Chapter 56- Worried For Teja!!!

Tanish POV:-

I was looking at Teja, who lost consciousness.

" Teja!!! Teja!!! Please, dear, please, open your eyes. " I yelled, and the reporters gave us the way immediately while taking our pictures.

Mom, dad, Teja's father, and stepmother, trying to wake her up, but she is not responding to anyone.

We sat in the car immediately, and the car started to run towards the hospital.

I was looking at her in fear.

I was so shocked when I came to know she was pregnant.

Today, I am in fear that I might lose her.

I don't want to lose her and my child.

They are so important to me.

" Please, Teja, please fight for our child. I don't want to lose you and our child. Please!!! " I said in her ear, and everyone was looking at us with concern.

Aakash sat beside me and started to examine her pulse.

Dad, mom, Mr., and Mrs. Albert were sat in this car.

" Don't worry. Nothing will happen to Teja. We will reach the hospital in time. " Akaash said and patted my shoulder, and I nodded while looking at her.

Blood is coming out from her vagina.

The history is repeating.

I don't want to lose them again.

When we reached, we ran towards the entrance, and I laid her on the stretcher.

We ran towards the OT, and then I suddenly realized that Akaash would do the surgery of Teja.

Akaash was about to enter the OT when I stopped him.

" No, you will not do this surgery. Tell any other female doctor to do this surgery. " I said.

Dad came in front of me and said, " Tanish, have you lost your mind? Akaash is the best in this field, and you knew about it. Let him do his work, and don't you dare to stop him. "

I looked at him and then sighed in defeat.

I looked at Akaash, who looked at me with disgust, and he entered the OT immediately.

Everyone is worried about her.

I remember about Bubbly, so I decided to call her.

I went towards the corridor and called Bubbly.

Bubbly and Jassi had settled in Canada five months ago because of an important project.

She picked it up after three rings and said, " Hello, Tanish Jija Ji. How are you? "

A tear fell from my eyes, and I said, " Hello, Bubbly. Your sister is pregnant, and she fell from the stairs. Her life is in danger. Please, come here. "

" What??? What do you mean? Why didn't di tell me about her pregnancy? " She asked.

" I think she didn't even know about it as she didn't tell me about it. Please, she needs you. Please, come here. " I replied, and she said hurriedly, " Alright, I am coming. "

She hung up the call, and I came in front of the OT entrance.

Suddenly, the door opened, and a nurse came out and said, " Sir, please arrange O+ blood. She has lost too much blood. She needs blood immediately.

O+ blood group isn't available in our blood bank right now. We are trying to find the blood from another hospital. You try to find this type of blood, please. "

" Also, you need to sign these papers. If something happened to the mother and child, the hospital would not be responsible for this situation. " She confessed and handed me the papers. I signed it with a heavy heart.

" You don't need to find it anywhere. My blood group is O+. " I turned as saw Arjun said while looking at me with a smile.

I smiled back, and the nurse told him to follow her.

He left, and a terrible silence surrounded us again.

Raj POV:-

I am so worried about Teja and my unborn grandchild.

I know if Teja has lost this baby today, she would break completely.

After all, she lost one baby already.

Also, the truth of her father and her mother's condition is not helping her in this condition.

God, why is my daughter suffering so much?

Isn't her past enough to haunt her now this too?

Please, God. I can't lose my child in the darkness.

She is a pure angel who filled everyone's life with happiness and love.

Don't let her happiness be snatched away from her.

Don't let her go into the darkness.

She fought from her childhood.

She was a true fighter since birth.

I knew her. I knew how much she had suffered from her birth.

When she was three and half years old, she came to know her father died.

When she was almost seven years old, she lost her older sister.

When she was ten years old, she was almost raped and about to lost her life, when I saved her from getting raped and gave her my blood.

When she was fourteen years old, she lost her grandfather.

I know her grandfather was not a good person, but he was always good with their grandchildren.

When she was sixteen years old, she lost her cousin's sister, who was her only best friend.

After that, when she was seventeen years old, she lost her child and dignity in front of society.

She had to leave her home, family, and loved ones, and she went to Australia for further studies.

Her past haunts her for the last seven years, and she didn't get any sleep properly without taking her medicines.

Even after so many hardships, today, she found out the truth about her father. Also, she was about to lose her child again.

Can't she get any happiness in this life?

Why is this happening to her?

What was her fault?

After helping so many people, what happiness she got?



I was asking the God in my mind when suddenly, Rajshree put her hand on my shoulder.

I turned to look at her, who looked at me with teary eyes.

" Will she come out alive? Please, tell me, Raj Ji. I don't want to lose my child again when I get her back after seven years. " Rajshree asked.

I hugged her and said, " Nothing will ever happen to our child. Have you forgotten she is a fighter? She fought this battle seven years ago. She will fight again and come back to us successfully. "

Tears are falling from my eyes while I am looking at Albert and his wife with disgust.

They are crying for Teja too.

Soon, that boy who was Teja's half-brother came back and stood beside Tanish.

Suddenly, we heard that voice which shocked us to the core.

That voice we didn't want to hear right now.

" Tanish beta. " That voice said weakly.

We all turned our faces towards the source of the voice and saw Kaya, who was sitting in the wheelchair while looking at Albert with shock.

God, there start the other drama.

Can this day get any worse?

Hello everyone,Kaya came for Teja nad saw Albert/ Laxmi Narayan. What do you think will happen?Can Kaya able to digest the fact that her first husband was alive?How can she react?How did she know about Teja>What will happen now?Also, Teja is fighting for her life and also her child's life.Will she be able to win this fight?Will her child get save?What do you think?Don't forget to tell me.Love you!!!