Chapter 93- Celebrating Akaash's Birthday!

In London:-

Author's POV:-

Teja went to her room and changed into comfortable clothes.

She went to the kitchen and started making her special dish and dinner with Akaash's cake.

After three hours, she was done making everything.

Angelina tried to help, but Teja refused to take anyone's help as she wanted to make everyone's meal with her hands.

She made Shahi Paneer, Jeera rice, White sauce pasta, poori, and her special dish, Rasmalai, with saffron.

Also, she made a chocolate cake for Akaash for his birthday.

Then, she went out to look for everyone and saw everyone was watching a football sports match while for their favorite player.

Teja POV:-

I smiled, looking at them, living a happy and peaceful life.

That's what I want from my life.

I got my life like this in these two years.

When I came here, it took me six months to adjust to myself here, and I came out from depression and PTSD.

My nightmares were at their peak, and I had to open up to my psychiatrist, Ashley.

When I told all the things to Ashley, I felt that a burden lifted from my shoulders.

Ashley was a good person, but she didn't deserve my cold nature, but what can I do. I am like this.

I can't change myself now.

She helped me take out from my depression.

Arjun, Mom, and Akaash was the one who helped me the most.

Mr. Albert helped me a lot too, but I can't forgive him till now.

That's why he is bearing the worst coldness of mine till now.

He may smile at me, seeing my coldness, but I can see. He wants me to call him papa for once.

Somewhere in my heart, all my insecurities went out.

He gave me all of his love without expecting anything.

And I started to close to him.

But whenever I thought about my maa, I stopped myself from calling him, papa.

I knew he cried for me secretly as I caught him secretly sometimes.

But I can't forgive him so easily.

In these three years, I didn't call any of my loved ones.

After all, I knew Tanish tried everything to find out about my whereabouts.

I knew Bubbly must be worried about me.

Dad and mom must be disappointed in me for not calling them. But I knew they understood me too.

Sometimes, I wanted to talk to them as I missed them, but I couldn't gather the courage to talk to them.

My chain of thought broke when I heard Arjun's voice.

" Di, down to earth!!! " Arjun yelled and shook me a little.

" Yes, Arjun dear. What happened? " I asked and looked at him with confusion.

" Di, I am famished. When are we going to celebrate Akaash's brother's birthday and eat your handmade delicious food? " Arjun asked like a child with puppy eyes and rolled his tongue on his lips.

Everyone laughed at his antics, and I replied, " Just now. I will get the cake here, and then we will cut the cake, okay? "

He nodded and jumped like a child.

I giggled and went inside to get the cake from the fridge.

I took out the cake and put a candle at the center of the cake.

I went to the hall and put the cake on the table. Akaash stood in front of the table.

I lit the cake and gave the knife to Akaash.

Akaash blew off the candle, and we sang a happy birthday song.

Akaash gave me the first bite with love. I ate the bite in half and gave him the other half one, which he ate gladly.

Then Akaash gave the piece of cake to everyone, and we distributed the cake.

Everyone ate the cake with happiness, and I went into the kitchen and arranged the dishes on the dining table.

Soon, everyone joined the dining table and started to eat dinner.

We all talked about our today's events.

And Akaash told them about my stupid act, according to him.

But everyone laughed and told him that person was me and no one could stop me.

Then we all enjoyed our dinner while teasing each other.

Suddenly, Akaash stood up and said, " Excuse me, everyone. I need to use the washroom. "

" Do I need to show you the way? " I asked in a teasing way.

Akaash laughed and replied, " No, no, Teja. You don't need to do that. "

I nodded, and he left.

Everyone can call me Teja inside the home, but not outside as everyone liked my previous name Teja too much.

Everyone pleaded to me to allow them to use my name inside the home, and they promised me that they would not call me Teja outside.

I agreed after I still remember how everyone enjoyed getting my yes.

They became children sometimes.

" Di, down to earth! Why do you go to your lala world every time today? " Arjun asked.

I slapped his back and replied, " I was thinking something important. Anyways, what do you want to say? "

" Di, whatever I am gonna say, please don't be angry at me. Okay? " Arjun said seriously.

" I will not only be mad at you, but I will beat you. " I said and laughed.

" Di, I am being serious. Please listen to me. " Arjun said, and his eyes are saying he is serious.

So, I stopped laughing and replied, " Okay, you are being serious. Let's listen to what do you want to say. "

" Di, you know I love you so much, and I never want to hurt you intentionally.

Di, these three years, we gave you time to recover from your past.

Mom, dad, and I helped you with every step.

We are proud that you fought well with your depression and achieved so many things on your own.

But di, I saw that you didn't move on in your life.

So, Di, I wanted you to close that black chapter of your life and start a new life with new happiness. " Arjun explained, and my heart melted seeing his caring towards me.

" Alright, but how do you want me to move on from my life? " I asked with seriousness.

His next words shocked me to the core.

He looked at mom and Mr. Albert, and then he turned his face towards me and said with dead seriousness, " I want you to marry Akaash! "

Hello guys,

I hope you like this chapter.

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Guys, these days, I am not getting any comments from you guys.

I felt hurt.

I want your comments so I can write this beautiful story with more passion and encouragement.

So don't forget to vote, comment, and share this story.

Love you!