Chapter 74- Bubbly's Point!

Akaash POV:-

After Tanish left, I came towards Bubbly and hugged her.

I know Bubbly is suffering from inside, but she is not telling to anyone.

After all, she has to be strong for the sake of her sister.

After Teja, who is suffering the most, is Bubbly.

I heard Bubbly's hiccups after I hugged her.

My shirt got wet from her tears.

I patted her head and said, " Let it out, Bubbly. I know you need it. Let it out. Your burden would lift. "

Her cries got strong.

" Will di come back to me, bhaiya? Please, I can't lose her now. She is my only family left. Why did that bastard have to break my di to this extent, bhaiya? What did Di wrong to him that she had to suffer this much?

She never did wrong to anyone, but help everyone, then why?

I am not understanding anything, bhaiya.

But after finding out that I am behind her suffering, I felt suffocated. I am dying from inside. " She said, and I put my hand on her lips.

" Don't say that. Your di won't be happy. She wants to see you happy always, beta. You need to take care of yourself as you are not alone now. Here is your child, who is raising inside your womb. As for your di, your di will be okay. I know code blue starts beeping. The doctors who are treating her are worried about her as they love her so much. They will not let anything happened to her, so don't worry. We have to forget about her past, dear, if we want her to walk ahead in her life. Her inner scars will heal with time, and as for her permanent scars, we can do plastic surgery if she wants to. We have to be strong for her now. Okay? " I said with love as I am worried about her.

She signed and nodded with a sad smile, and I smiled back too.

I know she is relieved a little now.

Then the door opened, and Dr. Harsh Vardhan came out and wiped his sweats from his forehead with a tissue.

" She got a seizure, but she is fine now. You all need to be careful with your words around her. She can hear everything, alright? " He said, and we nodded.

Everyone sighed in relief.

I turned towards her and said, " Bubbly, meet you di. I know you need it. "

She looked at me with a smile and nod.

She entered the room, and we all looked at the room with curious eyes.

Bubbly POV:-

When I stood up in front of the door for a minute, I thought I should not meet her, but when I looked at Dad Raj and Mom Rajshree, I knew I had to do it for our sake.

It wasn't our fault that bastard used us for his sick needs, but we felt guilty that we became her weakness.

We thought good as we saw good.

They both made fake happiness around us that we didn't get the chance to see their fakeness.

I know di did it, so we didn't felt guilty.

I looked at Akaash brother, and he positively nodded at me.

I looked at Jassi Ji, who gave me a thumbs up.

I nodded and opened the door, and entered inside her room.

I closed the door behind me. I looked at my di, who was covered with so many wires and tubes.

Tears fell from my eyes looked at her like this.

I walked towards her while putting my hands on my stomach.

" Hello, di. How are you doing? " I said while put her hair behind her ear.

" Di, I am mad at you. How can you do this to yourself?

Have you ever thought about me before taking this step?

No, na. That's why I am mad. So, wake up.

Persuade me. So I can talk to you now. Okay? " I said so that she could try to wake up, but I didn't see any changes.

I sighed and took her hands on mine.

" Di, do you know? From birth, I thought you were lucky in everything. You had a father so loved you before he died. Mother loved you and always thought about you first. She gave you my love, but her love came out as responsibility, not that love you got. I felt jealous of you.

One day, I found out. I wasn't the love of my parents but the result of lust and helplessness. That day, I cried and cried. " I said all this in a heavy voice. I am trying to control myself from crying.

" But I didn't tell anyone about it as I didn't want to gain sympathy from anyone.

After you lost your first child, and everybody started to bad mouth about you and called you so many bad names, I realized how much you are suffering. They didn't say anything to me, but still, my friends started to stay away from me. As their parents teach them that I am a bad influence as you are a sl*t. " I remembered how much people talked about my di in front of me. I couldn't even do anything from stopping them.

" This bad Word, I started to hate this word so much, and you too were somewhere in my heart. But when mom told me about you, your condition, and your situation, I realized you are suffering so much more than me. " I sighed as I talked too much and my mouth tired as I am exhausted too. But I didn't stop myself as I had to wake her up at any cost.

" Mom always talked about you after you left for your studies. You know Uncle Raj asked me about studying abroad, but I refused as I see mom suffering here alone.

I knew if I left today, she would die in that place alone.

So I refused and started studying in college. I choose that course no one of my so-called friends chooses.

But, how can I forget that this is an old-fashioned society, who doesn't like to leave people in peace? " I hate this society that doesn't understand anyone's situation but started to hurt the other person.

" Someone spread all the bad things about you and my relationship with you.

And my college's first day became hell. I was hiding from my seniors who wanted to do my raging. And at that time, I bumped on Jassi. That day was the best day of my life. He was rich, caring, gentle, and possessive.

I mean the protective type of possessive. Jassi saved me from those seniors and told them I was his girlfriend, and if anyone dared to do something to me, he would not leave that matter. " A smile came out when I thought about that day.

" Oh, God! I still remember how handsome he was looking at that time.

But I didn't let my building down and beat him for calling me his girlfriend in front of the whole college. He said I did it because they were planning something bad for me.

He wants me to become his fake girlfriend. So no one hurts me. I agreed but told him to stay off his limits.

We didn't even realize when we became real couples. But I fell for him. He understood everything about our family and talked to his parents about me. They even agreed after they met with me. " I gave her a sad smile.

" Di, Jassi was always here for me. But you know the strength to fight gave me was you. I talked to Akaash bhaiya when one day he came to meet mom. I tricked him, and he confessed your real condition to me. " An evil smirk came out on my lips because it was easy for me to trick him that day.

" I knew you were suffering in that place too, but you don't want us to be worried about you. So, I behaved that I knew you were good there.

I knew you were the one who paid for my tuition fees. You were there one who paid for my school fees. Even you were the one who paid for my college fees.

I wanted to take some burden from your shoulders. I thought after I graduated from college, I would start work and help you. But my fate didn't give me that chance. " A sad smile broke on my lips.

" I got married to Jassi. I am not saying that I am not happy with Jassi. I am so happy with him.

But I wasn't able to take some burden from your shoulders, di. Instead, I became your weakness. Because of me and maa, you suffered all those things you never intended to.

But now, you are free di. So, wake up and divorce that bastard officially.

After that, live with me in Canada. We will live a happy life together there.

Please di, I don't want to lose you. I needed you when my baby came into this life. please come back to me. " I said while tears were felling from my eyes.

I looked at her, but she didn't show any changes or opened her eyes.

Tears fell from my eyes in disappointment.

I kissed her on the forehead and left the room.

I looked at everyone who looked at me with hope. I sighed and shook my head as no. Their face turned into sadness.

I turned towards Jassi, who hugged me suddenly.

I hugged him and sighed in relief.

His hug gave me the warmth that I need now.

Then Jassi broke the hug and said, " I will meet her now. "

I nodded, and he went inside.

Hello everyone, I apologize for not being able to double update yesterday.

I was doing a fast yesterday and today too. So, I didn't realize when I dozed off into sleep and forgot about the second publish.

But don't worry, I will try to do it today.

Thank you for your patience.

So what do you think about today's chapter?

What do you think about the next chapter?

Will Jassi be able to wake Teja?

Let's find out in the next chapter.

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Love you!!!