Chapter 38- Past Struggles!!!

Teja POV:-

I woke up and found myself in a different room.

I tried to recall what happened.

Why is my body so weak?

Why am I feeling so tired and my muscles aches?

Suddenly I realized that I was in the cave and the weather was terrible.

I looked through the window and found that it's night.

I looked at my left hand to find my watch, which shows time and date.

But my watch isn't tied to my wrist.

Why was my watch? That watch was important for me as my mother gave me that watch on my birthday.

I was about to stand on my feet suddenly, the door opened, and Tanish entered this unknown room that looks like a clinic.

He looked at me with shock and ran towards me and hugged me.

I was so shocked seeing him like this.

" Thank God, you awake. How are you? How are you feeling? Any pain in your muscles? " He confessed and started his train of questions, but I stopped him.

" Tanish, I am good. But tell me, where am I? " I replied and asked.

" You are in a clinic. When I saw you in that cave, Your body turned white and blue, and your pulses were low. I took you here as soon as possible. " Tanish replied, and I sighed in relief that he found me on time.

I have to take care of my mother.

I have a lot of dreams for her, and I can't let my dreams die with me.

" What time is it now? Do we miss our flight? " I asked.

" Don't worry, we have to leave tomorrow, and it's 9 pm now. " Tanish replied, and I sighed in relief.

I turned my head to look at him and found him looking at me with many emotions.

Those emotions are happiness, fear, excitement, worry, concern, and anger.

He closed his eyes and calmed himself down.

He stood up from the chair and crashed his lips on mine.

I was shocked again, and he used my shock to push his tongue into my mouth.

He was savoring me like a hungry man who craved to taste his favorite dish for many years.

He was touching those parts of the mine he never touches through his tongue ever.

I closed my eyes in his intensity.

I was afraid that I would fall in love with him again.


How can I think like this?

This man crushed my dignity, pride, and self-esteem through his feet.

How can I forget everything he had done with me?

No, Teja. He is obsessed with you.

He wants you as his s*x toy.

He would never treat you as his life partner.

I opened my eyes and pushed him with all the energy I could gain.

He took 5-6 steps back to regain his balance.

" Teja, what the hell? " Tanish yelled, and I flinched by his loud yelling.

" Tanish, I am so tired, and I can't do those things with you for now. Please, try to understand my situation. " I requested while trying to calm myself from another anxiety attack.

I tightened my grip on the duvet and closed my eyes.

I tried to calm myself down.

After a minute, I got calm.

I looked at him, who is looking at me, trying to understand my situation.

" Tanish, where is my watch? " I asked.

He looked at me with shock and asked, " Are you asking about this low-class watch? "

He was showing me my watch.

My temper rose, and I yelled, " Tanish, don't you dare to call this watch a low-class watch. It may not be branded like your watches, but it has my mother's love and guidance. "

He looked at me and then gave me my watch.

I snatched it from his hands and examined it.

But that watch is fully okay.

I sighed in relief and tied that watch on my wrist.

" Don't sleep now. Have some soup before going to sleep. " Tanish said and left the room.

After a minute, there is a knock on the door.

" Come in. " I replied, and a female doctor and nurse entered.

" Hello, Mrs. Kashyap. How are you? " Doctor Maria asked with a smile. I saw her name on her tag.

" Hello, Dr. Maria. You can call me Dr. Teja or Teja. I am feeling slightly dizzy and have muscle aches. " I replied with a smile.

Her smile went wide when she listened to my name, Dr. Teja.

" Okay, Dr. Teja. It's nice to meet you. I heard about you through my senior. You are skilled in surgeries. " She said, and I smiled and nodded.

" Thank you for your compliment. But I am not that skilled. I am a fresher. " I replied honestly.

It's been two years since I am doing surgeries.

So, compared to the other specialist's doctor, I still have a lot to learn.

" Well, can I ask you something? " Dr. Maria asked, and I nodded.

" Why are you taking anti-depressant pills? Are you suffering from nightmares or depression? " She asked, and I looked at her with shock.

" You didn't tell my husband about this, right? " I asked.

" Yes, because my conscience stopped me from asking this question to Mr. Kashyap. " She replied, and I sighed in relief.

" I will tell you the truth, but you can't tell this truth to my husband or any person at any cost, okay? " I explained and asked.

She nodded with a serious look.

" I was suffering from insomnia for the last seven years. " I confessed, and she looked at me with shock.

" But, why? " Dr. Maria asked.

" I had a tough past in my life. I was about to get raped when I was 10. But I was rescued by someone.

When I turned 17, I faced a miscarriage and my society's disgust. I had to leave my country and family because of that shame which hadn't my fault.

I was drugged when I lost my virginity and became pregnant with my first baby girl.

Do you know that most disgusting part? Who took my virginity insulted me in front of the whole school on my birthday and last exam.

I was temporarily disabled from my lower side at that time because of my car accident.

That was so difficult for me to forget, which made my insomnia worse. I was not able to sleep for a week if I didn't take those pills. " I explained while crying.

Dr. Maria and that nurse were crying while listening to my past.

I don't want to go into depression when I got the chance to study in Australia.

My best friend Akaash helped me with the IELTS exam.

He helped me improve my English when I was in the hospital.

He never leaves me alone in that situation.

When I started university I study for 12 hours and 6 hours of work in the hospital.

I got sick many times, but I didn't stop till my health got worse.

After a year, I was able to adapt to that weather and surroundings.

I go to the gym or club on weekends and Sundays if I get the chance.

I became independent of myself and because I was working in the hospital. I learned everything quickly.

In my third or fourth year, whatever you want to say as I have completed my bachelor's in four years. I was assisting my seniors in surgery as one of my senior doctors saw my skills.

In those two years, I understood everything while doing surgeries. I earned quite well because of being an assistant.

I earned almost two Billion in my last four years in Australia. " I explained and saw those guys looking at me with a proud smile while tears are coming out from their eyes.

" I am very proud of you that you achieved such achievements in such a short period. " Dr. Maria said, and the nurse nodded along with her.

I smiled and wiped my tears as I was recalling my past struggles.

I achieved all those things without any strong background.

I was lucky that I got such a great friend in my life.

When Akaash proposed to me, I don't know what would be my reply to his proposal.

But, yes, I don't deserve me. Akaash deserves such a pure angel in his life who can fill his life with brightness.

I am anything, but never be an angel in anyone's life.

I become a curse in everyone's life.

I don't want to become a curse in someone's life. That's why I choose to stay away from everyone.

I never tried to make friends.

Everyone called me rude, cold, and whatnot.

But I chose to become antisocial in my personal life.

I never let my nervousness and insomnia in my professional life.

I worked 24 hours so that I become too exhausted and slept tight.

But my insomnia never left me alone.

My nightmare haunts me in my sleep.

" Don't worry. You will be able to heal. After all, your husband loves you so much. I saw true love in his eyes for you. He cried when he come here with you in his arms. " Dr. Maria confessed sincerely, and I looked at him with shock.

No, it can't be possible.

Tanish cried for me.

He loved to look at me in misery.

How can he cry for me just because I almost knocked to the death's gate.

He wants to break me and control me.



They are thinking in the wrong way!!!

I turned my eyes and saw Tanish looking at me with an emotionless face.

Oh, God.

How much did he hear?

I hope he didn't hear my almost rape part.

God, please. I don't want him to listen to my struggles and miseries.

I took a big gulped and said, " Tanish!!!! "

Oh, God. Teja finally opened her mind and said her miseries to anyone. How much Tanish hear while standing at the door. Did Tanish find out about Teja's past? What will be Tanish's reaction if he found out about Teja's tough past. Stay tuned with me. Don't forget to vote, follow and comment on my book and the next chapter.