Chapter 47- Trust on her!!!

One Month Later:-

Teja POV:-

Today is our third-month wedding anniversary.

Two days ago, we did our third gathering.

But, mom is looking more week than before. I am so worried about her.

I have talked to Dr. Satvik about it, he told me it's normal, but she is not improving much. She is improving but at a slow rate. So, they have changed the procedures.

They are trying their best, and I am praying for my mother every day. So, she can be better and recover well.

I have come to the hospital early today.

Today, I am the head of my neuro department.

Some of our seniors went to counseling sessions, and they will not pick the phone in that duration.

The other senior went for a critical operation which starts at midnight.

I am walking towards my cabin, but I stopped. I saw many VIP cars are coming to the entrance of the hospital.

I run towards the entrance and saw some foreign bodyguards are taking an injured male foreigner towards the stretcher.

The blood is oozing out from his head.

At this rate, his rate of survival can be decreased.

I went towards the patients, but one of the bodyguards stopped me.

" Mam, you can't see Mr. Mayor. He will be checked by his doctor, Dr. Nicholas Thompson. " He said.

" Look, at least, let me check his vitals. The blood flow rate is high, and the blood is not even stopping. At this rate, he will die. " I tried to make him understand.

He thought for a while and allowed me to chack him up.

I thanked him and started to examine him.

The patient's vital is telling me. If we didn't start his operation in the next 20 minutes, he would die.

" Can you call his doctor? I want to talk to him. " I said, and he called the doctor immediately and handed me his phone.

" Hello, Am I talking to Dr. Nicholas Thompson? " I asked.

" Yes, who are you? " He asked.

" Hello, doctor. It's doctor Teja Narayan. Remember we met last year on a training program. " I said.

" Oh, yes. Dr. Teja. How is the situation of Mr. Mayor? " He asked.

" Dr. Nicholas, we need to start the operation in the next 20 minutes, or else he can lose his life. " I replied and told him about all the things I observed.

" You are right, Dr. Teja. But I will reach in the next 30 minutes. " He replied, and my eyes widened.

I think and asked with determination, " Can I perform this surgery? "

Everyone is looking at me with shock.

Even I heard Dr. Nicholas held his breath.

" Are you sure you want to do it? You know very well, if something happened to Mr. Mayor, you would be responsible. Also, you can be lost your position. You can also go to jail. " He asked.

I took a deep breath and said, " I know, but I can't let him die at any cost. "

He sighed and said, " Okay, start the surgery, and Teja, I believe in you. Now, give the phone to Mike. " He said, and I gave the phone to the bodyguard name Mike.

He gestured me to start the procedure.

I gestured to the nurses, and we took him towards the OT.

I changed my clothes and prepared myself for this war.

This surgery decides my future carrier.

Akaash POV:-

It's been three months since I talked with Teja.

We met sometimes, but she avoided me at all cost.

I am tired of her behavior.

I know I shouldn't say those words to Teja.

At that time, I was worried about Teja.

After all, I know what type of bastard Tanish is.

When I saw the determination in Teja's eyes for her marriage, I lost it.

I know I lost my friendship with her.

I saw her every day without even her knowing.

I care about her.

I know about her mother's situation, I want to console Teja. But I know she doesn't need pity and consolement from me.

She is looking depressed day by day, and I am worried about her health.

Sometimes, I sent fruit and juice fore her with the help of nurses and told them that they couldn't tell this to Teja.

She ate and drank those things happily and thanked the nurses.

Her smile made my day.

But after her marriage, she rarely smiles.

I hope that bastard is taking good care of Teja.

If I ever found out that he made Teja cry. I will kill him.

These days, my family tried to fix my marriage with many girls.

They tried many blind dates, but I didn't find anyone, my suitable partner.

Somewhere in my heart, I am still not ready to move on from my life.

" Dr. Akaash!!! " I heard a nurse called me loudly.

I turned and saw her, who is looking so anxious.

" What happened, nurse Aarti? Why are you taking so deep breaths? Calm down and tell me. " I asked.

She calmed herself first and revealed the truth, which shocked me to the core.

" Dr. Akaash, Dr. Teja started a surgery of Mayor of London. If something happened to him, Dr. Teja's carrier would end, and there is a chance that she can go to jail. " The nurse confessed, and my eyes widened.

Oh, God. Teja, why do you have to take such risky surgery?

I ran towards the OT and saw many doctors and nurses are trying to enter the OT, but no one entered as everyone is scared to enter inside the OT.

I remember we can see the operation from the window on the upper floor.

I ran towards the OT and saw one foreign doctor is also looking at the surgery.

I stood beside him and look at the surgery.

" You are? " That foreign doctor asked.

" Hello, I am Dr. Akaash Rathore, a gynecologist. " I introduced myself.

" Myself Dr. Nicholas Thompson. If you are a gynecologist, what are you doing here? " He asked.

" I am here to support my friend, Dr. Teja. " I replied and looked at Teja, who is operating the Mayor.

" Oh, Dr. Teja is a skilled doctor. I met her last year, and she saved me from falling on the terrace as I lost my balance," he explained, and I smiled.

I know Teja is like this, always helping other people.

" But I am still worried about her as this case is critical. " Dr. Nicholas said, and I looked at her.

She is not letting herself distract.

Teja, I believe in you. You can do it.

Just believe in yourself.

Tanish POV:-

I am sitting in my cabin and thinking about these three months of my marriage. It's noon.

In these months, Teja's behavior changed a lot.

I may break her, but I am not feeling satisfied.

A part of my heart is telling me that whatever I did to Teja was wrong.

I shouldn't break her anymore and tried to seek forgiveness for my past mistakes.

The other part is telling me that I have to break her completely. So she will become my doll.

She will become a submissive wife who fulfills every wish of her husband.

I am confused right now.

I was in these thoughts when suddenly my PA entered without knocking.

" Aniket, have you forgotten your manners? " I yelled at him.

" I am sorry, sir. But Teja mam carrier and life are in danger. " Aniket said with a worried said.

I stood up from my seat and caught his collar, and asked, " What do you mean by all this nonsense? What happened? Explained to me clearly. "

" Sir, Teja mam is performing surgery of the Mayor of London. That operation is critical too.

If something happened to him, Teja mam lost her position as a doctor, and she can go to jail. " Aniket explained, and my eyes widened.

Has Teja gone mad?

I knew she knew about all this, but, still, this stupid girl agreed to perform the surgery.

I need to see her.

I was about to leave when Aniket said, " Sir, you can't go. We have an important meeting in 15 minutes. "

I sighed in frustration.

" Fine, but you will update me whenever she came out from the surgery. " I ordered him, and Aniket nodded worriedly.

Teja, you must come back to me with this successful surgery.

God, please, help her.

" When did this surgery start? " I asked in frustration.

He gulped and replied, " 6 am. "

My temper rose, " Are you telling about this important information this late? " I yelled.

" I am sorry, sir. But, we need to leave for the meeting, please. " He said.

If it's not an important meeting, I will beat him to the pulp right now.

I sighed and left for the meeting.

I hope when I come back, she will be in my arms.

Hello everyone,Here is the double update.What do you think about Tanish and Akaash?Will Teja be able to finish this surgery successfully?Or some other troubles come into Teja's life.Let's find out in the next chapter.Love you!!!