Chapter 35- First Day!!!

Teja POV:-

When we reached, it's already 7 pm.

We came out from the airport after took our luggage from the airport.

We were looking for our ride when we saw the cardboard which has written " Mr. & Mrs. Kashyap. "

We went near the man who is looking around in his last 30s.

His eyes are silver in color, and his body is fit and bulky.

" Hello, I am Tanish Kashyap, and she is my wife, Dr. Teja Kashyap. " Tanish introduced us to him.

I am happy that he use my profession, not Mrs.

That person smiled and shook his hands with Tanish and said, " Hello, it's nice to meet you, sir. I am Carlos Jones. " He turned towards me and said with a smile, " It's nice to meet you, mam. "

" Pleasure to meet you, sir. " I smiled back, and we sat in the car.

He drove us to our destination, Hotel Romantica.

We thanked him, and he helped us with the luggage.

Tanish gave him a tip, and we entered inside.

This hotel is made up of wood. It's cold here as this area is near a mountain.

We entered and looked at the entrance, which has filled with a sweet smell.

We greet with a female receptionist who is professional in her work as she is not eyeing Tanish, nor she is glaring at me.

" Welcome to our hotel, Hotel Romantica. I am Jessica Smith. Can you tell me your names, please? " She asked.

" Yes, we have booked one honeymoon suite with the name Mr. and Mrs. Kashyap. " Tanish replied, and she nodded and checked the information.

" Yes, sir. Can I see your I cards, please? " She asked, and I gave her our I cards.

She scanned them and gave them back.

She gave us a swipe key and said, " Your room number is 105. Enjoy your stay, mam and sir!!! "

We went to the first floor and went to our room.

Tanish opened our room which is so beautiful, and the Matterhorn mountain is seeing through our window.

Tanish laid on the bed while I took off my boots and took out my nightwear.

My dress is still dirty by the blood.

But, I am not feeling disgusted by this blood.

This blood strain gave me the memories of those children.

Unknowingly, a smile came to my lips.

" Why are you smiling? " Tanish asked.

I sat on the bed and said, " I recalled those little children who were born in the airplane. "

" Children??? How many children were born? " Tanish asked while sitting on the bed.

He is looking at me curiously.

" Two children. The first is a baby girl, and the second is a baby boy. I am telling you, Tanish.

Those children were looking so cute and sweet. I didn't want to leave them.

But my work was done, and I can't connect with those children.

That baby boy was so cute when he smiled at me and looked at me with his shining blue eyes, and that baby girl is looking so angelic, like my angel. " I said and sighed as I remember my angels, my sisters Ritika and Harshi.

" Don't worry, with God's grace. we will have our children soon. " Tanish replied and kissed on my lips.

I smiled at the thought of having my children.

I loved children.

Even I am starting to feel disgusted towards Tanish, but I can't forget the truth that I am his wife.

I will do anything to protect my children.

I can't take birth control pills as I remember how they did react to my body. I have been admitted to the hospital.

Tanish left my lips, and I entered the bathroom and took a warm shower.

I felt relaxed as the warm water fell on my exhaust and tired body.

After the shower, I wore my clothes and came out.

Then Tanish went inside the bathroom for a shower.

When Tanish came out of the bathroom, there is a knock on the door.

" Teja, open the door and take our order inside. " Tanish said, and I nodded.

I opened the door, and the waiter gave me our order and left.

I entered our room and put the plates on the table.

We sat on the couch and ate our dinner.

After that, we slept as we were too exhausted.


Tanish POV:-

I opened my eyes, and I saw the angelic view of my wife.

She is clinging to me like a koala.

She put one leg on my waist and one hand around my chest.

Her face is resting on my chest near my heart.

I smiled, seeing her behaving like this.

I am observing that whenever she found comfort, her nightmare never disturbed her.

I don't know why she is having nightmares.

Is she facing some kind of trauma?

I saw some anti-depressant pills on her wardrobe.

Also, some other pills look like psychological medicines.

But, she never told me about them.

But I can't ask her about it as I know she will never tell me the truth because, according to her, I can use them as her weakness.

Somewhere she is right. If I find that reason for my benefits, I can use it.

I was too deep in my thought that I didn't realize when she opened her eyes and woke up from her lips.

" Tanish!!! " I heard her angelic voice, and I come out from my trance.

" Good morning, my baby!!! " I greeted her, but she made a pout.

" Good morning to you too. But can you not call me baby? I don't like these types of endearments. " She said, and I looked at her like she has grown two heads.

But I realize she is not the type of girl who uses these words for anyone, including her.

" Okay, is honey, darling, sweetheart okay for you? " I asked, and she nodded happily.

" Okay, honey. Let me devour you like my breakfast. " I said and attacked Teja. I didn't do it with her last night.

A few hours later:-

We both got ready. I saw the time which shows 10 am.

" Have you go for skiing ever? " I asked, and she nodded.

" Okay, then let's go. We will be skiing today. " I said, and Teja jumped happily.

" Yes!!! But let's go for breakfast firstly. I am starving. " Teja said, and I laughed.

We wore our jackets and went to the restaurant.

We ordered our breakfast and waited for our order.

We talked a lot in this duration. I told her my experience as a CEO.

She told me about the difficult surgeries she attended three days ago.

She is hardworking. She told me that she would apply for Ph.D. after three years.

She wants to focus on her practice right now and made herself more skilled.

I agreed with her choice as she did good work already.

I will not stop her from pursuing her studies. She has the full right to study more.

Soon, the order came by a male waiter.

He is eye-raping Teja, who is so oblivious from his hungry stare.

I thought he would leave after giving us our order, but no.

He stayed at his place and looking what is mine!

I couldn't control myself anymore and caught that jerk collar in my fist.

" How dare you stare at my wife in front of my eyes? " I yelled loudly.

" Tanish, leave him. Please, don't hurt him. " Teja said while put her hand on mine.

" Teja, but he is staring at you lustfully. I will make him fire from his position. " I yelled.

" Please, sir. Please, don't do this. This job matters to me. Please, sir, I beg you. " The waiter said while kneeling in front of me as I left his collar.

" Tanish, he made a mistake. Leave him. " She said and turned towards the male waiter.

She f**king helped him in standing up.

" Sir, don't repeat this mistake. That is your profession. When you work, you have to be honest with your work. Go, we will not complain about you. " She said, and that waiter thanked her and left.

I looked at her dumbfounded, but I didn't say anything to her.

I ate my breakfast in a sour mood.

She sensed my temper level, so she didn't say a word to me.

After that, we left the restaurant, and we walk near the shop, where we will rent the skiing stuff and change our dresses.

When we came out of the changing room, Teja looks so beautiful in a royal blue jacket and trousers with black boots.

I wore a red jacket and trousers with black boots.

We took our skiing stuff with us and sat on the cabin of a gondola ride.

We were enjoying the view of snow.

Teja is giggling while observing little things.

I am smiling see her enjoying nature.

We know Teja likes nature so much.

I remember when she found out about the Nilakuringi flower, which blooms in Kerela every 12 years.

That year, that flower bloom, she wants to see it herself, but she can't able to go as she was suffering from financial problems.

She was sad, but she decided that she will see it blooming after 12 years.

I know somewhere in her heart she is waiting for that day.

I will help her see that planet.

We will go together and seeing together.

We reached the destination, and we came out from the ride.

We wore our skiboard and caught the poles tightly in our hands.

We adjusted ourselves and started skiing, and I am telling you Teja is amazing at skiing too.

She gave me tough competition.

We both enjoyed it, and after skiing, we sat in the snow and looked at the sky.

It's time for sunset, and we are enjoying the sunset.

I looked at the other single males who are eyeing Teja like a lollipop.

" Teja, let's go back. " I said sternly.

But she replied, " No, Tanish. Let me enjoy it for now. "

I yelled, " Teja, let's go back!!! "

But, her next words made me shock!!!

Hello everyone,

What do you think what she said to Tanish that made him so shocked???

Are her words made new havoc in her honeymoon???

What will happen on their honeymoon????

Don't forget to tell me your views.

Don't forget to vote for my story, and follow me.

Love you!!!!