Chapter 92- The Humble Man!

Somewhere in India:-

A person opened his eyes with a jolt and sat on the couch.

Cold sweats formed into his body, and he looked around to find the person he had been craving for the last three years.

When he saw everything had left like yesterday, he sighed sadly.

Tears formed into his eyes, but he stopped himself.

In these three years, he may win the best businessman award in a row. But, still, he can't enjoy that happiness as he is alone.

He had lost a lot of weight as no one could take care of him.

He is beared now.

He became humble, gentlemanly, and an understanding person now.

He looked at the clock, which showed 7 am.

He sighed as he was only able to sleep for four hours.

He stood up from the couch and went inside his bathroom.

He wore the clothes of his wife's choice and wore his cologne with his wife's cologne.

So, he won't miss her much and be able to concentrate on his work.

He went towards the kitchen and imagined his wife making his breakfast while humming an Indian romantic or sad song with a smile.

He smiled, seeing that smile, but suddenly his wife disappeared.

He sighed and entered the kitchen.

He made an orange juice with sandwiches for himself as his wife once told him that it would make the person's day.

He looked at his wife's picture with his parents on their wedding day.

Tears fell from his eyes as it's been three years since his wife left him along with his parents.

He tried to meet his parents many times, but his parents hired some guards and told them not to let him enter their house.

He tried to find his wife in every way, but he couldn't able to find her like she never existed in this world.

Everyone forgot about her and moved on in their life except him.

He is living like a living dead.

He lost his soul and happiness when his wife left him alone in this world.

He ate his breakfast and went to his office.

He can't stop his work even if he wants to.

He knew his wife didn't file a complaint against him because of his father's image and his father's colleagues.

But the guilt is eating him alive day by day.

He reached the office, and everyone bowed at him.

He replied to their greetings with good morning and hello.

He reached his office, where his PA was waiting for him.

His PA didn't like him a bit as he knew everything his boss did to his wife, but this job paid well.

He had to stick with him.

He looked at his boss and wished him good morning.

He entered into his boss with him.

" Boss, we need to leave for London as we had a meeting with our new client. " His PA said, and he nodded.

" When do we need to leave? " He asked.

" Today evening, at 6 pm. " His Pa replied.

" Alright, then pack your stuff too as we are leaving for a business trip which could take a weak most. " He ordered, and his PA nodded.

" Alright, sir. These are some files. Please look at it, sir. I am leaving now. " His PA said and left.

Soon, someone knocked on the door, and he said, come in.

There, his best friend entered with a frown.

" Tanish, you looked shit! " His friend said.

Yes, that person is non-other than Tanish Kashyap.

" Thanks for the compliment, Abhishek. Tell me, why are you here? " Tanish asked.

" I came to tell you that you lose the fight. The court accepted your divorce with Teja and told you to sign the divorce papers as soon as possible. Tanish, now I can't do anything, and you need to sign the papers now. " Abhishek explained while looking at his friend with pity.

But he knew he deserved it for hurting a pure soul.

Tears fell from Tanish's eyes as the last hope died today.

For the last three years, he had been trying to save his marriage. But his father was stubborn too.

He showed some evidence and the audio clip of Teja's voice where she said she wants a divorce with Tanish, and she doesn't want to file any complaint against Tanish.

Yesterday was the last hearing of their divorce case, and the judge approved Teja's demand.

Abhishek gave the divorce papers to sign and left after seeing his friend so broken.

He sighed the papers with shaking hands as he couldn't do anything now.

But he didn't give the papers to Abhishek because he wanted to give the papers after this trip.

He did other work and left for his penthouse.

Yes, that wasn't home for him without his wife.

He packed his bags and went to the hall, and looked at the videos of Teja.

Yes, he saw all the videos Teja spent in the last six months before she left.

He knew how he hurt Teja and how worse Teja's nightmares were for the last three months.

He saw Teja wake up with a jolt every time she slept in her room.

He hears her pleads, screams, laughs and cries in these videos, and he realizes one thing.

He hurt the precious gem of his life.

He hurt the purest soul he had ever touched.

He is regretting, so he edited her moments and played those videos till he won't sleep.

Soon, his chain of thoughts broke when he heard the ringtone of his phone.

He saw his PA was calling him.

He picked up the call and told him he was leaving and meeting him at the airport.

He picked his necessary things and locked the door of his penthouse.

He went to the airport and met his PA.

They entered and aboard their private jet.

Soon the pilot announced their take-off, and he looked at his ring he had never taken off since their engagement.

Now, he waited till they reached London.

Hello everyone,

Here is the situation of Tanish and Teja after the three years. What do you think about their situation?

Don't forget to tell me.

Love you!!!