Chapter 66- Teja's First Letter

Akaash POV:-

Something is wrong with Teja.

That's what I am thinking since I am looking at Teja's eyes which held so much hollowness.

Yes, she showed her feelings when she talked to her ex-stepfather, mama, and Nanu.

But still, that emptiness was there.

It's like she is like a living dead.

That five times pain killed her living wish, and I am scared.

Yes, I am scared that she will do something wrong.

She may show her authority to her family, and no one dared to say something to her, but that innocence and pure heart died today with her child and mother.

She is that injured lioness who can do anything.

She is like a beast now, who can even hurt herself.

Her mind is unstable. She is not in a position to decide anything.

She did all the funeral as she knew how to do it.

I saw everyone was scared and worried about her.

For the first time in my life, I saw guilty and regret in Tanish's eyes.

Uncle Raj asked Tanish what did he do.

But he lowered his face and didn't say anything.

Uncle Raj didn't say anything, but he was looking at Tanish with suspicion.

Even I was shocked when Teja refused Tanish to touch her mother and participate in any ritual.

But I understood that something happened that only her mother, Teja and Tanish knew.

There is a chance that Aunt Kaya heard their conversation, and she found out Teja's sufferings.

That's why she got a heart attack immediately.

If that is the possibility, then Teja must be too heartbroken right now.

She never wanted to let know her miseries to her mother.

She must die at that time.

Her mother was everything for her, her strength, weakness, and God.

Her revelation brought tears to everyone's eyes.

How much these mother-daughter duos suffer, we can't even think about it.

Right now, I am with Uncle Raj. I am helping him to make everyone sit and served them food.

In this ritual, only family members serve food to the guest who came to the funeral.

Suddenly, my hands halted when my heart went restless suddenly.

I saw Uncle Raj also stopped.

We both looked at each other and said in unison, " Teja!!! "

" Uncle Raj, I think you should be here. I should go and check her if she is okay. " I said hurriedly.

He nodded and told me to take his car.

I nodded and went towards the Garage where Uncle Raj's driver was waiting for me.

He handed me the car keys and showed me his car.

I thanked him and took his car, and went towards the hospital.

I was praying in my mind that everyone was okay.

I stopped the car at the parking lot and ran towards Teja's room.

When I reached, I saw the thing which I feared the most.

Teja was lying on the stretcher while blood came out from her mouth continuously.

I saw the envelopes in her hands, and I put them in my pocket immediately.

I pushed the stretcher out from her room and pushed it towards Operation Theater.

But when I took Teja out, I saw Dr. Harsh Vardhan coming towards Teja's room with his team.

" Dr. Harsh Vardhan, please help me. " I said and entered her room.

I went towards the door and saw some Injection drugs.

I took that bottles with me and showed them to Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

" Sir, Teja attempted suicide. Please, help me with the surgery. " I requested.

He examined those drugs and examined Teja.

" We need to take her to the OT stat. " He yelled, and we took her to the OT room.

My hands were trembling as I had never done this type of surgery.

Also, I am scared to lose Teja.

She may not accept me, but she is always my love.

I love her so much.

Dr. Harsh Varshan saw my trembling hands and said, " Go out, Akaash. I will handle this surgery. You are not part of this surgery. You will become a hurdle for us. So get out. "

He said and went inside.

I sighed as I realized he was right.

I can't do this surgery in this state.

So, I sat on the floor.

I recalled, I saw the envelopes in her hands.

So I took out those envelopes and saw the names which were written on the envelopes.

On the first envelope, Dad, Mom, Bubbly, Jassi, Akaash, and Arjun were written on the envelop's front.

I opened the envelope and took out the letter.

" Dear mom and dad,

I love you so much.

You were not my parents by blood. But you always loved me with your whole heart. I am grateful to have you as my parents.

That's the reason I always wore your red heart locket which you gave me on my 17th birthday.

I want to apologize to you with my whole heart.

I am sorry, mom and dad. I failed to save your grandchildren two times.

I never become a perfect daughter-in-law for you.

You gave me so much love unconditionally, but I didn't give you any happiness, but the pain only.

I am a very bad daughter.

I wish you will get a new daughter-in-law who will fulfill this home with that happiness. I wasn't able to give you.

I know I have disappointed you by committing suicide.

But I am tired. I want peace now.

I hope you will forgive me.

Your daughter

Teja " Tears fell from my eyes when I read her thoughts about her mom and dad.

She loved them a lot.

How heartbroken she will be when she writes this letter.

She lost her children two times, but she always thought about other feelings first.

Teja, you are an angel.

I am sorry for not being able to feel your pain.

I am sorry for not being able to protect you.

I am sorry!!!!

I started reading further after wiping my tears.

" Dear Bubbly,

You know, after losing Di and Harshi. I thought I would never be able to love anyone like a sister.

But your Bubbliness always made me smile.

Who said you are a raped child. You are a wedlock child.

Yes, you are not born by your parent's love. But for mom and me, you are our little troubler who always brought a smile to our lips.

You know when I was in Australia, maa always talked about you.

She told me how strong you are.

You always fought with those guys who questioned my character. You never let anyone Bullied you. But she told me how scared you are from inside.

She told me about that incident when Jassi saved you at night when you were late because of your late class.

Mom saw you scared you look at that time.

Mom was scared that you would be impacted like me after that incident.

But you made yourself so strong that I felt proud.

You have overcome your fear perfectly.

Jassi was always here to protect you as I was never here to protect you.

Bubbly, I want you to forget about me. Bubbly, I became a curse in your life. I don't want you to lose your child because of me. So, go away from India and never came back. This place held so many bad memories for us.

Bubbly, loves your child from my side too when he/she will be born.

I love you, dear.

For me, you are my little sister who needs protection always as she was a scared child from her heart.

Take care of your family as they are so good. But never forget to take care of yourself.

Love you,

Your Di

Teja " Oh, God. How can she think of herself as a curse?

She is that angel who brought love into everyone's world.

She is that light who brightens everyone's world.

Teja, you are so stupid. Do you know about it?

Tears fell from my eyes while thinking about Bubbly.

Bubbly didn't suffer that badly you had suffered in your life.

At least Bubbly got Jassi, who protected and loved her with his whole heart.

His family was also good for her.

I wiped my tears which were flowing continuously.

I controlled myself and started reading further.

" Dear Jasminder,

You know, when I first saw you, I realized you were the first one who made for my sister. You are a sensible boy who loved our family after knowing everything about us.

You gave me a higher position while calling me "Di" This word was enough to make my heart melt.

I am giving you one responsibility before leaving. Please protect my sister till your last breath.

She loved you with your whole heart.

Don't you dare to break her heart.

Your child is in her womb. Take care of them and give that child a fatherly love that we were not able to get from our fathers.

God Bless you, Jassi.

Your Di,

Teja "

Teja writes all her emotions in these letters.

Her thoughts about her unborn nephew/niece told me she loved them.

She wants Jassi to protect her.

She cared about her sister a lot.

How can a person be so selfless?

I never saw this type of person in this world except her.

" Dear Akaash,

You are my best friend.

I am lucky to have you as my friend. You always supported me in my thick and thin times.

That's the reason I want to give you responsibility.

Please always support, Bubbly. You need to take care of her like a big brother.

Bubbly is lucky to have you as a brother. I don't want her to feel like an orphan. She has someone who will take care of her.

Akaash, I love you as my friend. And move on from me.

Please find a suitable partner for yourself and have a family.

That's what I want for you. A happy Family because any girl will lucky to have you.

Your Bestie

Teja "

How can this girl trust me so selflessly?

How can she give me the responsibility of her sister?

Teja, you need to come back as I can't handle this responsibility alone.

Everyone needs you.

I am crying badly as her words broke my heart.

I started reading further.

" Dear Arjun,

I may not know you much, but I can tell you are a good boy.

Please don't become like my father, but a responsible man who never ran from his responsibilities.

I want you to become ambitious and achieve all those things you want to achieve in your life.

God Bless you, and my blessings are always with you.

Your sister

Teja "

Tears were falling from my eyes.

This girl thought about everyone.

How can I handle it if you lost her life?

Please, Teja, don't go.

Teja is really an angel.

Don't you think?

But what about the second letter.

What do you think if Tanish's bad doings will reveal soon?

Let's find out on the next update.

Love you!!!