Chapter 82- Disgust!!!

Teja POV:-

The person in front of me is looking at me with many emotions, disgust, satisfied smirk, angry, and many more.

I looked at him with coldness.

" Teja Narayan!!! " He yelled and came towards me.

" Why are you yelling, Mr. Baghel? " I asked while rubbed my ear to show him my ignorance.

" You bitch! I thought you would understand who is in control of your life. But you bitch still dare to show your arrogance in front of me. Hahahaha!

Have you forgotten what my son-in-law did to you?

After tolerating everything, you behaved like a queen in front of me. You should die in shame till now. " Mr. Baghel said while looking at me with rage and disgust.

I saw Akaash, Arjun, Dad, and Mr. Albert are looking at him with rage.

Before they could take a step towards him, I stopped them showing my hand.

" Hahahaha!!!! " I laughed at him loudly.

Everyone looked at me with shock.

I removed the duvet from me and tried to stand on my feet.

But, when I stood up, I lost my balance. I was about to fell when Mr. Albert held me as he came near me fastly.

" Careful, Teja. You are weak, and you should sit on the bed. " Mr. Albert advised and looked at me worriedly.

I heard a chuckle from Mr. Baghel.

" Look, Teja. This is what you are. Apathetic and weak girl! " Mr. Baghel said sarcastically and made fun of me.

I removed Mr. Albert's hands from my forearms and stood on my feet.

" You shouldn't need to listen to him, beta. Nirbhik, have you gone mad? " He said to me and yelled at him.

Before Mr. Baghel could say something to Mr. Albert, I cut him off.

" Mr. Albert, I handled myself since birth. I don't need your care and advice. " I said and walked towards Mr. Baghel.

I used my full power to stand up properly in front of him.

" What did you say, Mr. Baghel? Who is in control of my life? You? Hahahha!!! " I asked coldly and laughed.

" You are mistaken badly.

No one ever controlled me.

If I had let you handle my life, then I wasn't in this position myself. " I said to him with rage.

He looked at me with disgust.

" And what did you say? I behaved like a queen when I had nothing? You are mistaken.

I have everything, but I never used my power. Do you know why?

Because in my fight, I didn't want to suffer those people who work under Kashyap Enterprises.

Do you know why I let Tanish handle everything and tolerate his every torture? Because I was making myself strong.

At that time, I was not that strong.

Also, I have to protect those people who are my family, which you never did.

At least I was that strong who protected her loved ones. So, it's you who should die in shame, not me. " I said bitterly, and he looked at me with disgust.

" I have never used my powers. If I had used it, then you weren't stand in front of me and looked at me with disgust. " I replied coldly, and I saw fear in his eyes.

" Between, why are you here? " I asked coldly, as I want him out immediately.

" Teja, your grandma paralyzed fully. I want money from you. After all, she is your grandma. It's your responsibility to take care of her. " Mr. Baghel replied shamelessly.

I laughed at his comment.

Everyone looked at me with shock.

" God, this is the joke of this year," I said in my laugh and looked at him with a cold smirk.

" What? Grandma?

When did she become my grandma? " I asked sweetly.

" As far as I remember, she cut off her ties with me.

And what responsibility are you talking about?

Her responsibility!

Isn't she your mother?

You should take care of her.

Why are you asking for money?

I don't owe you anything, Mr. Baghel. " I replied coldly and loudly.

He looked at me with rage and caught my hair in his fist.

I showed my hands to everyone as I knew everyone worried about me.

" You slut, you are here living in this luxury because of me. Do you understand?

If I hadn't married your whore mother at that time, you would die from hunger and your bitch Sister Ritu too.

Ritu lived all those years happily because of me. " He said in rage.

And I felt my blood boiled after listening to those words for my sister and mother.

" GUARDS!!! " I called for guards.

They entered inside.

Within a minute, he was removed from me, and guards made him kneel in front of me.

" Dad!!! " I called dad, and he stood in front of him.

" Dad, can you slap him tightly? You know I am weak right now. And I want him to be punished tightly. " I said, and dad slapped him tightly.

Dad tore his lips in his one slap.

" That was for calling my mother bad names. " I said.

I eyed dad, and he understood my intention.

He slapped him again.

" That is for calling my di bad names! " I said in rage.

I caught his hair in my fist and made him look at me.

" Were you really thought that I owe you?

Nope, I am not. Do you know why? Because my mom is the one who handled your shop and worked hard to let all of us eat something.

She did hard work day and night, so we couldn't sleep without eating anything.

If she didn't help you at that time, you weren't stood in front of me like this.

Do you know why you are asking for money for me?

It's because you used your every money on your sluts. " I said with disgust, and he looked at me with shock.

" My innocent di died because of you, bastard. " I yelled in rage.

" You used my mother as your slave using my sister and me.

You bastard and your son-in-law only know how to use people's weakness for their profit. That's what you are, a fucking coward. You think I didn't know anything, but I know every fucking thing you did to my loved ones. " I yelled in rage.

" I have never taken any revenge from you because my mother raised me to help others. She told me not to use my power in revenge as revenge never do anything good to anyone.

And she is right.

I have seen how revenge destroyed many lives. " I said bitterly.

" If you don't want me to lose my mind and kill you. Get lost from my sight. " I said in rage and left his hair harshly.

After that, he stood up and left with the guards.

When he left, I fell to the floor.

Everyone came near me.

Akaash took me in bridal style and sat me down.

Everyone was saying something, but it's like their words were not reaching my ears.

I felt numb.

I didn't realize when, but I lost my consciousness.

I hope Teja is safe now.

This much pressure and stress aren't good for her.

Don't you think, my dear readers?

What do you think about today's chapter?

What will happen next?

Let's find out on the next update.

And my Indian Readers, Happy Dussehra!!!

I hope you all can live a happy life and stay safe in your home!

Love you!!!