Chapter 60- Kaya's Sufferings!!!

Kaya POV:-

When I left for my room, my heart filled with heaviness.

I never felt so defeated in my life.

Even at that time, When Ravi left us alone in this cruel world.

My children were so small and weak.

My Ritu was four and half years old, and my Teja was three and half years old.

No one knew about the computer as Ravi was the only one who managed his business in photography.

I told him to teach me photoshop, and I learned it from him.

So, I did all the work that time.

I wasn't able to get any sleep because of this fear. What will my children eat tomorrow?

But I didn't accept my defeat for the sake of my children.

Nirbhik worked in another place.

My father-in-law and I managed the shop.

My so-called father-in-law did everything to irritate me and bullied me.

But, for the sake of my children, I tolerated everything.

Nirbhik raped me at that time when I just lost my Ravi.

They told me that I am a one rupee sl*t. And my type of girl walked on the roads.

But I listened to everything for the sake of children.

And he got me pregnant.

But because of this bastard, an angel came into my life.

But that angel was also a little naughty.

She never adjusted with Teja or anyone else except Ritu and me.

She always cried when someone took her in their arms.

So, most of the time, I have to work and also laid her in my lap.

So she will keep quiet and don't disturb me much as Ritu's health wasn't good most of the time.

I was grateful to have Teja.

Teja handled her studies, and Ritu.

She may not like to do the chores, but she took care of Ritu and Bubbly most of the time.

She may be my second child, but she always became her sister's older sister and held all the responsibilities on her little shoulder.

She encouraged me and has always studied for 12 hours since she was six.

She was always a hard-working daughter.

She was the only one who became my strength.

I know I raised my hands on my daughter Teja, but I did it for her so she could focus on her studies more.

After I became a heart patient, I stopped working in the shop. I handed the shop to Nirbhik to handle.

But he started to bully me more and said he was the one who made this shop.

But just he didn't say anything to my children. I tolerated everything for the sake of my children.

I raised my daughters to become stronger.

But he got the best chance to humiliate my daughter when she lost her daughter.

Nirbhik and my mother-in-law always called my daughter and me bad names.

They even started to humiliate Bubbly.

But I didn't have anything in my hand.

So my daughter Bubbly faced a lot.

Even her friends bullied her. My daughter tolerated everything.

That is the bitter truth of society.

Boys can do anything, but no one would say anything.

But if a girl does anything by mistake, everyone starts to question her character and dignity.

Our society was always males dominating society.

My daughters never did anything wrong, but still, everyone called them names. I wasn't able to do anything.

I felt so helpless at that time. All my hard work didn't go to waste when my daughters got their prince charmings.

Jasminder was the one who always protected Bubbly from this cruel world.

He also never touched my daughter without her consent.

I know sometimes, my daughter Bubbly hated Teja for all of her sufferings.

But when she thought about her sister's suffering, she felt guilty.

I know both of my daughters love each other and can do anything for their sister's sake.

I felt relieved to see that their husbands were always there for her.

They would protect them and gave them respect.

But I am worried about my daughter Teja.

Happiness was snatch from her always before she could enjoy that happiness.

I was thinking about all my life when I reached my room and sat on the bed.

After Eight hours:-

Kaya POV:-

I didn't realize when eight hours left.

So I decided to go to my daughter's room.

So I could hold her as she needs me the most right now.

I sat in my wheelchair and left for Teja's room.

When I reached it I was opening the room, then suddenly I saw something which shocked me to the core.

Tanish slapped my daughter tightly.

I gasped when I saw this.

Teja turned her face towards Tanish and looked at me with shock.

But her shock turned into rage, and she yelled, " Tanish have you gone mad? Why did you slap me? "

Tanis caught Teja through her hair in his fist. And my eyes widened.

I never saw this side of Tanish. Did Tanish always behave like this with my daughter?

" Do you have any shame left in you? How dare you flirt with Akaash after just losing our child? I lost my child because of your fault.

You are the reason behind my son's death. " Tanish spat on Teja.

I looked at them with shock. The pain in my heart started to increase.

I never thought Tanish would accuse Teja of cheating.

Today, I am looking at myself in Teja.

" Oh, do you think it was my fault that our child died?

No, it was never my fault.

It happened because of you.

But I think it good that he left us alone. " I listened to my daughter, who said all those things without letting tears fell from her eyes.

" How will he be able to handle himself when he saw how his father treated her mother.

Tanish, you married me for your so-called revenge. " I gasped at her confession.

Revenge, Tanish married my daughter for revenge.

" I slapped you in front of the whole school because you insulted me, and that slap hurt your ego, and then you decided to take your revenge. " Teja's confession made my heart broke into million pieces.

" You used my poor mother for your sick deeds.

My mother, who loved you with her whole heart, when she came to know about his son's deeds. How heartbroken she would be. " Tanish used me for his sick deeds.

But my daughter still didn't think about herself, but only me. I think I became her strength, but I never I would become her weakness.

" In these six months of our marriage, do you know what evil did you do with me?

You made me your slave and s*x slave.

You raped me every f***ing day in the first three months.

You called me names. " Tears fell from my eyes when I heard about her marriage life.

I never thought my daughter was still facing all these things even after achieving so much.

It all happened because of me.

I had become a hurdle in her life.

I told Raj and Rajshree to bought a different house

On our third marriage anniversary, but I never thought Tanish used that penthouse to humiliate my daughter.

Tanish made my daughter his slave and s*x slave.

I felt guilty for not being able to understand my daughter's coldness and sadness.

What type of mother I am.

" When I did the operation of Mr. Mayor, Just I hugged my male colleagues and kissed them. You whipped me badly and raped me brutally.

Do you even know how much pain I faced that day?

But when did you start caring about my pain?

We made our baby boy that f***ing day.

That day, I got pregnant. " I was totally shocked.

My mind was not working properly.

I felt immense pain in my whole body.

That bastard whipped my daughter.

My daughter faced physical violence.

" But on the next day,

You brought Srishti in our home like a queen and made your wife a slave for your mistress.

You made me see your disgusting make-out with your mistress so that you can see the pain in my eyes and enjoy my misery.

Your f***ing mistress bullied me many times, and you enjoyed all those things.

I have never thought that in your revenge, you would stoop so low, Mr. Tanish Kashayp. " Teja yelled.

And that's enough for me.

I never thought my daughter suffered this much.

My suffering wasn't comparable in front of her.

My daughter faced betrayal in front of her.

She saw Tanish making love with someone else in front of her.

I am started to tremble, my breath hitched.

I started to feel suffocated.

It was like someone was trying to kill me by blocking my breath.

I didn't even realize when I fell with the wheelchair.

Tears are falling from my eyes.

Suddenly the door opened, and Teja looked at me with shock.

I raised my hand and looked at her with so much pain.

" MAAAAA!!!!! " She screamed and sat beside me.

She patted my cheeks and said, " Maa, please take a deep breath, maa, please. " She said while looking at me with teary eyes.

" Tanish, laid her on the bed, quickly. Nurse, call Dr. Satvik and tell him it's an emergency.

Maa, please don't leave me.

Maa, please. " Teja ordered everyone.

Tears are falling from her eyes.

Tanish picked me through bridal style and made me lie on the bed.

I tried to breathe, but it was not working.

I felt immense pain in my whole body.

I know that is my last time.

I looked at Teja and put my one trembling hand on her cheeks, and said, " Te... Teju... I... am... s..soo... rrr... yyy... "

My mind started to dizzy, and I lost my life.

Teja POV:-




I WILL START CHEST COMPRESSION!!! " I ordered, and they all did as I said, and I started chest compression.

There was no heart rate on the monitor, but I didn't stop.

My mother can't leave me like this.

I can't let her leave me.

Soon everyone came to my room.

But I ignored everyone and continued chest compression.

" SET THE DEFIBRILLATOR ON 200 JOULES. " I yelled, and the nurse gave the defibrillator handle, and I gave mom a shock.

But it didn't work.

" SET IT TO 250 JOULES!!! " I ordered, and they put the gel on the handles.

I gave the shock to mom again.

But it didn't work.

Then I handed the handles to a nurse and started doing chest compression.

Even after a minute, there wasn't any movement in her heart.

Suddenly, Dr. Satvik barged into the room and yelled.

" Dr. Teja!!! " He said, and I looked at him and ran towards him while ignoring my pain.

" Sir, please, I beg you. Please, save my mother. Please. " I said, and he patted my shoulder and started to examine my mother.

After, a minute he looked at me and said, " I am sorry, Teja. But your mother is no more. "

" NO!!! PLEASE DON'T SAY THAT!!! SIR, PLEASE, I BEG YOU. PLEASE SAVE MY MOTHER!!! PLEASE!!! " I screamed, and I turned towards dad and mom.

" Mom, Dad, please help me naa. You know very well. How strong is my mother? Please tell her to wake up. She will listen to you. After all, you are her friends. Mom, you are her sister. Right? Please talk to her naa, please. " I pleaded, and they looked at me while tears were coming out of their eyes.

" Please, Teja. Accept the truth that Kaya is no- " Before mom could finish her sentence, I cut her off.

" NO!!! SHE IS NOT DEAD!!! WHY DON'T YOU BELIEVE IN ME? " I asked, and I turned towards Mr. and Mrs. Albert, who looked at me with teary eyes.

I ran toward him and picked his hands on me, " You betrayed me, my sister, and my mother.

But I will forgive you, and you need to wake my mother.

She loved you with all her heart.

Please, I am just asking one thing from you, please wake my mother. I know when she hears your voice, then she will wake up. Please wake her up, please. " I pleaded to him, and he looked at me and shooked his as a no.

" Teja, please, dear. Please accept that your mother has died. " He said, and I jerked his hand away from me.

I turned towards Mrs. Albert and held her hands, " Please, Mrs. Albert, please tell your husband to help me. Please, I beg you, please. I want my mother. Please. " I pleaded to her.

But she shooked her head and started crying.

All my hopes have been crushed now.

I looked at my mother and walked towards her.

Dr. Satvik announced, " Time of Death 8:30. "

I closed my eyes, and my heart broke into so many pieces that I can't count now.

All of my dreams, hopes, hard work were crushed with this announcement.

I died today with my mother and child.

I sat beside her and said, " Maa, you left me alone in this world.

But it's okay. I am happy that you left.

You were betrayed by your loved ones. No one had ever supported you. Even I disappointed you.

I am sorry, mom. I have disappointed you so much.

So, mom, rest assured. You can have all the rest you want. I will not disturb you and tied you with me anymore.

Mom, if you got another life, then live your life with full happiness.

And never trust your loved ones. " I said and covered her whole body with white cover.

I turned towards the door, and I saw Bubbly stood in front of the door with Jasminder.

They are looking at me with shock.