Chapter 45- Business Party!!!

One month Later:-

Teja POV:-

It's been a month since that day.

For a week, I gave the cold shoulder to Tanish.

He tried to apologize to me.

He didn't even touch me in those three days.

But when he got frustrated, he starts hurting me physically.

He tried everything to made me talk to him. Whether it is pleading, screaming, moaning, or talking, But nothing worked.

I didn't show him my emotions.

But after a weak, he fell sick.

I have to take care of him.

That's why I broke my silent treatment and help him recover from his sickness.

I took three days off from the hospital, and even I cleared his schedule for three days.

Aniket was so humble with me and understanding towards me.

He did as I said.

Since that day, everything went well.

Now, even if he didn't leave me without having s*x with me, he would be gentle.

He helped me with the chores.

He made breakfast for us, and I made lunch and dinner for us.

When I get late because of hospital work, he made dinner for us.

Sometimes, he came to pick me up.

At least, I get the time to rest.

So, I don't need to use makeup anymore.

Even my body is glowing more.

He is changing, and this is enough for me.

I don't know if I am ever able to become free from this marriage.

But if he will change for me, I will change my ways too.

I am saying that I forgave him or starting to love him.


He broke my trust, pride, self-esteem, and confidence.

His ways broke my heart into pieces.

I am doing all this for my survival.

I have to make myself strong because after, that I will be able to fight with Tanish.

I have to protect my family.

It's been two months since I last meet and talk to my sisters.

But I can't talk to them.

They called me many times, but I never reply them back.

They messaged me, but I didn't read their messages.

How can I? I know they will find my pain and coldness in my voice.

Mom can't see my pain as she is weak and suffering from pain.

Secondly, Tanish was always with me whenever I meet my mother.

But they can easily find out.

Right now, I am doing surgery on a 10-year girl who has a brain tumor.

This child was smiling before entering the operation theatre.

She knows her chance of survival is 40%.

But still, she didn't care about the operation a bit.

She said with a smile that she believes in us and God.

That's what the patients do.

How easily they believe in doctors and give their life in doctor's hands without even knowing about the doctors sometimes.

They believe in doctors and give their life to us so that we can protect them.

This responsibility is not easy to hold on our shoulders Because we know that there will be a chance that we failed them.

But still, we hold that responsibility to cure them.

We take that risk even after knowing the pros and cons.

I remember my last five surgeries where I couldn't save that patient's life.

That failure is like a stab in our minds and heart.

You can say that, for once, we can forget our successful surgeries, but we can never forget our failed surgeries.

I am focusing on her surgery and removing the tumor carefully from her brain.

She is lucky that her tumor is small, and it will not affect her nervous system and other organs.

She can live a normal life after this surgery.

I can hope her life fills with happiness, unlike me.

I finished my surgery and went outside to give the result to her family.

I tell them about the success of the surgery and the precautions they need to follow after post-surgery treatment.

They listened to me carefully and thanked me.

I smiled at them and left towards my cabin, as this is my last surgery today.

I changed my clothes and wore my white on my dress.

I saw Tanish is calling me.

I picked up his call and said, " Hello, Tanish. "

" Hello, Teja. Are you done with your work? " Tanish asked.

" No, I have to take a round. Why? " I replied and asked.

" Teja, there is a business party today. I have to take you to the party. My important business partners and rivals will be at this party. So, I am sending you a dress, and you will wear it without any arguments. " Tanish said strictly.

I understood in his voice that this party must be important for him.

" Alright, I will go back early today and get ready, perfectly. " I replied, and I am feeling that Tanish is smiling from the other side.

" Okay, bye. " Tanish said and hung up the call.

I sighed and did my round quickly.

I took off my coat and put it on the place.

I change my shoes to heals and left for the penthouse.

When I reached, I saw Aniket was there already holding a packet in his hand.

When he saw me, he smiled and said, " Good evening, mam. Here is the parcel. Sir will come to pick you up. "

" Thank you, Mr. Aniket. Please come inside and have a glass of water. " I replied with a smile.

" Yes, sure, mam. I am thirst as hell. " Aniket said, and I laughed.

I can understand his situation as sometimes surgeries took a long time, and we can't drink water at that time.

I opened the door and went towards the kitchen, and gave him a glass of water.

He took it and drank it immediately.

He thanked me and handed me the parcel, and left.

I went towards the bathroom and took a cold shower because it's too hot weather here.

After all, it's June hot weather.

I put on the bathrobe and come out of the bathroom.

My stomach grumbled. So, I decided to eat something first.

I didn't want to make anything as we will eat dinner at the party.

So I decided to make instant noodles.

I made them and ate them.

After that, I washed the dishes and entered the room.

I opened the parcel and gasped, seeing what type of dress Tanish send for me.

He sends me a white color midi, which has a deep back, and it will not even reach my knees.

I have never worn this short and revealing dress.

How can I wear this dress?

I thought, and an idea came up in my mind.

I went towards my wardrobe and found my skin color legging.

The specialty of this legging is no one will find out that I have worn a legging.

I wore my legging and that dress quickly.

I combed my hair and made my hair light curly, which gave me a seductive but elegant look.

I wore my parent's gifted necklace and wore diamond earrings.

I filled my partition with vermillion and wore mangalsutra.

I wore silver pencil high heels, which Tanish send for me.

I did a natural makeup and smiled after feeling satisfied.

I checked the time, which shows 7 pm.

I checked my phone, and I was about to call Tanish when he called me.

I smiled and picked his call.

" Hello, Tanish. I am ready. " I said, and I heard a sigh from the other side.

" Thank God, you are ready, Teja. Come down. I was waiting for you here. " Tanish said, and I hummed and cut the call.

I took my cross bag and put it on the sideways.

I looked at myself and smiled.

I took the keys, phone, and makeup kit and put them in my bag.

I left the penthouse and came down and saw Tanish was waiting for me.

Tanish wore a maroon Armani Suit, and he fixed his hair with jell.

He is looking handsome with his arrogant smile.

He opened the door for me.

I thanked him and sat inside.

He sat on the driving seat and started driving.

We reached a 10-star hotel.

And reporters are clicking the pictures uncontrollably.

I sighed as I never liked reporters.

Guards opened the door for Tanish, and he came out.

Then Tanish opened the door from me and showed me his hand.

I put my hand on his and came out from the car.

" Mr. Kashyap and Mrs. Kashyap, is it true that Mrs. Kashyap is married to you for money? " One reporter asked.

" Mrs. Kashyap, is it true that you had a miscarriage before? Are you a sl*t since your teenage days? " Second reporter asked, and I felt he stabbed me with his words.

" Mrs. Kashyap, how many other males do you have s*x with? " Third one asked, and their question went on.

I felt Tanish body become rigid, and he is controlling his rage.

I am scared for myself, but I hide my emotions well.

We entered inside without any problem.

We entered the hall, and everything is screaming luxury.

I like the hall as the hall is decorated royally.

Everyone is chatting happily, but I am feeling awkward as I never like social gatherings.

I saw an old couple came towards us and the old man said, " Tanish, welcome. Is this your beautiful doctor's wife? "

" Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor. Yes, she is my wife, Dr. Teja Kashyap. She is a neurosurgeon. Teja darling, they are Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor, my business partner. They hold 20% shares of our company. " Tanish replied and introduced with each other.

" Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Kapoor. It's nice to meet you. Tanish told me about you. I always wish to meet you. Finally, I got the chance. " I said, and handshakes with them.

Mrs. Kapoor held my hands and said, " Same here, dear.

Tanish told me a lot about you. You are so beautiful and humble. Tanish, you got a gem. Take care of her well. Don't let someone take her away from you. "

I smiled at her, and we started to meet other people.

Some were humble with me.

Some tried to flirt with us indirectly.

Some were rude to us.

I took a white wine glass and drank the wine.

Suddenly, I felt lightheaded.

I realized that I forget about my low tolerance.

Suddenly, my balance stumbled, and I collided with one of the waiters, and the whole white wine fell on me.

The waiter looked so scared that I will scold him badly.

But I apologized to him because it was my mistake.

Everyone was looking at me with shock.

Tanish came towards me and held my wrist in his hand, and said, " I am sorry, everyone. My wife isn't feeling well. So, I am taking her home. Please enjoy yourself. "

After his little speech, he started dragging me outside the hall.

His eyes held rage.

God knows what is going to happen to me now.