Chapter 67- Revelation Part-1

Akaash POV:-

I was crying as I had never felt such helplessness in my life.

I never thought there would be a day where a strong warrior like Teja committed suicide and left letters for us.

I am feeling guilty for leaving her alone in this situation.

I will never be able to forgive myself if something happened to her today.

I folded that letter and saw the other one, which wrote Tanish. Even though I don't read someone else's letter, But I have a feeling that I should read this letter.

Teja wrote Tanish's parents, Arjun, Bubbly, Jassi, and me in one letter.

Then why did she write Tanish's letter on another page?

It means she wrote her whole heart in this letter.

I open that envelop and takes out that letter.

I read the contents, and my heart boiled.

I stood up from the floor immediately and walked out to the OT.

When the door opened, I saw the whole family looking at me with worry.

But before anyone could say anyone, I walked towards Tanish and punched him on his nose.

" You bastard, how dare you to hurt her all this time? You a**hole, today I will kill you. " I roared and punched him again and again.

Soon, Uncle Raj, Teja's Father, and Jasminder came forward and separated us.

" Akaash, what are you doing? Have you gone mad? How can you fight in front of the OT like this? Why are you punching Tanish? What happened to Teja? The doctor told us that you and some doctors took Teja here. Why? " Uncle Raj asked.

" Uncle, Teja committed suicide. " I confessed, and everyone gasped.

Tears were coming out from everyone's eyes.

Bubbly came near me and asked, " Akaash bro, please, don't say this. My di is strong. How can she take such a step? "

I patted her head and replied with sorrow, " I am sorry, dear. But this is true. Please, you need to keep calm. I know she will come back to us. Now, you need to sit. " I said and made her sit on a bench.

" And for your question, how can she take such a step. It happened because of your so-called brother-in-law. This bastard made her life a living hell since Teja came back to India. " I confessed.

Everyone gasped and looked at me with confusion.

" What do you mean, Akaash? Explain everything clearly. " Mr. Albert said in frustation.

I showed him Teja's letters.

" These letters, are written by Teja, one is for us, and another one is for Tanish. She had written all her sufferings in Tanish's letter. That brutality that Teja faced in her marriage with Tanish. Uncle and aunt, I respect you guys a lot. But this man is a monster. I have never thought he would stoop so low. " I confessed and Mr. Albert and Uncle Raj read that letter together.

After that, uncle Raj gave that letter to Arjun.

And they both turned towards Tanish and punched him together.

" Tanish, I told you always that Teja suffered a lot in her past. So never dare to make her cry. But you a**hole, you did so many bad things to her. You f**ker. How dare you?

How can you do that thing to that pure soul?

I felt ashamed to call you my son. " Uncle Raj roared while caught Tanish on his collar.

Arjun and I went towards them and separated them.

Uncle Raj took my support for standing on his feet.

" I never thought that my own son could force himself on a pure angle and tainted her too brutally. " Uncle Raj said while crying.

He fell to his knees and started crying.

Aunt Rajshree came near him and tried to calm him down.

" Rajshree, we are bad parents. We don't deserve that child as our daughter-in-law. We destroyed her life. I am ashamed that we raised such a monster. " Uncle Raj said in a pained voice.

" Dad, please don't say that. Mom, look what dad is saying. " Tanish pleaded while falling on his knees.

Aunt Rajshree looked at him with disgust and stood up on her feet.

She walked towards him.

Tanish stood up from the floor and looked at her with hopeful eyes.

Before he could say anything, Aunt slapped him with her whole power.

Yes, aunt Rajshree slapped Tanish.

" Don't you dare to say a word from your filthy mouth?

Are you really our son? I don't think you are my son. That man who stood in front of me is not my son but a monster.

Do you know what you did? " Aunt said and started looking for something.

I saw Bubbly hold Tanish's letter and looked at that letter with the whole shock.

Aunt Rajshree went towards her and took that paper from her hands and threw it on Tanish's face.

" Read this letter, you bastard. " Aunt Rajshree said.

Tanish POV:-

I never thought there would be a day where my mother raised her hands on me.

Dad and mom never raised their hands on me.

But for the first time in my life, I saw my parents looking at me with such disgust.

I felt like my whole world collapsed with this letter Teja left for us.

I looked at that letter and started to read it.

" Mr. Tanish Kashyap,

Do you know when you came into my life? I felt that a troublemaker came into my life. You fought with me during our school time always. But I felt lucky to have you as my friend. You, Akaash, and I were best friends. Because of you guys, my life became a little better.

I know what happened between us on the farewell night was wrong. But you did this for my sake, and I agreed with you too. even though it was because of that drug effect.

But you saved me. When you took me to the hospital seven years ago and the way you showed you care for me. I fell in love with you. But I refused your love because I wanted to achieve my goals first.

But when you insulted me in front of the whole school. I lost the respect for you from my eyes. That day I decided I would never love you. You have betrayed my love one time, you could do it again, and I don't want more betrayals in my life at that time. I left for Australia for my studies. Your insult made that impact in my mind that my nightmares became worse. Those seven years were too hell for me. I wasn't able to get any sleep without medicines. But I didn't give up and became a neurosurgeon. " I felt proud that she never gave up, and I felt ashamed of myself.

I never knew that my words impact her mind like this.

" When I came back to India. I thought, Finally, I can live as my own wish.

But on my first workday, I found out my mother was suffering from blood cancer, and you heard my conversation with Dr. Harsh Vardhan.

You want revenge from me for slapping you in front of the whole school, so you used that person who treated you as her own son.

You used my mother in your revenge game and forced me to get married to you.

I knew there was a chance my mother couldn't make it, so I decided that we would do the contract marriage, and I told you all my conditions. You agreed immediately and kissed me without my consent.

You did so many indecent things before our marriage, and I tolerated everything for the sake of our loved ones. But what shocked me was that you accused me of cheating with Akaash on our wedding night, and you raped me brutally that day.

You raped me three months regularly, and you accused me many times of cheating you.

I tolerated everything for my mother and sister because you threatened me that you would make Bubbly's life hell if I didn't do anything as you said.

But that day, when I did Mayor's surgery, you saw me hugging my colleagues and kissing them. That night, you broke me completely.

You beat me with the whip who tore my skin badly. You whipped me till you became tired, and you raped me so brutally that day that I broke completely. But your revenge wasn't over that day.

The next day, you brought Srishti and making out with her in front of me. I was the first woman who saw his husband making love into someone's else arms in front of her, and that stupid wife couldn't even say anything to her husband.

You know, no wife wants to face betrayal from his husband.

That day I lost all hope in you.

You made me a slave of you and your mistress. I did everything for my mother's and sister's sake.

After three months, I found out I was three months pregnant. I was happy after three months of my misery. I thought, now I will have my baby who will make me smile.

But how can I forget that happiness wasn't written in my fate?

I lost my child and found out the biggest betrayal in my life. My biological Father.

In this marriage, I get only one benefit that I found out my father is alive.

But I can never forgive you.

Because of you, I lost my mother.

Because of you, I lost my child two times.

I hope one day, you will find a heart to forgive yourself.

Goodbye, Tanish.

My mother has died, so our contract is broken. I am freeing yourself in this marriage and myself too.

I wish I would never see you in this life ever again. " Tears came out from my eyes, and I fell on my knees.

She suffered so much already, and I made her life so hell.

I made myself so lost that I didn't even saw my angel's tears in this revenge game.

I am sorry, Angel.

Never Forgive me because I will not able to forgive myself if you forgave me so easily.

Hello Guys,

Tanish bad things have been revealed in front of everyone.

What do you think will happen now?

Will Teja died?

How will everyone behave after reading their own letters as they have read only Tanish's letter?

Stay Tuned With Me.

Love You!!!