Chapter 94- Teja's Insecurity!

Teja POV:-

I want you to marry Akaash!

This sentence shook me to the core.

He was right that I didn't move on in my life.

I want to move on too. But whenever I tried, those memories came in front of my mind, and I had to take two steps back.

In these three years, I never went to the club.

I hid in front of the world in fear if someone told him about me.

Even when my hospital hired someone, no one could meet me before they wouldn't pass the interview and signed the contract with the clause that they can't reveal the chairwoman's identity in front of anyone.

Every staff knew what's my real identity.

I knew everyone wanted to talk about my identity to everyone, but I paid them well, and if they breached the contract, they had to follow the lawsuit.

That's the reason they don't dare to disclose my identity.

But, never in my life, I think I would decide to marry again.

For me, I want to live my life happily with my family.

I want to live with my second mother, who adored me and gave me so much love every day.

I want to live with my lovely brother, who can do anything at my request.

I want to live with... m... my... fa... father, who gave me many bits of advice, who bored my every coldness, but still showered me with his fatherly love.

I don't want anyone in my life.

Yes, Akaash is also a part of my life, but like my friend.

I never thought of him as my life partner.

To be honest, I never thought of someone as my life partner.

I am scared to be close to anyone.

I never hugged Akaash after coming to London.

I am scared of male touch.

I may surround by a group of males, but I never let them touch me.

How can I accept Akaash as my husband?

No, it can't be possible.

I looked at Arjun, who was looking at me with so much hope.

I hate that I had to break his wish.

" Arjun, I love you too. But I am sorry. I can't.

Arjun, you are 21. You can understand my situation.

I can't marry Akaash.

He is a good man. Any girl would be lucky to have him.

But you know my past. I am scared of male touch.

You are asking me to become his life partner.

But how can I become his life partner when I can't fulfill his wishes?

I can't accept him fully. Even I can't give love to him.

How can we survive in this loveless marriage? " I explained and asked.

" Di, Akaash loves you a lot. I am sure he can make you fall in love with him.

I saw him. He loves you, and he can do everything for you.

He will never let you cry in pain, as I have seen his care for you. " Arjun explained.

" Arjun, one-sided love is not enough to make a marriage work.

In a marriage, there are many things. We have to give each other their rights.

Akaash's love for me isn't enough for us as he has some expectations from me.

After this marriage, I can't able to give him his every right on me. " I explained when I heard.

" Why? Teja? " I turned and saw Akaash coming towards us.

He came near me and said, " Teja, I want you as my wife.

I love you, and my love is enough for us.

I don't need anything from you except be with me and let me take care of you. "

" Akaash, you think I don't know anything.

Akaash, even if we got married as you said, can we be able to sleep together in the same bed?

No, I can't accept anyone to come too close to me.

Ask Arjun and Mr. Albert. Did I let them touch me whenever they came near me and tried to hug me?

No, I knew they were my family. But still, I never let them cross the barrier because I am scared of the male touch.

Akaash, in a marriage, everyone has some expectation towards their partners.

We can take care of each other, but you can't come near me.

What if you never had a baby with me? I know you like children too. Even your family wants you to marry a girl whom you can have a family with, not a girl like me who can't even give you one happiness." I explained.

Akaash tried to touch me, and I took two steps back unconsciously.

" Look, Akaash, that will happen every time. So, don't waste your time on a tainted girl like me who can't give you any happiness. " I said coldly and left for my room.

I knew I hurt them with my behavior, but I couldn't stop myself as they had to understand my point of view.

I went inside my room and cried after two years.

Arjun POV:-

I saw my di go to her room with sadness in her eyes.

I see how she became stiffened when Arjun tried to touch her.

But I knew he was the best for her.

He never left her in her worst time.

He always supported her like an umbrella.

He stood and stayed beside her whenever she needed him.

Yes, she was right about her fear. But I have seen from my eyes that Akaash has that capability to melt di's icy heart and let it beat again.

You must be wondering how I know.

It's because three years ago, I secretly saw and heard the conversation between Akaash and di.

Akaash was able to break her and let her open up to him.

That day, I knew he was the one for her.

I turned towards Akaash and said, " Bro, don't worry. I know my di. I know how to make her agree. "

He sighed sadly, and tears formed in his eyes.

" Arjun, I wanted to be with her. I don't need her for my needs. I need her as my soul mate and my partner.

I never touch her without her consent.

Tell me, did physical needs is everything?

No, for me, being with your love is enough.

You know, after Teja married that bastard, everyone told me to move on.

To be honest, I tried too.

But every time I remember Teja.

She is my love, and she with me is enough for me. " Akaash said, and I smiled.

I turned towards mom and dad and said, " Dad and mom, you need to help me making di agree. "

They patted on our backs and replied, " We will do everything to make her realize that she has to move on from her life now. "

Hello guys, what do you think about Teja's point of view?

Is Teja right or wrong?

Don't forget to comment and express your thoughts to me.

Because now, I am giving you the chance to choose between Akaash and Tanish.

Which one do you want to choose?

Also, what do you think about Arjun's point?

Don't forget to vote, comment, and share this lovely story.

Love you!!!