Chapter 43- A Naughty Toddler!

Five Days Later:-

Teja POV:-

It's been five days since that dinner.

Tanish is now back to his ways.

He doesn't leave me without having s*x.

I am tired of his ways.

Even on Sundays, he took me so many times.

Also, I have to wash all the clothes and dusting the whole house.

That's why I was not able to get any rest on Sundays too.

Two days ago, Mom, Dad, and Maa came to our home for our first gathering.

I have to do a lot of makeup to hide my dark circles and Tanish's art.

This whole Sunday went well as I felt comfort in my parent's arms.

Maa's health is not improving much.

I am worried about her.

I know Dr. Satvik told me to prepare myself, but I can't as she is the most important person to me.

I remember how was that day.


Teja POV:-

Today, I am so happy that I will meet with my parents.

I made so many dishes, especially that favorite.

I made light dishes for maa as the doctor told her not to eat heavy food.

I was waiting for them in the hall while sitting on the couch.

Today, Tanish can't also do anything in front of them.

Tanish went outside to brought some desserts.

The doorbell rang, and I opened the door and saw mom, dad, and maa.

I hugged Mom and dad firstly as they are in front of me and maa is behind them.

" Mom!!!! Dad!!!! I am so happy to see you. " I said while hugging them.

They hugged me back and replied, " We too, dear. Look how much weight have you lose? "

I broke the hug and looked at mom, who is looking at me with anger.

I gulped and said, " Mom, it's nothing like that. "

" Well, that's what I am seeing. " Mom sneered.

I know she cared about me. That's why she is mad at me for seeing me like this.

I ignored her words and saw my mother, who is smiling, seeing us like this.

I hugged her lightly as she lost so much weight and looking so weak.

" Maa!!!! " I whispered. Tears are forming in my eyes, but I controlled them.

She suffered so much already in her life, but now seeing her like this broke my heart.

Can her struggles ever end?

" Teju, dear. It's so good to see you. How are you? How is Tanish? Is your life going well? " Mom said and asked.

I smiled, seeing her so worried about us if she knows the truth.

" Maa, we are too good. Well, let's go inside. " I said, and we entered towards the hall.

They sat on the couch while I went inside the kitchen to bring water for them.

I filled the water in the glasses and gave them.

They took it happily and drank the water.

Mom looked around like trying to find something, and when she doesn't see it.

She turned towards me and asked, " Where is Tanish? "

" Mom, T- " Before I could complete the sentence, Tanish entered.

He looked at us with shock, and then his shocked expression converted into a smile.

He ran toward my mother and hugged her immediately.

" Maa!!!! " He said in her ear enthusiastically, and I smiled.

I saw love in maa's expression, and it made me smile.

I know how Tanish loves my mother, and even my mother loves him too.

She can see her sons in Tanish and Jassi.

Tanish's eyes held concern for her, and he asked, " Maa, how are you? Are you taking your medicines on time? Are you following your diet properly? "

Mom stroked his face and said and asked, " Yes, son. I am taking care of myself. Look at you. You are glowing. Is my daughter taking care of you? "

" Yes, maa. Teja is taking care of me well. We are living happily, but she is working too much in the hospital. Sometimes, she came home too late. " Tanish mumbled, and I looked at him with shock.

Mom looked at me angrily and said, " Teja, what am I hearing from him? You are working too much in the hospital. Is this how you take care of your husband? "

I looked at her in disbelief.

" Maa, I am a doctor, especially a surgeon. Surgeries took too much time, but I do not forget my responsibilities. I am taking care of all his needs. " I replied.

" Kaya, don't you dare to yell at my daughter-in-law? You don't know anything about your son-in-law. Tanish, remember the last time I came here, what did I say to you? That you will hire maids. Why am I not seeing any maids? Don't you dare to tell me that you didn't hire any maid till now? " Mom replied and asked Tanish with a furious expression.

" Mom, it's nothing like that. Teja wants to do everything herself. She didn't let me hire the maids. " Tanish lied so fluently that made me smile.

" So, she wants, and you did as she said. You knew she is a doctor. She went to her work and stood in the hospital, only God knows how long.

Teja made breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

She does all the chores of the house. She washes the clothes and whatnot. And most importantly, you fulfill your needs with her. Are you thinking of her like a machine that will do all the work? " Mom explained and asked.

I blushed when she talks about our physical relationship so freely.

Everyone was so shocked to see her like this.

I smiled, seeing her so worried about me.

I walked towards her and held her hand, and sat on the floor.

" Mom, I know you are worried about me. But believe me, I am doing all this happily. I don't like maids working for me as I was always an independent person. Tanish and I are developing our relationship, and I don't want someone to come between us.

Maa, I promise you. That day I come to know that I am pregnant, I will stop doing all the chores. I will hire the maid immediately. Please, believe in your daughter. " I explained calmly, and she sighed in frustration and defeat.

" Alright, dear. But remember your promise. Look, Raj, how she defeated me with her words. " Mom said with a smile and stroke my cheeks.

She placed a kiss on my forehead.

" Okay, let's have lunch. " I said enthusiastically, and everyone laughed.

We enjoyed the whole day talking and laughing.

Flashback Ends

Teja POV:-

Today, I came back early as my work was completed, and my senior was worried about me, seeing my dark circles.

So, I came back and slept for a while as I know Tanish will not leave me tonight too.

I woke up by the ring of my phone. I picked up my phone without looking who is calling me.

" Hello!!!! " I said in my sleepy voice.

" Teja, are you sleeping right now? " I heard Tanish's voice, which made me sleep away from me.

I sat on the bed quickly and replied, " No, Tanish. What happened? "

" Teja, Teja, Teja!!!! I got an important project, and I am so happy because I got it because of you. So, I decided that we will go for dinner outside. Get ready. I will come in an hour. We will stay in one of my hotel suites tonight. Okay? Also, you don't need to pack anything. I will arrange everything. " He explained enthusiastically, and my face turned pale as I know he will not leave me till I got too exhausted.

" Okay!!! " I said with uneasiness and hung up the call.

I controlled myself and went towards my wardrobe.

I took my pills for controlling my anxiety.

After few minutes, I started to look for a perfect dress.

I want to wear something traditional. I took out a red Anarkali suit which is quite heavy but so beautiful.

I took it out and entered the bathroom.

I took a shower and wore my dress.

I applied light makeup and filled my partition with vermillion.

I wore the mangalsutra and combed my hair.

I clipped some of my hair behind and let the other hair fall.

I looked at myself and smiled.

I saw that it's time.

So, I took my wallet and my phone with me and locked the door.

I come down to the ground floor parking.

I saw him just coming in his car.

He was stunned when he looked at me.

But he smiled and said, " Teja, you came. Let's sit inside. "

I nodded and sat in the car on the passenger seat.

" You are looking so sexy, that made me want to f**k you here. " Tanish said, and I closed my eyes in shame and disgust.

" Thank you, but where are we going? " I asked.

" Wait, my little wife. It's a surprise for you. " Tanish said.

I am looking at his face, and his smirk tells me that I am in big trouble.

I gulped and looked outside the window.

After half an hour, we reached a restaurant.

This restaurant is looking luxurious.

We entered while Tanish put his hand on my waist.

A waiter came and took us towards our reserved seats.

We sat at our table, and the waiter took our orders.

Sometime later, the waiter came back with our order, and we start eating.

The whole dinner, Tanish was talking about his achievement and the project.

I was listening to him carefully.

He is looking like a child today as he is smiling so much.

Suddenly, I saw a three-year baby boy who is looking at me with an adorable smile.

I smile while seeing him.

That boy was flying kiss at me when he saw me smile.

I got stunned seeing his naughty antics.

But, I kissed him back, and he caught it through his hands and put it on his cheek.

I couldn't contain my laugh, and a chuckle came out fro my mouth.

Suddenly, I felt so pain in my wrist. I turned to look at Tanish, who is looking so furious. We stood up from our seats, and he dragged me towards the elevator.

I didn't throw any tantrums as I know he will do something worse.

He didn't say anything and took me to one of the hotel rooms.

His silence is scaring me too much that I am trembling.

When we entered, he closed the door and back slapped me.

His slap was so hard that I fell on the floor.

My ear turned numb for a minute.

He stood me up by my hair in his fist.

" You f**king wh*re, you will never leave your ways. HUH!!! " Tanish yelled, and I looked at him with an emotionless face.

" What did I did now? " I asked.

His grip on my hair tightened. He pushed my face towards him and said, " You dare to flirt with men in front of me. You sl*t. You are just like other wh*res who can throw themselves at any men. " Tanish yelled.

" Tanish, you got it all wrong. I was seeing that- " I was explaining to him, but he cut me off.

" My s*x toy, Today, I will teach you a good lesson that you never dare to see any man other than me. " Tanish said and released my hair from his grip.

He went towards the bed and threw a pack towards me.

" Change into this dress this instant. " Tanish ordered.

I opened the packet, and my eyes widened, seeing lingerie which is so revealing.

I have never wear such type of dress.

Tears form in my eyes and come out.

" Tanish, please. I can't. " I pleaded, and he looked at me with a smirk.

" Oh, my sweet slave wife, either you will change your dress, or I will help you. " Tanish said so sensually, which formed goosebumps on my body.

I went to the bathroom and changed my dress.

I was feeling so shame while wearing this dress.

I come out while trying to cover myself with my hands.

Tanish looked at me and smirked.

" Let's the fun begin!!! " Tanish said, and tears are falling from my eyes.

I know no one able to save me from him.

Today, his brutality is much harsher than my first wedding night.

Hello everyone, I hope you like today's update. I am sorry for not updating the last three days. I was suffering from fever, cold, and tonsen. I am recovering now. I hope you are safe and healthy. What do you what will happen now? Why does Tanish behave like this? What is Tanish planning now? Find out in the next chapter. Don't forget to vote, and comment on my story. Love you!!!