Chapter 39- I will make her fall in love with me!!!

Teja POV:-

Tanish walked towards us. Tanish's eyes never left me.

But he broke our eye contact and turned his eyes towards Dr. Maria and the nurse.

" Are you done examining my wife? " Tanish asked, and they nodded.

" Yes, Mr. Kashyap. She is weak but stable now.

Make sure she takes her medicines and food on time. " Dr. Maria said, and she looked at me with deep eyes and a smile.

" Okay, thank you, Dr. Maria. " Tanish replied, and they left us alone in the room.

I am trembling with the fact of what Tanish will do now.

Tanish came near me and gave me a soup bowl.

" Drink this soup. " Tanish ordered me.

The soup bowl is covered with silver foil.

I unwrapped it and started drinking the soup.

Tanish looked at me with intense eyes, and I am uncomfortable by his stare.

I finished the soup and handed him the bowl.

After 15 minutes, I took my medicines and laid on the bed.

" Have you eaten your dinner? " I asked.

" Yes. " Tanish replied and covered me with the duvet.

" Sleep. I have packed our luggage already. We will leave tomorrow. " Tanish said, and I nodded.

Soon, sleep engulfed me.

Tanish POV:-

When I saw Teja wide awake, I was so happy.

I asked her about her body, and she replied to me sincerely.

I was happy with the fact.

I kissed her with passion as I was so scared of losing her.

I left her and bought a tomato soup for her as she likes only tomato soup.

I was about to enter her room, but her words stopped me.

I was listening to what she was saying to the doctor.

" When I turned 17, I faced a miscarriage and my society's disgust. I had to leave my country and family because of that shame which hadn't my fault.

I was drugged when I lost my virginity and became pregnant with my first baby girl.

Do you know that most disgusting part? Who took my virginity insulted me in front of the whole school on my birthday and last exam.

I was temporarily disabled from my lower side at that time because of my car accident.

That was so difficult for me to forget, which made my insomnia worse. I was not able to sleep for a week if I didn't take those pills. " Teja explained while crying. My heart broke seeing her like this.

" I don't want to go into depression when I got the chance to study in Australia.

My best friend Akaash helped me with the IELTS exam.

He helped me improve my English when I was in the hospital.

He never leaves me alone in that situation.

When I started university, I study for 12 hours and 6 hours of work in the hospital.

I got sick many times, but I didn't stop till my health got worse.

After a year, I was able to adapt to that weather and surroundings.

I go to the gym or club on weekends and Sundays if I get the chance.

I became independent of myself and because I was working in the hospital. I learned everything quickly.

In my third or fourth year, whatever you want to say as I have completed my bachelor's in four years. I was assisting my seniors in surgery as one of my senior doctors saw my skills.

In those two years, I understood everything while doing surgeries. I earned quite well because of being an assistant.

I earned almost two Billion in my last four years in Australia. " She confessed her past.

I realized why Akaash was so important to her.

But I can't lose her at any cost.

Akaash may help her in the past.

I will help her in the future.

I will never leave her alone in her struggles.

" I am very proud of you that you achieved such achievements in such a short period. " Dr. Maria said, and the nurse nodded along with her.

I agreed too.

I controlled my emotions and put on an emotionless face.

When she saw me, she turned pale, like she is worried that I listened to everything.

I made her believe that I didn't listen to anything.

I made her eat first, and I made her sleep.

She slept because of the medicine effect.

I was looking at her face, which looks so relaxed and calm, which made me smile.

I caressed her cheeks. I kissed her cheeks and forehead.

Then I left her in the room and come to our honeymoon suite.

I was a jerk who insulted her in front of the whole school because of my jealousy.

I was so jealous when I saw Akaash and Teja come together.

When Akaash picked her in bridal style and made her sit on the bench, I was on fire.

How can he touch her?

Srishti put his hands on my fist to calm me.

But I wasn't calm.

Everyone was insulting her, but she ignored them like nothing is happening around her.

She didn't even try to stand up from her dignity.

I was angry too much seeing her like this.

I lost control of my temper and insulted her in front of everyone.

She was never sl*t or wh*re and b***h.

But I never thought that she stood on her legs and slapped me when she was restricted, not to use her legs.

I lost it in my Ego that I made a promise to myself that I will crush her dignity, pride, and self-esteem through my legs.

Now, I am doing it, but I am not satisfied.

I was harsh on her whenever we make love with each other.

In this weak, we had a lot of s*x.

But she resisted me every time after I pushed myself on her.

She lost it. Her body may respond in our s*x.

But, she never felt that pleasure I felt around her.

I wish I will make her fall in love with me soon.