Chapter 75- Jasminder and Raj's Point!!!

Jasminder POV:-

I looked at di, who looked so pale and weak right now, that broke my heart.

I found out so many truths about di today.

Bubbly only told me about the drug and car incident.

But today, I found out how much di suffered in the past.

I was scared when I heard those incidents. I realized how strong di is.

She took the burden all by herself on her shoulders.

I don't know after all this if she can move on from her life.

Her family mattered to her the most.

She loves Bubbly and maa too much.

But now, Bubbly married me and started a new life.

She knew Bubbly couldn't give her that much time, even if she wanted to.

She wanted peace after losing everything in one go.

She faced betrayal and lost two precious things in one day.

Her all strength broke today.

" Di, look, your brother-in-law Jassi is here.

Di, you know, today, you got my respect. You became my ideal.

I realized how strong you are.

It's not I didn't respect you before. I respected you from my heart at that time too. But this time, it's too much.

Di, do you know why I started calling you di?

It's not because you got the higher position, but because I have never seen such a strong girl as you are.

Di, you are an inspiration for many women.

But, di, Please don't lose yourself in this darkness around you.

Di, this can't be your end. You haven't fight this much to give up on your life. I know how much you have suffered in your life. But di, this is your last fight. Fight this as well and show the world and yourself that you have never given up. You can and always fight and never give up on all the hurdles that came in front of you.

Di, you are not a curse if you think you are. You are an angel that gives everyone happiness. Please, di.

Please come back, for yourself, for Bubbly, for all those people who love you with all your heart. " I said and looked at di with hope.

After a minute, there wasn't any change in her body.

I sighed and left the room in disappointment.

After me, Uncle Raj went inside the room.

I hugged Bubbly and sat beside her.

I know she needs me now.

She is breaking inside.

Raj POV:-

I waited for this moment since I found out about the situation of Teja. But, I respected Bubbly's decision.

I looked at Teja, who looked so weak.

This situation is the same as fourteen years ago.

That ten-year-old girl changed, but her situation became words.

This girl suffered much more after I decided to protect her with my life.

But I failed.

I failed to save her from my own son.

Tears were falling from my eyes while I was looking at her.

I kissed her on the forehead and stroked her face.

" Beta, I know you are okay, and you can listen to me.

Now listen carefully, what I want to say to you.

You are the most stupid girl I have ever seen.

How can you think you have given pain to me only?

You don't know but you have given me a smile since you were born.

I was your father's best friend and when you were born, I came to your chati( when baby turn six days old and the family does a little function for the name of the baby) and you know what your father told us.

He said, Raj, today, I am on cloud nine. I have two baby girls now and I always want two girls. And these girls are like Laxmi and Saraswati who came to my home. My Ritu is my Laxmi because after her birth I earned so much.

This angel is my Saraswati because her resemblance is like that. I know she will give everyone her education she will learn. I will make her a doctor, that doctor I once wished to become, but I was never able to do that. You know she is so strong that she will cover every hurdle that will come into her life, and I know she can do it.

He said when he was holding you in one hand and on the other he was holding your older sister.

What he said was true.

You were looking at your father with such a smile like you know what he was talking about. You even laughed when he finished.

Your voice is like that melody in my ears that gave me so satisfaction I never felt with Tanish.

He was a cute boy but he was nothing compared to you. When I held you that time in my arms, I felt my life got complete. I got a daughter. It's not like I hate Ritu. But you completed me.

But when I found out your father died and Nirbhik married your mother, I never meet you all as I was guilty and I thought you are living a good life. I wish if I had come to see you that day. When you turned ten and almost got raped and I saved you. I didn't know you were my daughter I was seeing that day. But when I found out you were Kaya's daughter. I felt guilty and that's the reason, I killed those bastards with the help of the police.

I provided you with the best psychiatrist so you can recover easily.

But how foolish I was? How can I forget you may move on from your life, but your past will come to haunt you?

When I saw you after you saved me, I realized what a strong and pure girl you are?

You paid 5000 rupees for my sake without giving a second thought.

My heart swelled with pride.

Teja, you made me proud all those years.

You come to my life like an angel and took away all my worries.

Just your word " Dad " was enough to make my heart calm and gave me a smile.

You are the best daughter that I could never found in this world.

You fought with this world well.

Teja, I want you to come back to me, beta.

Your father's heart twitched whenever he saw her daughter got hurt.

I want you to give my son a punishment for all the sins he did with you.

Your mother and father are so worried about you, bachha. Come back, we are waiting for you. " I said everything and kissed her on the forehead again.

I looked at her with hope, but when I didn't get any response from her. I sighed in disappointment and left the room.

After then Rajshree came to her room and said the same things to her and she left too in disappointment.

Soon, the nurse came and said the meeting time is over.

Now, everyone started to worry about her, but they didn't lose their hopes.

24 hours completed already and one day is left more.

So, guys, 24 hours is completed already.

What do you think?

Will Teja wake up or will she died?

What about Mr. Albert, Akaash and Arjun?

Will they be able to wake her up with their words.

Let's find out in the next update.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and follow my story and me.

Guys, I want comments from you, so I can get motivation from you!

Love you!!!!