Chapter 61- Bubbly's Trouble!

Babita POV:-

These six months are heaven for me.

But in these months, I wasn't able to talk to my sister.

I was worried about her, but mom told me that she was okay. But she is very busy with her work.

She doesn't want to talk to me through texting.

That's the reason she did not reply to me back.

I agreed as I saw with my own eyes that how much my sister loved her work.

Right now, I was stroking my baby bump, which is six months.

I can realize my sister's pain which she felt seven years ago.

I didn't even think about losing my child.

Suddenly, Jassi came and hugged me from behind.

He started to gave me feather kisses from ear to neck.

I moaned while enjoying his kisses.

I turned towards him and said, " I love you, Jassi. "

He smiled at me and smiled, " I love you too, my honey. "

He was about to kiss me on my lips when suddenly my phone started to ring.

He groaned and said, " Pick up your call, dear. "

I looked at the screen, which showed Tanish Jija Ji.

I picked up the call immediately and said, " Hello, Tanish Jija Ji. How are you? "

He replied in a hoarse and sad voice, " Hello, Bubbly. Your sister is pregnant, and she fell from the stairs. Her life is in danger. Please, come here. "

" What??? What do you mean? Why didn't di tell me about her pregnancy? " I asked quickly. I was so shocked that Di was pregnant.

Also, di didn't even tell me about it.

And she fell from the stairs. I wished God that she would be alright.

" I think she didn't even know about it as she didn't tell me about it. Please, she needs you. Please, come here. " Brother-in-law replied, and I said hurriedly, " Alright, I am coming. "

With that, I hung up the phone.

I turned towards Jassi, who looked at me worriedly and asked, " What happened? "

" Jassi, di is pregnant. She fell from the stairs at Jiju's office annual party. The doctor said that her condition was critical. We need to reach as soon as possible. " I confessed, and tears were falling from my eyes.

I was scared for my sister.

After all, she lost her child once. If she lost her child again, what would have happened to her. I couldn't even think about it.

Mom and dad health weren't so good, so we told them to stay here. We will be back soon.

Mom came and said with worry, " Bubbly dear. Take care of yourself and your child. Make sure you will come back to us safely. "

I nodded with a smile and hugged her.

This family is so good.

They give me so much love without asking for anything.

I am lucky to have them as my in-laws.

Dad came to us and said, " Take care of yourself, dear. Also, don't take too much stress. It would not be good for your health. "

I nodded and hugged him.

Soon, Jassi came back with a suitcase which held our few day's clothes.

I realized that I had forgotten about the clothes.

Jassi cone near me and said, " Bubbly, don't worry. You were worried about your sister, and I am with you always. So let's go. Our flight would be 4 hours late. But we need to reached there soon. "

I nodded, and we left for the flight.

Throughout the way, I was feeling restless as I was going to lose someone.

I tried to ignore this feeling many times, but still, this feeling is scaring me.

When we landed in Delhi, we were waiting for our suitcase, when I saw the news about my sister.

" Dr. Teja Narayan Kashyap and Mr. Tanish Kashyap lost their child. We were soo worried about them. After all, the feeling of lost your unborn child is too heavy.

Dr. Teja and Mr. Kashyap are in the AIIMS hospital. " My heart broke when I heard this news.

I knew this news would break my sister.

She loved the children, and now she lost the children again.

My poor sister!

Tears fell from my eyes.

Jassi came and wiped my tears and said, " Bubbly, we have to be strong for our di. She needs us. "

I nodded and replied, " Jassi, you are right. But this news would shatter my di. I knew she wouldn't able to digest the fact that she lost her child. "

" You are right, but at least we can give them the support. " Jassi said, and I nodded.

We took our suitcase and left for the hospital.

Jassi has his car in India. So he told his PA and let someone took the car here.

We sat in the car and put the suitcase in the car's trunk.

When we reached the hospital, I asked the reception for my sister's room.

She told me the room number and directions, and we went towards her room.

What I saw shocked me to the core.

Di ran toward someone who looked like my late uncle, and she held his hands and said, " You betrayed me, my sister, and my mother.

But I will forgive you, and you need to wake my mother.

She loved you with all her heart.

Please, I am just asking one thing from you, please wake my mother. I know when she hears your voice, then she will wake up. Please wake her up, please. " She pleaded to him, and he looked at her and shooked his as a no.

Her words were like a word for me who cut my heart into pieces.

" Teja, please, dear. Please accept that your mother has died. " He said, and di jerked his hand away from her.

She turned towards a foreign lady and held her hands, " Please, Mrs. Albert, please tell your husband to help me. Please, I beg you, please. I want my mother. Please. " Di pleaded to her.

But she shooked her head and started crying.

My heart broke to see her like this. But her words told me that man was my late uncle.

He started his life with someone else.

My sister's face is telling me that she lost her all hopes

She looked at my mother and walked towards her.

Dr. Satvik announced, " Time of Death 8:30. "

I realized the situation, and my grip on Jassi's wrist tightened.

My mother died.

I lost my mother.

Di sat beside her and said, " Maa, you left me alone in this world.

But it's okay. I am happy that you left.

You were betrayed by your loved ones. No one had ever supported you. Even I disappointed you.

I am sorry, mom. I have disappointed you so much.

So, mom, rest assured. You can have all the rest you want. I will not disturb you and tied you with me anymore.

Mom, if you got another life, then live your life with full happiness.

And never trust your loved ones. " Di said and covered her whole body with white cover.

I looked at them with shock.

My mind went blank.

I wasn't able to understand anything that was happening.