to get an anxiety attack, but Tanish's last words made me lose my mind.

I stood up and went to the bathroom in front of the sink.

I washed my face and looked at myself.

" Teja, you are not weak. You can fight for yourself. Don't give in to Tanish's order. You have to fight for your family.

He is breaking you. You can't break now.

You have responsibilities on your shoulder. You have to take care of your mother and Bubbly's happy married life. " I said to myself.

I closed my eyes and wiped my face with the towel.

I calmed myself and with an emotionless face.

I came out of my room and reached the dining table.

Tanish serves our food there already.

He looked at me with a sincere smile and helped me sit on the chair.

He sat beside me and filled the food from my plate.

I looked at him with confusion.

He understood my confusion immediately and replied, " You can't eat through your hands as they bandaged. I want to help you if you don't mind. "

I nodded and said with a fake smile, " Okay!!! "

He grinned like a child who got his favorite chocolate.

He was giving on bite me than to himself.

I was looking at him, trying to find his intention behind this gentleness.

But, I found none except love.

But I chuckled at my thought.

That person didn't love me but was possessive towards me.

He wants to break my self-esteem, so his ego got satisfied.

Tanish wants to see me broken so he can mend me according to himself.

But, I am not a puppet. I have to accept his order for now as Tanish knows my weakness.

Tanish used them against me.

I was waiting when my mother got to recover from the blood cancer.

Till then, I can't do anything.

Let's see what the future holds for me.

We finished our dinner then I said to Tanish that I will wash the dishes. But he refused.

So, I went to our room and cleaned our room as I hate messiness.

I am lazy in doing chores, but I can't be lazy now as I have to manage everything.

Soon, I looked for a good movie and started watching.

Tanish came and joined me.

He pushed me to himself but didn't do anything with me inappropriately.

I didn't realize when I drifted to sleep.


Teja POV:-

I opened my eyes and felt a hand around my waist and stroking my back lightly.

I looked that Tanish eyes are looking at me already.

" Good Morning. " I mumbled lightly.

" Morning, Teja. " Tanish replied, and I smiled.

" Leave me. I have to take shower and worship too. " I said, but Tanish tightened his hold and looked at me.

" Tanish- " Before I explained to him, he cut me off and said, " NO!!! "

I looked at him in disbelief.

" Tanish, please. " I showed him puppy eyes, and I know it's a terrible idea. But I have to do something.

He laughed and said, " Okay, go. "

I looked at him with shock, but I went to the bathroom immediately.

I did my business and wore the bathrobe.

I entered my wardrobe and wore a red velvet Sarri.

I wore earrings, mangalsutra, and bangles.

I filled the partition with vermillion.

I looked at myself and smiled as I don't have to wear so much makeup.

I cleaned the penthouse and our bedroom quickly as Tanish went for a shower.

I went to the temple room and worship lord Krishan and lord Saraswati.

After that, I made some sandwiched for us with orange juice.

I arranged everything at the dining table.

I called Tanish, and he came while wearing a blue Armani suit.

I looked at him with confusion.

" I am sorry, Teja. I have to go to the office because of an important meeting. " Tanish explained and made me sit on the chair.

Before I replied to him, he left me there.

He came out with the first aid box and treated my injury.

I looked at the scatches, which are looking better now.

I don't need to bandage them now.

" It's okay- " Before I could complete, my phone rang, which is in our room.

I left him and came to our bedroom and found my phone at my bedside.

I looked who is calling me, and I found out the hospital is calling me.

I picked it up immediately, and the other side asked, " Am I talking with Dr. Teja Kashyap? "

" Yes, what happened? " I asked while coming towards the dining room.

" Dr. Teja, there is an accident near the AIIMS. We need more staff, so if you are available right now, can you come to the hospital to handle the patients? " One female asked.

" Yes, I am coming. " I replied and cut the call.

" What happened, Teja? Where do you want to go? " Tanish asked.

" Tanish, I need to go to the hospital as soon as possible. They need more doctors. " I replied.

" Okay, but how can you operate? Your hands are still injured. " Tanish asked.

" You don't need to worry about me. I will handle it. I am leaving. " I replied and was about to leave when he held my hand.

" No, you are not leaving till you eat something. " Tanish said, and I sighed in defeat.

I know if I refused, it started the argument, and I didn't have much time.

We ate our breakfast as quickly as possible and left.

Tanish can't drive me as he was late. I was about to book a cab when he stopped me again.

I looked at him in confusion.

" Do you know how to drive? " He asked, and I nodded and showed him my driving license.

He gave me a car key, and I was about to ask him what is this about, but he cut me off and said, " You can take this car. I brought it for you. "

I hugged him and thanked him.

I kissed his cheek and left immediately.

I looked at the car key and pressed the button.

My car sounded, and when I looked at the red Ferrari.

I smiled as it is my favorite car.

I sat in the car immediately and left for the hospital immediately.

I can't stop myself to agreed to come to the hospital when they need us.

I know they must need me. Otherwise, the hospital never called Mrs. Kashyap.