Chapter 46- Scandal!!!

Tanish POV:-

When I saw Teja, she was looking so beautiful that I want to make love to her in our car. But I controlled myself as this party is very important for me.

When we reached the entrance, they started to ask ridiculous things about my wife.

They think my wife is a wh*re.

They think she gets married to me because of money.

Have these reporters lost their screw somewhere?

I mean, everyone knew that she is a neurosurgeon. She is making enough money already. She is an independent lady.

She even paid her fees to my father already.

She doesn't need anyone's help, even for her mother's treatment.

But they are thinking about her like this.

These questions are making me mad.

So, I gritted my teeth entered the hall.

I met with many people and introduced them to my wife.

Everyone complimented her. I observed how everyone is looking at her.

It made me feel possessive over her, so I wrapped my arm around her waist.

But, I met one of my associates who wants to talk to me alone.

So, I left her for a while, but damn.

She bumped into one of the waiters, and all the wine fell on her.

Her dress sticks to her like a second skin which shows her curves.

Some hairs stick on her neck, which gave her a seductive look.

Most importantly, this stupid girl wore leggings which showed after her dress got wet.

I saw how men are looking at her lustfully.

Women are laughing at her.

That waiter was scared to see his mistake, but this girl forgets about her reputation, image and she apologized to that waiter.

Everyone was looking at her with shock as they can't able to digest the fact that Mrs. Kashyap apologized to a lowly waiter.

Her behavior made me so mad, but I calmed myself and held her.

I excused ourselves from everyone and took her with me.

When we reached the parking area, I slammed her on my car and yelled, " Teja, have you lost your screw today? "

She looked at me with shock, and she trembled badly when I held her shoulder tightly.

" Answer me, dammit. " I roared, and Teja flinched.

" Tanish, wh... what are you talking about? " Teja asked while trembling.

I tightened my grip on her shoulders.

" Have you forgotten whose wife are you? You are the wife of Tanish Kashyap. How can you apologize to a lowly class waiter? " I asked while looking in her eyes with rage.

She calmed herself and said, " Yes, I know, I am your wife. But it was my fault that I bumped into him. So, I have to apologize for my mistake, whether that person is rich or low. "

Her reply made my temper rise, and I yelled, " No, you can't. You know what you thoughts are really low-class standard. You can never apologize to a lower-class person. You are Mrs. Kashyap. Women can die for this title. You get this title so hold it like a perfect rich wife. Never dare to show me your low-class ways and thoughts. "

Her eyes filled with tears. Her whole body is trembling in rage.

She pushed me away and yelled, " What do you think of yourself, A God? No, Tanish. You are just a human who knows how to show his fake pride. You hate my low-class thoughts, right? Then why did you married to me? Women die for this title. This title is nothing but trash. Your luxury is nothing but fakeness who can never give people the love and respect they deserve. I am ashamed to hold this title. "

Now, her words crossed the limits of my rage.

I held her hair in my fist tightly.

I pushed her on the passenger seat, and I sat in the driver's seat.

I drive towards our home.

When we reached, I came out from the car and took her out by taking her hair in my fist.

She was not screaming but trying to release herself from my grip on her hair.

I dragged her to our room and threw her on the bed.

She is trembling badly, and her breaths are getting uneven.

I hover over her and torn her clothes.

I took off my clothes and said, " You are ashamed to become my wife, right Teja? "

My voice is so calm and cold that a shiver ran through her body. Goosebumps formed on her body.

I smiled, seeing the effect I have on her.

I cupped my face and whispered in her ear, " Today, I made you realize that this title is going to be yours. You are the one who is going to bear it, No one else. And From now onwards, you will never say that you felt ashamed to become my wife, My dear Teja. "

I forced myself on her, and she screamed.

I released all my anger and frustration on her.

After I was done, Teja was looking at me without any emotions.

" Tanish, don't stoop so low that one day, you were not able to see yourself in the mirror. " Teja said.

" Oh, dear. Don't worry about me. Think about yourself. " I replied sarcastically. Teja chuckled.

" Tanish, mind my words. One day, you will come to me and beg me to forgive you. But I will leave you without even looking back at you. You will regret everything you are doing with me. " Teja said.

I chuckled and replied, " Don't worry, dear. I will make sure that day will never come. I will never let you leave me. You will be my wife till death do us apart. Now sleep. "

Soon sleep engulfed us.

I woke up to my phone ringtone. My head is aching.

I didn't remember when I stop, but I remember I hurt her badly.

I picked up my phone after seeing Aniket is calling me.

" Hello, Aniket. Why are you calling me now? It's too early in the morning. " I asked.

" Sir, it's important. That's why I called you. You should see the news I am sending you. " Aniket said, and I hung up the call.

I saw a notification from Aniket.

I opened the link and gasped seeing the news.

In this news,

there is a clip of last night's party, where Teja was apologizing to the waiter.

The title is like, " The Famous Billionaire Mr. Tanish Kashyap's wife, Dr. Teja Kashyap, is apologizing to a low-class waiter. "

The comments are like, " Oh, God. What seductive body Mrs. Kashyap has. I have become a fan of her the way she didn't become arrogant and apologized to the waiter for her mistake. "

" Mrs. Kashyap is a humble and generous lady. She doesn't care about her status. She has a heart of gold. "

" Mrs. Kashyap is a neurosurgeon. I am one of her patients. What a patient lady she is. She is so understanding towards patients. She is so hardworking in her work. She is a gem that is rare to find these days. "

" I am a friend of Tanish and Teja. Teja is a hardworking and disciplined woman since her childhood. I am grateful to have such friends who made such success. "

There are many comments like this. Most of the women are jealous of Teja becoming my wife but happy as she deserves to be my wife.

Males are praising her for her behavior and nature.

What quality does she have that she made everyone attract towards her?

I am really confused. Who exactly is she?

I know reporters are not going to leave her today. I took a day off for her from the hospital, and they agreed immediately as the reports affect the other patients. Also, they will not let Teja do her work.

I saw it's 6. 30 am.

I took a shower and worshipped her temple.

As I know, she will awake late.

I was making breakfast when I heard Teja's steps sound.

I turned and saw Teja, who is looking at me in shock.

She thought I must have left as it's 8 am.

" Good morning. Have breakfast. " I said, and Teja is looking at me like I have grown two heads.

" What? " I asked, and she shook her head.

" Nothing. " Teja replied and sat on the chair with difficulty.

I felt guilty, but she deserves it as she said such words to me.

" I took a day off for you. You will rest and don't go anywhere as reporters are waiting for you. " I said.

" No, I will go to the hospital. I have two surgeries there. I can't cancel it just because I am scared of a few reporters. " Teja replied.

" Teja, you don't know anything about reporters, okay? It will not be good for you if you go to the hospital today. " I tried to explain Teja as I am worried for her.

" You don't know anything about me. I will go to the hospital and do those surgeries. " Teja said with determination.

I sighed in defeat.

" Alright, do whatever you want. Don't beg when you will face some difficulty. " I said and left home.

Teja POV:-

What does he think of himself?

Just because he is my husband, he can do whatever he wants.

Those surgeries are so important that I can't ignore them.

I called the director of the neuro department, Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

" Hello, sir. It's me, Dr. Tripti. Sir, I want a favor from you. Please arrange the operation theatre. I will come now and do my surgeries. " I said.

" Teja, child. Have you gone mad? You can't come. You don't know how reporters are waiting for you outside the hospital entrance. " Sir said.

" Sir, please, don't worry about me. I will handle it. Please, prepare the OT. I am coming at any cost. " I requested and hung up the call.

I can't stay in this house. It will haunt me like a ghost.

I have to control myself and my anxiety attacks, which are increasing day by day.

Yesterday, I had anxiety attacks three times.

But I managed myself as I can't show myself weak in front of Tanish.

Yesterday, Tanish made me believe that he will never change.

I took a shower and changed my clothes.

I left towards the hospital in my car.

When I reached the entrance as expected many reporters are stooping my car and asking for an interview.

I came out of the car, and I saw many patients are disturbing because of these reporters.

My temper rose to see the situation.

" SILENCE!!! " I yelled, and those reporters stopped.

" Don't you guys have any humanity? Do you remember where are you standing? In front of the hospital entrance. Don't you care about the patients a bit? Have you forgotten that I am a doctor? I have to do surgeries and take care of my patients. How the hell am I gonna do all my work? When you all stop me like this just for your bloody interview.

Look, I don't care about what do you say about my reputation after this, but I request you to leave this hospital, my family, and me alone.

Give me aside so I can enter the hospital NOW!!! " I yelled, and they give me my way immediately.

I sat in my car and went towards the parking lot.

I parked my car and entered the hospital.

Everyone is looking at me with shock, anger, and disgust.

I ignored them and went towards my cabin.

I changed my clothes and went towards the OT.

Let's start my work.

Important Announcement:-

Dear lovely readers @everyone,

I am Tripti, author of this lovely book.

Today I want to ask you a very important question.

Do you want me to write a novel about Kaya's Struggle?

There are a lot of things which are still not known to you and if I will write this new novel. You will get to know more about Kaya's, Teja's, and Babita's life.

And Please I am requesting everyone who is reading my story to please tell me. Do you want me to write the novel of Kaya's life?

I'm giving you three days to decide.

Please tell me your answer in these three days.

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