Chapter 83- Please Understand me!!!

Akaash POV:-

When she suddenly fell on the floor, we all got worried about her.

We went towards her and touched her.

She was sweating badly, and her face turned pale.

I picked her on the bridal style and put her on the bed.

" Teja, are you okay? How are you feeling? " I asked.

Everyone asked her about her, but it was like, she wasn't listening to what we were saying to her.

And suddenly, she laid on the bed and lost consciousness.

I told everyone to stay away from her, and I examined her.

I called nurses and doctors and connected the wires to check her body properly.

I looked at her unstable pulses and low BP.

Soon the Dr. Harsh Vardhan came, and I told him about her vitals.

We gave her a bottle of glucose and some injections, which let her sleep for a while.

It's 10 pm already.

So, we all left her to take a rest.

I told everyone to come to my apartment for some rest.

So we all left her to take some rest as we all didn't rest for the last two days.

We are curious to know about Teja's plan, and the way she fought for herself was impressive.

My respect for her boost.

I love her, but I respect her the most.

She is a true fighter.

I know she committed suicide, but at that moment, she wasn't in her right mind.

After all, she is a human.

Every human has the right to broke down after suffering too much.

But from now on, she is not alone in her fight.

I am always here for her.

I thought, and soon sleep engulfed me as I laid on the sofa.


Teja POV:-

I woke up covered with full sweat, and my heart beats rapidly.

I realized my dreams haunted me.

But they must have given me some pills. So I will sleep well.

That's the reason I didn't remember what I saw in my nightmares.

I looked around me and found no one.

I sighed and went inside the washroom.

I did my business and came out fresh.

I went towards my cabin and changed my clothes.

I have to do so much work. I can't leave without completing them.

I changed my clothes into my doctor's clothes and went towards my patient's cabin.

I talked to my patients, and they were shocked at first but relieved to see me.

I told them about my resignation, and they understood me.

After I handed their files to my senior, and I left his room.

He asked me so many questions and told me to rest.

I told them that I was leaving today. He understood after I told him about resignation reason.

Then I came to my room to see Mom, Dad, Akaash, Mr. Albert, Mrs. Albert, and Arjun, who gave me wit such a look that I would die by their stares.

I look at them with a smile.

Mom came towards me and caught my ears tightly.

" You naughty child, you became an adult, but still your behavior is worse than a child. Why aren't you taking a rest like a good child? huh!!! " Mom asked while twisting my ear.

" Mom, please, you are hurting my ear. Please, leave me. " I blabbered like a child just like I did with my maa.

Suddenly, I became sad and hugged mom.

Mom got startled and left my ear.

" Teja, dear, what happened? " Mom asked.

" Mom, please, let stay for a while. I want your motherly love. " I said with a heavy voice.

I think everyone understood what was running in my mind. I saw everyone looked at me with sad eyes.

After a while, I broke my hug and walked towards the bed.

I sat on the bed, and mom gave me a bowl of tomato soup.

I smiled at her and drank my soup.

After I finished, Dad asked, " Teja, dear, what are you planning? " Dad asked.

And I sighed as it's going to be difficult for me.

" Dad, mom, I know after listening to my plan, you would be angry with me. But please trust my decision. " I said, and they looked at me worriedly.

" I want to leave this country forever. " I confessed, and I heard gasps.

" What are you saying? Don't you like to be with us, Teja? " Mom asked.

" Mom, it's not like that. But I am tired. " I confessed. I looked at them, who looked at me with such sad eyes.

Tears fell from their eyes.

" Mom and dad, call me a coward. But I can't live here. This country haunts me. So many bad memories filled here, and I don't want everyone to look at me with pity, sad, and disgustful eyes. I don't want to give everyone an explanation of what happened to me and why I divorced Tanish. " I said, and dad and mom looked at me with sadness.

" Teja, you can expose Tanish in front of the world. I am here for you. We will fight together and make him repent for his deeds. " Dad said with rage.

" Dad, then what about Kashyap Enterprises? You did so much hard work to make that company No.1 in India. What about the people who work in that company? What about your image and reputation? " I asked, and he got silent for a minute.

" Dad, just for Tanish wrongdoing, I can't let you and your workers suffer. I know Tanish did wrong. I know how to give him punishment. I will leave this country like I never exist. He will try to find me everywhere, but he will never find out where I went. " I said.

I turned towards dad, who looked at me with sadness.

" Dad, please, make divorce papers in the next three hours. I will sign it and got my freedom from this hell marriage.

For me, you are my dad, and mom is my mom.

Our relationship doesn't need Tanish and my marriage relationship.

I will always call you after I left from here. " I said, and they hugged me immediately.

Tears fell from their eyes, and I closed my eyes to control my tears.

For me, they are my parents after my maa.

" But where will you go? Who will take care of you after you leave? " Mom asked.

" Mom, I can't tell you guys where I am leaving for now. I don't Tanish to find out about my whereabouts. It's not like I am doubting you. But with your words, his evil mind easily can get a hint, and I don't want to take any chances. " I replied, and they sighed.

" Alright, I will go and told my lawyer to make divorce papers for you. " Dad said and left the room.

But before dad could leave, we saw Tanish standing at the door.

We all looked at him with shock.

I hope he didn't hear my plan.

Hello guys, here is the second update.

I hope you like it.

What do you think? Did Tanish hear everything Teja said?

Let's find out in the next chapter.

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share my book.

Love you!!!