Chapter 42- She is a Precious Jem!!!

Tanish POV:-

I opened my eyes today, and as usual, Teja left for the hospital before I could see her.

It's been a month since we get married.

But since we come back from our honeymoon.

I didn't get the chance to see her when I woke up.

I made her so tired in this thought that the next day, I will see her in my arms.

But this stubborn girl still goes to the hospital and also does all the chores of the house.

Never, she begs me and says that I will hire any maid.

She never left her self-esteem for herself.

She will do all the work herself, but she will not beg in front of me.

I never understand why her pride is so important to her.

I saw how many girls threw their dignity, self-esteem, and pride for money.

But this is the first girl who dares to fight like this for the sake of her self-esteem.

It's been three days since I didn't touch her as her period starts.

I was sad that she is not pregnant this month after so many unprotected s*x.

I never use condoms when I make love with her.

She is not on birth control pills as I didn't see the contraceptive pills bottle in her wardrobe.

Today, my foreign business partner, Mr. Liam Murphy, is coming to India for a big deal.

This deal will give my company a great profit, and I need to get this deal at any cost.

I took care of business and wore a black Armani suit with black leather shoes.

I spray my favorite citrus cologne and left for breakfast.

I saw Teja arranged the breakfast for me and left her plate on the table.

I sat on the chair and ate my breakfast in a sour mood.

I have eaten my breakfast alone many times.

But, I thought When I would get married to Teja. I will eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with her.

But huh!!!

After breakfast, I went to my office and told Aniket to tell me today's schedule.

He told me and gave me some documents to sign.

My meeting with Mr. Murphy starts at noon, God knows how long.

When I saw it's 11.45 am.

I left my cabin and walked towards the meeting room.

I saw Mr. Murfy with some of his employees.

" Hello, Mr. Murphy. It's nice to see you here. Thank you for giving us your time. " I said with a smile.

" Mr. Kashyap, a pleasure to meet you too. Congratulation on your wedding. I heard that your wife is a doctor and very beautiful. " Mr. Murphy replied.

" Yes, Mr. Murphy. You heard right. She is a beautiful, humble, intelligent, hardworking, caring, and loving personality.

She made delicious food for me every day. " I praised her with pride.

" Oh, really? Then why don't you invite us for dinner? Your praises made me curious about your wife. " Mr. Murphy said.

I thought for a while and agreed.

After an hour, we take a coffee break.

I called Teja and ordered her to made food for them.

I told her to make non-veg food for them because I know they will insult her if she doesn't make any non-veg dishes.

I know my ways were harsh, but I don't want to hurt her.

I know she will handle the other Indian dishes, but I was worried about that non-veg dish she will make.

I was praying in my mind that this dinner went well.

When it's time for dinner, I took them to my home in my limousine.

When we reached our building and stood in the elevator, Mr. Murphy asked, " Mr. Kashyap, why are we here? "

" Mr. Murphy, I am living with my wife in my penthouse. That's why we didn't go to the Kashyap Mansion. " I replied, and he nodded in understanding.

We came out of the elevator when we reached my floor.

We were walking towards the door when suddenly the door opened and revealed Teja, who looks damn sexy in a blue saari.

I wrapped my arm around her waist for pulling her towards me and kissed her on her cheek.

She blushed, and I didn't kiss her on her lips because of the guests.

I introduced her to everyone, and she smiled at everyone.

I saw how males are looking at her, which made me jealous.

After all, she is talking with them happily, but she didn't talk this freely with me after our honeymoon.

We entered the hall, and everyone sat on the couches.

Teja entered the kitchen and brought glasses of water for us.

I saw how those men were gawking at her bare waist.

If this deal is not important for my company, I punched them for looking at my wife like this.

But, I controlled myself, and I took them towards the dining table.

The aroma of the food is so amazing, which made my mouth watered.

Teja served the food to everyone, and I was looking at everything with shock.

Every food is looking like the art of food.

She designed the food well.

When Mr. Murphy asked about the maids, she lied fluently.

If I didn't know the truth, I would believe in her too.

I took the bite of the chicken piece, and my eyes widened.

I have never eaten this tasty chicken piece.

I knew she would never taste any non-veg food, then how did she make such a tasty dish.

I was in these thoughts when Aniket asked her that why isn't she eating non-veg dish?

When she replied she is a vegetarian, I was shocked too.

I never thought she would reveal her vegetarian fact because, in this generation, only 10% of people are vegetarian throughout the world.

When Mr. Murphy said he didn't believe that Teja made this food without tasting it, I got mad.

But Teja's reply made me proud of her.

She may hate me, but she never forgets her responsibilities as my wife.

She lied so fluently.

But I saw how Jack made his trouser dirty purposely. So he can talk to my wife.

Even my wife took him towards the washroom.

I saw how Teja is laughing with him, which I didn't like a bit.

That's why when she sat on her chair, I caught her wrist in a tight grip.

Her reply made me so mad that tightened my grip.

I warned her and left her wrist.

I saw Aniket see my harshness.

I ignored him, and the dinner went well.

I walked them outside.

Before he left with his staff, he said, " Tanish, your wife is a rare gem. Never hurt her. Because if you didn't understand her and give her the things she wants, you would lose her. "

I was looking at him with shock, but he patted on my shoulder and left.

Aniket looked at me and yelled, " What was that I saw? "

For the first time, my PA raised his voice at me.

My temper rose, but I controlled myself.

" What do you mean? " I asked calmly.

" How can you hurt Mrs. Kashyap like this? " Aniket asked.

" She is my wife. I have every right to do whatever I want. That is the first time you raised your voice at me, and this will be the last time you did something like this. " I replied and warned him.

I start walking towards the elevator when he said, " Tanish, She is a precious gem for you. Since she came into your life, you changed in a good way. Don't lose this gem from your grasp because of your harshness, or you will lose her forever. "

After that, he left, and I turned and looking at his back.

" Why is everyone telling me to change myself when she was the one who needs to change herself first? " I mumbled.

I was so mad as everyone is taking her said that I yelled at her when I entered the hall and saw her.

But when I saw her face, I gasped as she was looking so pale.

Her eyes are red because of tears and pain.

When she told me about period cramps, I realized that I forget about her painful periods.

I gave her a pain killer pill, and she took it.

After a while, she slept when she felt relief from pain.

I took her to our bed and took off her accessories and clothes.

I helped her change her clothes so she can sleep peacefully.

I called Aniket and cleared the schedule for tomorrow.

I called on the hospital and took a day off for her.

After all, now I saw her state.

I can't let her go to the hospital.

I changed my clothes and slept while taking her in my arms.

I woke up when I realized someone was moving too much.

I opened my eyes and saw Teja, who is trying to release herself in my arms.

I saw the time, which shows 4 am.

" Sleep, Teja. I took a day off for you. You will rest now and don't disturb me. " I said, and she looked at me with shock.

But, when she saw me with serious eyes.

Sleep engulfed her.

I smiled, looking at her angelic face.

I kissed her on her lips, and soon sleep engulfed me too.

Hello everyone,

Here is the double update today!!!

I was sick these days that I wasn't able to update well fully.

I hope you like it.

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Stay safe and healthy!!!

Love you!!!!