Chapter 44- I am sorry, Teja!!!


Tanish POV:-

I woke up when I heard Teja moaning in pain.

I opened my eyes to see her face on my chest.

Her face is showing pain.

But she deserves this pain.

She made my devil come out and attack her.

I remember why I was so mad at her.

When we finished eating, I was telling her about my achievement. Even she was looking and listening to me carefully. It made me so happy.

But suddenly, she diverted her face towards the male washroom.

A male is looking at her with a smile.

She smiled at him and sent him a flying kiss in front of me.

I looked at her with shock, and she chuckled seeing him smiling.

My temper crossed his limit, and I caught her wrist in a tight grip.

I stood up from my seat and started dragging her towards the elevator.

When I reached the room, we entered, and I back slapped her tightly.

I gave her lingerie and threatened her.

I know I will be harsher than our first wedding night as she dared to flirt with someone in front of me.

When she comes out while trying to hide from me, I lost my mind.

I slammed her on the wall so harshly and started biting her on her neck tightly.

She screamed in agony, but no one will save her as this room is soundproof.

The more she resisted, the more harshly I am doing my work.

I didn't remove her clothes till now, nor I removed my clothes.

But I have a different plan in my mind.

I know she disgusts licking private parts.

" Teja, pull down my pants and give me an amazing blowj*b. " I ordered, and she looked at me with shock.

She never expected that I would make her do that.

" No, never. I will never do that. " Teja yelled while looking at me with disgust.

I slapped her on the other cheek and caught her hair in my fist. I pulled her towards me and said, " Remember the contract clauses that you will do all the things as I say. "

She looked at me in disbelief. She shook her head again.

" Alright, I will make your mother and sister's life hell. " I said calmly and took out my phone from my pocket.

She looked at me with a scared expression and caught my forearm, and said in a trembling voice, " I will do as you say. Please don't do this. "

Tears are coming out of her eyes, and I kissed her tears.

" You are crying this much when I didn't even start my work. Save your tears, my doll. You have to face a lot more than this. Also, you will drink the whole c*m of mine, or you will face the consequence. " I said, and a chuckle comes out from her mouth.

I looked at her trying to understand what is revolving in her mind.

" You are right. I am facing the consequence already. " Teja said in a cold voice.

Her face turned expressionless. Her eyes are void of any emotions.

Only tears are coming out of her eyes.

I felt uneasy under her gaze. That's why I said, " Start your work, Teja. "

She sat on her knees while trembling badly.

She took off my clothes piece by piece.

Her face is emotionless till she didn't see my junior, who is already excited.

She started her work, and I felt immense pleasure.

I was in pleasure. On the other side, Teja is suffering in pain, shame, and disgust. Her dignity is crushing.

She did her work very well and drank my c*m with a disgusted expression.

I break her pride today, and it will leave a long scar on her heart.

But I didn't stop after that. I make love to her throughout the night.

I made her sleep after 4 am.

I called on her hospital and took a day off for her as she is so sore and tired.

Right now, it's 9 am.

I want to wake her, but on the other side, I don't want to wake her up as I know-how must be tired she is.

Suddenly, she starts moving lightly, and her eyes opened slowly.

She touched my torso, and her face turned towards my face.

When she saw the next moment, her sleep went away from her eyes, and a cold expression came to her eyes.

That expression made me uncomfortable as I want to see love in her eyes, not coldness.

So, I got up from the bed and entered the washroom.

I took a shower and changed my clothes.

I come out of the bathroom, she turned towards me, and without saying anything, she entered the bathroom and closed the door.

I sighed in frustration.

I wait for half an hour, and she comes out from the bathroom fully ready. She has worn a white shirt and khaki jeans which I have bought for her.

She took her wallet and applied makeup which she doesn't like a bit.

Her cheeks swelled because of my slaps.

She filled her partition and wore mangalsutra.

When she got ready, I caught her hand in mine and said, " Let's go for breakfast. "

She nodded but didn't say anything to me.

We walked out of the room and went towards the elevator where I saw that man Teja gave a flying kiss.

He is holding a cute baby boy in his arms.

Teja looked at that child and smiled.

I smiled too, looking at that child.

We entered the elevator and went towards the ground floor.

That child was giggling while looking at my wife.

He whispered something on that's man's ear, and that man nodded and put him down carefully.

At that moment, the elevator comes on the ground floor, and the elevator door opened.

That man and the boy walked out firstly. Then we come out.

I saw that the boy snatch his hand from that man's hand and ran towards us.

Teja smiled and sat on her knees.

That boy hugged Teja immediately and said, " Gorgeous aunt, you are so beautiful. I was so happy when you gave me a flying kiss yesterday. But can I kiss you on your cheeks, please? "

I was stunned by his words, and Teja nodded happily.

" Sure, son. " Teja said with a smile, and the boy kissed her on her both cheeks.

" Gorgeous aunt, why are your cheeks swelled? " That boy asked immediately, and I felt guilty.

" Your aunts are swelled because she is so tired. Don't worry about your aunt. She will take a lot of rest, and so her cheeks got well, okay? " Teja replied so sweetly that made my heart melt by her words.

He nodded happily and said, " Bye, aunt. "

He waved his hands and ran towards his father as know I understood that man's relationship with that boy.

Teja waved her hands at him and smiled sweetly.

When he left, her expression turned expressionless.

It made my heart broke.

I caught her wrist in my hand tightly and took her towards the parking lot as I want to ask so many questions.

When we reached towards the car, I slammed her on the car and asked, " What did that child say? "

She looked into my eyes and replied, " Haven't you heard what did he said? "

" Teja!!!! I am asking you one last time, was that flying kiss is for that child? " I yelled and asked with nervousness.

She chuckled coldly and replied, " Yes, that kiss was for that cute adorable child. "

" Why didn't you tell me this before? " I asked, and she smiled at me coldly.

" I think your memory power is weak, Mr. Tanish Kashyap. I tried to explain everything last night, but what you did. You didn't even listen to me and punished me. " She replied sarcastically, and I felt someone poured a tub of cold water on me.

" Teja, I- " I was about to explain her, but she cut me off.

" Mr. Tanish Kashyap, let me tell you one thing. I always think that you are possessive about me that someone will take me away from you. But now, I realized that you didn't even understand me a bit. You distrust me so easily that without understanding the situation, you misunderstood me so easily. You told me that you love me, but the thing is that you never loved me. So, from now on, never say that you love me. " Teja exclaimed and left me stunned.

I was seeing her going far away from me.

I realized what I did.

I punched my fist on the car, and blood came out from my injured area.

I sat in my car, and a tear fell from my eyes.

I recalled all the brutality I have done at her.

Her tears, pleadings, screams, and coldness came in front of my eyes like a film.

Yesterday, I crossed all the limits.

I broke her to that point. I don't know if she will ever forgive me.

I am sorry, Teja. Your Tanish was wrong.