Chapter 95- Angelina's Point!

Angelina's POV:-

Akaash left after some time.

I felt bad for that child. He has a good heart. I knew he could make my daughter happy.

Yes, my daughter. I never thought of her as someone's else daughter or my husband's daughter.

I knew my husband had a past, but I couldn't judge him by his past.

Even it was our fate that brought us together.

I felt bad for Kaya.

I knew she was innocent.

What happened with her was bad, but she was lucky that she had someone who loved her even she was far away from me.

Albert loved her with her whole heart till now.

I may get the wife title, but his heart still beats for her.

Her painful death hurt Albert.

All the things he found about Teja's painful life broke him too much internally.

That's the reason I never left his side alone.

His respect for me is enough for me to spend my life with him.

My chain of thoughts broke when Albert said.

We are done!

I turned and saw Albert and Arjun come out from the kitchen with a smile.

They washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen and dining table.

I smiled at them, and they sat on the opposite couch.

" So, who is gonna talk to di now? " Arjun asked us while looking at us.

" I am gonna talk to her now. Albert, you are her father. Even if she doesn't understand me, I am sure she will understand your words. " I said, and they nodded.

I sighed and went upstairs to talk to her.

I knocked on her room, but she didn't reply to me.

But I opened the door and entered.

I saw her sitting in front of the window. She looked at the window with the void of emotions on her face.

I walked towards her, and she said coldly, " Mom, if you are here to talk about marriage again, I am sorry, but my answer is still no. "

I sighed and put my hand on her shoulder.

" Teja, face me, dear. " I said softly, but she didn't turn.

So I made her turn towards me.

I looked at her with shock as her eyes were puffy.

There is sadness on her face.

For the first time, I am seeing an emotion on her face after three years.

That's a good signal.

" Come with me! " I said and made her sit on her king-size bed.

I held her hands in mine and said, " Teja, why don't you want to marry Akaash? "

She sighed and replied, " Mom, am I not your child? Why do you want to send me away from you? "

I caressed her cheeks and said with a smile, " Who said you are not my child? Yes, I didn't give you birth. But you are my child from my heart. You know when you accepted me as your mother for the first time I was so happy.

We don't want to send you away from us because you are a burden to us. No, you were never a burden for us.

You are the best thing that ever happened to us.

Teja, I have given you the answer to your question. Now tell me the answer to my question. "

She sighed and looked at me with teary eyes.

" Mom, Akaash is the best man I have ever seen.

You know any girl would be lucky to have him as a husband.

I am glad that he loves me.

But, mom, I can't love him.

My past tied me with them.

You know I tried many times to move on, but those memories are like chains for me who tied me with my worst times.

I can't be with Akaash and give him any happiness.

You know very well, mom.

In marriage, love, understanding, respect, loyalty, and physical relationship are important things.

Without all of them, the marriage would be nothing.

I can't give those things to Akaash, so how can I agree to marry him.

I know very well. I will destroy his life, and I don't want to do that to my friend. I am scared that after this marriage, I will lose my best friend. " She explained in a heavy voice, and tears fell from her eyes in the end.

" Teja, you know how my marriage is going on till now? " I asked, and she looked at me with confusion.

" You know after your father found out your mother's marriage with his fake brother. He was devastated.

I was his doctor, and I felt bad for him.

May times, he tried to commit suicide as he loved your mother and his children a lot.

But after some time, he accepted his fate but decided he would never marry again.

But his fate never supported him as my father fell ill from brain cancer.

When my father found out about his illness, it was already in the fourth stage.

My father knew if the world found out about this, they would attack me because of his wealth.

So, he gave my hand to your father. " I said, and I turned towards Teja, who gave me a sad look.

After all, who knows my pain better than her.

" I was devastated about my father's death, and your father was devastated as he wasn't able to keep his promise to himself.

But we got married for the sake of my dad and my safety.

Those six months were hell for me.

You know that pain very well.

Your husband, who can't love you as he has someone in his heart.

I never hate him for this, but my respect for him increased ad he never takes care of himself but for others.

After six months, we started to understand each other perfectly. And Albert gave me my rights as a wife.

He may love your mother till now. But in his heart, there is a piece for me that loves me and respects me.

And I am happy with this. " I said with a smile and looked at Teja, who looked at me with a sad smile.

" Teja, marriage without love survived, but you need to change your view.

Take our marriage as an example. We want your happiness.

We don't want you to live in that past. We want you to move on and live your life with happiness. " I said and kissed her forehead.

" Mom, can I ask you a question? " She asked, and I nodded.

" Did you love Mr. Albert before your wedding? " She asked, and I got stunned.

I sighed and replied, " Yes, I loved him before our marriage. "

" That's what I want to say.

As you said, your marriage's initial six months were hell as Dad loved maa.

I may not love anyone, but Dad gives you your rights except your physical right.

But in Akaash and I's case, I was scared to touch him. Your life became better when dad gave you every right as a wife.

But how am I giving him his rights as a husband? When I was scared to touch him.

Mom, I am too broken and tainted. I am sorry, but I can't give this marriage a chance. " Teja explained, and I realized she was right, and I didn't have the answers to her questions.

So, I sighed and patted her cheeks and said, " Think about it, dear. I am leaving you for now. "

I left with a heavy heart.

Hello guys,

What do you think about today's chapter?

What do you think about Teja?

Is she right or wrong?

Don't forget to tell me, and those readers who didn't give me their answers. I am requesting you. Choose between Akaash and Tanish soon and comment to me as soon as possible.

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