Chapter 73- Tanish's Point!

Tanish POV:-

I went inside her room and saw her lying on the stretcher.

Lots of wires connected her body. Mask is around her mouth, helping her to breathe.

She is looking so pale and lifeless that it hurts my heart.

She wasn't even looking this lifeless when I took her out from the cave.

But, today, she is a living dead because of me.

I slowly walked towards her and held her hand.

" Teja, I know you can hear me.

I know what I did to you is unforgivable.

I am sorry about that.

You know Teja. When we first met at our uncle's party.

I am sorry, I forgot you didn't know about it.

So, when first I laid my eyes on you, your back was showing on my side. But your body is looking like an angel who came out from the heavens.

You were carrying an innocent and positive aura around you that made everyone attracted to you. " I smiled while thinking about that day.

" I was jealous even at that time when I didn't even see your face.

I tried to find you at the whole party, but you left like you never existed. But then suddenly, you bumped and fell in my arms and lost your consciousness. " I remembered how frustrated I was at that time.

" You didn't give me that chance to see your face as my eyes see the blood coming out from your injured forehead.

I bandaged you, and your eyes aren't functioning properly, and you see everything blurred. " I remembered Teja's teary eyes, which hurt me.

" After your mother left that room, you confessed that two males tried to force themselves on you.

I felt like killing those bastards who hurt you and protected you in my arms.

After then, we met again when you looked ugly in your school dress. At that time, I didn't think you were that angel I saw just a day before as your body is looking fatty because of your school uniform.

When you threw my money on my face, I was stunned as no one dared to throw my money on my face. " I remember Teja's mad face, which made an angry pout attracted me towards her lips.

" But you break that record. You gave me that challenge no one ever gave me.

Just then, I fell in love with you. " Yes, I fell in love with her at that moment.

" When Akaash saw you first time in our class, I felt jealous, Because he was looking at you with that caring love that I never have.

Teja, I was born with a silver spoon. In my life, I got everything I wished. Although dad Taught me many things, still, I got everything I wished.

That day, insecurity ran inside my blood, Insecurity of losing you.

So, I did everything that made your mind think about me only. I insulted you, challenged you, disturbed you, and irritate you.

Akaash, you and I became best friends. I never knew about your family's past except for your biological father and your dead sister.

Akaash and I always fight for you as we both want you as our girlfriend, but we knew that your main priority is your dream, A dream of becoming a doctor.

That's the reason we never confessed our feelings to you. " A sad smile broke on my lips remembering that happy moment of our school which we spent together.

" But, when you were drugged, and you permitted me to make love to you. I felt like the happiest person alive.

Although I knew you agreed with me under the influence of the drug, still, I got you. When I took your virginity, a possessiveness ran through me. I marked you as mine that day. Your moans, pleasuring screams, everything made me obsessive towards you. " A smile came out while I thought about that beautiful night. I remember how I made love to her, and she loved it.

" When you rejected me the next day, I felt hurt. But I thought I should give you some time. So, I decided I would propose to you again after our exams. But I didn't know we made our baby that day.

After a month, you found out you were pregnant, and you were coming to tell me about it. You had a car accident. I found you, and you lost your consciousness. I took you to the hospital, but I was late as we lost our baby already. I told you, we lost our baby girl when you woke up. You cried for losing our child. I proposed you again in this thought, you will accept me now. But you didn't do it.

Instead, you rejected me again. I was furious as no one ever rejected me in my life. You did it not once but two times. And my fury increased when Srishti showed me your intimate pictures with Akaash. I know you would never do that, but my fear of losing you made me so mad that I slept with Srishti while thinking about you. You know, after sleeping with you. I saw your face in every girl I f**ked after you. " I said in a heavy voice as I remembered my possessiveness for her.

" In that madness, I insulted you in front of the school, and you slapped me, and my ego hurt.

I have decided that I will make you mine at any cost and get my revenge on you for slapping me in front of the whole school. " I was so angry at that time when Teja slapped me that I decided to make her life hell.

" In this fire, I waited for almost seven years.

And that time came when I came for my mother's reports and found out about your mother's illness.

I knew your mother was innocent, and somewhere in my heart, my heart is stopping me from doing this.

But I knew if I didn't do it, you would never choose me as your husband and marry me.

So, I forced you while using your mother. So you can marry me. But I never knew you would ask for the contract me, but your conditions were so simple. I thought I forced you already.

You will become mine soon, so I thought I should accept your wish, so I did it. " I realized how much I hurt her.

" I saw you were suffering, and my presence suffocated you, it hurt me, and I used my fury to hurt you.

I thought after hurting you. You would think about me only and become mine always.

When your hands were injured because of henna or when I applied holi color on your face without knowing you were allergic. I realized I hurt you so much already. I will give you happiness after our marriage. I decided to make love to you on your birthday as our wedding gift.

But I didn't know I would start hurting you more after our marriage. " Yes, it's true. I never knew I would hurt Teja to this extent.

" Srishti showed me your intimate pictures with Akaash.

I realized I had to get you pregnant and become strict with you. I will lose you because of Akaash, as he was caring.

I knew all the boys were your friend, but my insecurities and possessiveness blocked me to think rationally always, and I hurt you every time.

I knew all the things I did were wrong, but my ego never let me ask for forgiveness.

Teja, I am sorry.

But please think from my point of view. I never knew you have suffered so much in your past already.

If you told me about your past, I would never hurt you but protect you.

Unintentionally, In my possessiveness and game of revenge,

I hurt you to such an extent that breaks you enough. I didn't know about it.

Please forgive me and come back to me. Let's start a new life, please. I don't want to lose you.

I love you so much that it hurts to see you like this. " I said all this with my heart.

But she showed no signs.

I sighed, and tears fell from my eyes.

I turned and decided to left this room.

I was about to open the room, then I suddenly remind something.

I turned and said, " I found out that Srishti was the one who drugged you and did your car accident seven years ago. Even she was the one who planned to lose you our second child. I sent her to jail, and now she would never hurt you. "

Suddenly, she started to shake very lot.

" Code Blue! Code Blue " I heard the siren.

Soon some doctors and nurses entered and did something on her.

They pushed me out, and Bubbly came in front of me with anger.

She caught my collar and yelled, " WHAT DID YOU SAID TO MY DI THAT HER VITAL GOT UNSTABLE? TELL ME!!! "

" I told her about Srishti, and suddenly, she got unstable. " I replied worriedly.

Bubbly pushed me and yelled, " GET OUT NOW! NEVER SHOW YOUR FILTHY FACE TO ME AGAIN! "

I sighed and left as I know if I stayed, it could affect Bubbly's health, and we couldn't lose anyone anymore.

Hello, guys.

Here is today's first update. What do you think?

Teja's vital got unstable. Would she be safe or awake, or she dies?

Let's find out on the next update.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow my story and me.

Love you!!!