Chapter 40- Battle with Emotions!!!


Teja POV:-

Finally, we are leaving today. I'm so happy with the fact that I don't have to stay in the clinic now.

I am a doctor, but when I become a patient, I lost my patience.

I never want to become a patient again as I know how it feels to stay in the same bed for two months.

I know how it feels when you are disabled temporarily.

I come to our suite today early as I have checked everything to make sure we didn't leave anything behind.

When I was satisfied, I saw Tanish, who came with our breakfast.

We eat our breakfast and leave for the airport.

We checked it and then wait in the waiting room till our boarding time has announced.

We aboard the airport and come back to India without any problem.

Tanish and I didn't talk much as I don't want to talk to him.

On the other side, Tanish was in deep thought throughout the way.

I don't know what he is thinking so deeply, but I hope this calmness will not be the signal of the upcoming storm.

When we reached Delhi, I called the hospital to check if they need me, but they refused.

I called Dr. Satvik Sharma for my mother's improvement.

He told me that my mother isn't malnutrition anymore, and they started chemotherapy on her.

But he told me to prepare myself as the chances of her survival is 15% now as her cancer is affecting her other organs.

I told him that I don't care about the money they need, but they need to give their best for my mother to recover.

I requested him, and they understood my situation and said they would do their best.

I hung my phone and thought about meeting my family.

Tanish is driving right now.

It's 5 pm.

" Tanish, can we go to Kashyap Mansion, please? I want to meet my mother. " I asked and pleaded.

" Sure. " Tanish replied, and I smiled widely.

" Thank you so much. " I replied and kissed him on the cheek in excitement.

When I realized what I did, I blushed, and he is looking at me with unknown emotions.

We reached Kashyap Mansion in 10 minutes.

When I entered, I saw mom, dad, and maa is enjoying their discussion with tea.

" Mom! Dad! Maa!!! " I yelled in excitement, and they looked at me with shock.

I ran towards them and hugged them tightly as I missed them.

I tried to ignore my misery thought as far as possible.

I tried to focus on their happiness.

" Teja, dear; You came back, but why are you looking so pale and week? " Mom asked.

" Because she caught the fever in our honeymoon. " Tanish replied from behind.

Tanish came towards us and hugged our parents.

" Teja, how can you be so careless? Why don't you take care of yourself? " Maa scolded me.

" Mom, it was not her mistake. You know Zarmatt had terrible weather yesterday. She wasn't able to adapt to the chilly weather. " Tanish supported me, and I was looking at him with shock.

Tanish stood up for me!!!

Teja, have you forgotten that he is acting?

He has to do it so that we look like a perfect couple.

This thought broke my heart, but I controlled myself.

" Maa, let it be. Tell me, how are you? How was your chemotherapy session? " I asked, trying to divert the topic.

" It was good, dear. I felt weak, but I am feeling a little better after the chemotherapy session. " Maa replied, and I smiled.

I know she is lying to me.

She is trying to hide her pain from me as she knows I will be sad.

I am already sad because of seeing her pale face.

Her hair is not shining like before. Even her hair fell a lot.

" Maa, do you want to shave your hair? " I asked coldly.

Everyone is looking at me with shock.

" Yes, Teja. I was thinking about this. Now you have asked me. I don't have any problem with shaving my hair. " Maa replied, and everyone is looking at her with pity.

" Do you want me to shave your hair? " I asked.

Again everyone looked at me with shock as they didn't expect me that I will ask this question.

Mom nodded with a smile.

" Tanish, can you give me a shaving machine? " I asked.

He is looking at me with shock. But he nodded and left towards his room.

He came back with the shaving machine while looking at me with an intense stare.

I held my mother's hand and went towards her room.

Maa was looking at me like trying to understand me.

But I made an emotionless face.

" Teja, why do you want to do this? " Maa asked.

" Maa, I know you love your hair. It's not easy for you to shave your hair. You know that you are losing your hair heavily. You don't have any other option. You can cry in front of me, but you will not show your emotion in front of others.

Maa, we can understand each other. You know that I agreed to marry Tanish for you. I know how much pain you are facing.

But why do we need to hide our emotions from each other when we can understand each other so easily. " I explained and maa taken aback by my speech.

Tears formed in her eyes and come out from her eyes.

She hugged me and started crying.

I never saw her like this. It broke my heart.

But I controlled my emotions.

" Teju!!! Do you think it is easy for me to hide everything from you?

No, you are the most important part of my life.

I don't want to become weak in front of you as I was your shield since birth.

You gave me the courage to protect you from all bad things, but I couldn't able to save you.

I failed to protect my children from this cruel world.

But my children supported me when I become weak.

They became my shield which I wasn't able to do for them.

I am a bad mother.

Sometimes I wish it would be better if I died instead of your dad.

Your dad would protect you and protect you under his care. He would help you financially, which I wasn't able to do.

You were abused physically, mentally, socially, and psychologically because of me.

I can never forgive myself. " Mom said, and I realized how much she was hurt because of us.

What did she think of herself because of my mistakes?

Whare type of daughter I am who can't even understand my mother's heart?

I am sorry, maa. I am the worst daughter.

I become a curse in your life.

I broke our hug, and I cupped her face and wiped her tears.

" Who said you are a bad mother? Do we ever say this to you?

No, we never because without you, we are not able to survive this world.

Who said you never supported us financially?

Without your savings, can we be able to pay our tuition and school fees?

Can we able to study if you didn't stand up for us?

Who said you didn't shield us?

If you didn't fight with Mr. Nirbhik and Mrs. Sakshi for my dignity, I may commit suicide long ago.

If you died instead of dad, can we have Bubbly in our life, who filled our lives with a laugh?

Mom, you are the best mother anyone can ask for.

You made some mistakes in your past, but who didn't make mistakes.

We are humans, not robots, who will do every work perfectly.

You gave us the best world anyone can ask for.

We can fight with society and achieved so much because of your shield, support, and trust. " I explained.

Tears are coming out of my eyes, after all, I am showing my feelings to my mother after so many years.

Since I come back to India, I didn't get the chance to talk to her.

She is the best thing that ever happened to me.