Chapter 55- Confrontations!!!

Teja POV:-

It's been five minutes since we entered this room.

I am looking at Mr. Albert, who is looking older than before.

I know I am stupid in this thought that he will still look like before.

His eyes held love for me which made me difficult to maintain my emotionless face.

Since we entered this room, I made myself rock in front of them.

I will not let them laugh at me.

His wife has hazel eyes and blonde hair.

She is beautiful, but not so much beautiful like my mother.

My mother's features are sharper than hers.

" You want to explain your side, then why are you so silent right now? Please, tell me this sooner. I don't have much time to waste on you. My family is waiting for me downstairs. " I said in my cold voice, and they flinched at my voice.

He came towards me and raised his hands to hug me, but I took a step back and yelled, " Don't you dare to hug me or touch me. Just explain to me. "

He looked hurt but didn't say anything to me.

" Teja, I didn't mean to hurt you, your sister, and your mother intentionally.

I found out the truth about our family, and I went to my cousin's brother to confront him. Even they accepted that truth. I was coming back home, but that bastard tried to do my car accident.

They tried to kill me many times with the help of doctors as my situation was critical.

When the doctors took me for the postmortem as they thought I died, my heart revived again.

That doctor who was about to do my postmortem saw me coming back from death. He switched my body with someone else's body because he knew that Nirbhik was trying to kill me.

After that, I reached Dr. Angelina's custody, who came to India for an important meeting. Dr. Angelina is this lady, my wife. " He explained, and this "wife" word stabbed my heart from the sword.

" I was in a coma for two years.

When I came out of the coma, I found myself in one London hospital.

I talked to Angelina about you guys, and she helped me coming back to India. We came to know that Kaya married Nirbhik on the 12th day of my death. I felt betrayed. After all, she didn't wait for six months before marrying Nirbhik. " I felt my temper rose when he blamed my mother. Before I could accuse him, he said,

" But when I came to know that Kaya's parents forced her to get married to Nirbhik because of my children, I felt guilty for not being with all of you when you all needed me. I want to see you guys, that's why I came secretly and saw you and Ritu are playing with some children in the park. Kaya was looking at you while a baby girl was in her hands. You all were looking so happy without me.

That day, I decided I would never come into your life again.

I left India and started a new life in London.

After three years, I made an empire in photography, and Angelina's father helped me financially.

I wanted to give him back his money, but he said he wanted me to get married to Angela.

I refused as I wanted to stay loyal to your mother, but he said he was suffering from a brain tumor and his situation is critical, and he doesn't believe anyone except me.

So, I agreed, and I got married to Angelina.

After six months of our marriage, I didn't give her any rights as my wife, but then I realized that it was unfair to her.

So, I gave her all the rights, and we had a child Arjun who is 18 years right now. " He finished his explanation.

He is looking at me with love.

I know he wants to hug me.

But does he have the right to come back to my and my mother's life just like this?

No, never.

I will never let him her and anyone from my family.

I know everyone will be heartbroken when they will find out about him being alive.

I came in front of me with my cold face, " Do you think I will forgive you now?

No, I will never forgive you.

Do you what happened after you left us?

Do you even know how much do we suffered?

Did you ever think about us before deciding that decision?

How can you do this to your wife?

How can you do this to your children?

Do you even know how much mom cried for you every night while thinking about you?

I still remember my mother's cries.

I will never forgive you, Mr. Albert Williams.

Now I have listened to your explanation. I want you to get the hell out of my and my family's life and never come back here. " I yelled.

He looked at me with tear-filled eyes. I was about to turn when Mrs. Albert came in front of me.

" Teja, you don't have any right to yell at your father like this.

You don't know how much he missed you all.

I may become his wife, but still, he loves your mother.

He may become loyal to me and gave me his care, love, and rights.

But he still cried for you, your sister, and your mother.

There was not any day when he didn't talk about you all. Please, he needs your love. He missed you. Please, hug him for one time. " Mrs. Albert said, and I laughed.

" Do you think we didn't miss him?

Do you think we didn't cry for him?

Mrs. Albert, you didn't know anything about us.

I know you have your reason to be with him. You are innocent. That's why I am not saying anything to you.

But please, don't tell me, what should I do with this man?

For us, he died many years ago. Now, I don't want my family to hurt more.

I will not hug him or let him touch me. " I replied coldly, and tears fell from their eyes.

I controlled my tears and turned towards the door, but the door opened and revealed a man who looked exactly like my father.

He is the younger version of my father. I understood that he was Arjun, my father's son.

He looked at me excitedly and hugged me.

I felt immense happiness to hug him.

I am trying to control my cold face, but still, a smile came on my lips when he said, " Teja di!! Teja di!!!! I am so happy to meet you finally. "

I broke my hug and looked at the boy who looked at me innocently.

" Do you know about me? " I asked, and he nodded happily.

" Yes, dad told me about you. Dad told me that you and our older sister Ritu were living in India with my other mother.

He said I couldn't meet you because I couldn't let you know about dad's existence. " Arjun replied sadly, and I stroke his hair.

" You can meet me anytime you want, but make sure to tell me before meeting me. " I replied, and Arjun hugged me happily.

" Really??? Thank you, di. But where is Ritu di? I want to meet her too. " Arjun said, and I closed my eyes in pain.

" Ritu di died when she was almost eight because of double pneumonia. Arjun, I need to go now. I want to be alone for some time. " I said with difficulty and left.

Before closing the door, I heard someone fell on the floor.

I ignored them and started to walk towards the stairs like a living dead.

Tears are falling from my eyes continuously.

I am broken and shattered today.

My heart and mind are in pain because after knowing the truth about my father.

I was about to take a step in front of the stairs when I heard my father's voice.

" Teja!!! " I turned and saw him crying. I smiled sadly and took my step.

But I didn't realize when my leg slipped and I started to crawl on the stairs.

" TEJA!!!! " I heard my dad's loud yell, and my stomach bumped into one of the stairs.

Suddenly, I saw Srishti's smiling face while crawling on the stairs.

I knew she did this.

When I reached downstairs, I screamed as I felt immense pain in my stomach.

I saw Tanish, mom, dad, Akaash, ran towards me.

Tanish picked me in bridal style and whispered, " You are pregnant. "

" Tanish, let's go to the hospital, or we can lose your baby and Teja both. " Akaash screamed.

They all started to run towards the car.

Limousine stood in front of the gate, and reporters were taking our picture.

I am screaming in pain.

" Tanish... Please... Save... Our... Baby... Please... " I said in my painful and shuttered voice.

" Teja, nothing will happen to you. You will be fine and our baby too. Please don't lose your consciousness. Please!!!! " Tanish yelled while looking at me with teary eyes.

" Teja, control yourself. You will be fine. " I heard Akaash said.

" Akaash, I believe in you. Please save my baby. " I said, and he nodded.

I didn't realize when I lost my consciousness.

Oh, Teja and her child are in danger.

Is Srishti really planned all this?

What about Teja's father's family?

What about Tanish's family?

What will happen in the future? Let's find out in the next chapter.

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Love you!!!