Chapter 120- Getting Ready!

Akaash POV:-


Today is the day when Teja and Vihaan are going to be mine.

I am super happy!!!

But I am nervous as hell!!

Will Teja be able to accept me wholeheartedly?

Will Vihaan accept me as his father?

Will I be able to make Teja's and Vihaan's happy?

These questions are making me worried and scared.

I want to give them everything I have.

But I am scared if I become like Tanish.

Why am I thinking that?

No, Akaash, you got this chance after 11 years of your life.

You can't back out now.

Have you forgotten about the promise Teja gave you?

Just, Relax!

My best men are my brother and Arjun.

Teja's maids of honor are Bubbly and Hannah, Teja's secretary.

Teja doesn't want to change Vihaan's Surname.

My family doesn't have any problem with it.

After all, it's Teja's request.

Right now, I am looking at myself in the mirror.

I have worn a white tuxedo with a white bow and white shoes.

A ribbon has wrapped around my neck to the waist, which gives this dress a royal look.

I have set my hair back with the help of gel.

A knock brought me back from my thoughts.

" Come in. " I said, and brother Abhishek entered looking dashing and handsome in his back Armani Suit.

He looked at my attire and smiled.

" You are looking handsome, Akaash. Finally, my brother is going to join the married men Club. Now, there will be someone who has the right to throw tantrums on my younger brother.

I am excited to see that day when your wife kicked you out of your room, and I will laugh just like you. " He said and laughed, and I smiled.

" Let's see if you will be able to see that day or not, brother. " I said with a teasing smile.

With that, we both laughed.

" Let's leave. It was time for your entry.

You know everyone is eagerly waiting for this marriage of the year.

Right now, I am feeling jealous. " Abhishek confessed, and I looked at him with confusion.

" Why is that? " I asked.

" My brother, when I married to your sister-in-law. Our marriage wasn't that special as yours.

Indians and foreigners, everyone is looking forward to this marriage.

That made me a little jealous as I am your older brother.

But you are getting more attention.

But I can understand why that is happening?

It's all because of Teja.

She achieved everything herself.

Plus, her previous identity was revealed.

She became the center of attention in everyone's eyes. " Abhishek explained, and I nodded.

" Anyways, forget about these things and enjoy this marriage.

I hope this day goes normally, and no drama happened today. " Abhishek wished, and I agreed with him.

God, please help us.

After that, we left the room and came downstairs.

I saw mom, dad, sister-in-law, and my relatives.

I touched the feet of my parents and hugged them.

" You are looking handsome, my son.

I am so happy you are going to conquer your queen today. " Mom said with tears in her eyes.

I wiped her tears and kissed her cheeks.

" Mom, you don't need to cry today. Else, I felt bad for making my mother cry.

Please, smile. " I said, and she smiled.

" I am proud of you, my son. I am happy you became what you are today without our help.

Today, I want a promise from you. " Dad said, and I nodded.

" I know you love Teja. But there is a very thin layer between love and possessiveness.

In possessiveness, Many people did so many bad things to their loved ones.

I want you to give Teja your respect, trust, loyalty, understanding, and love.

Promise me. You will give her all those things and never hurt her.

She cried ever in her life. She should be crying in happiness, not in pain. " Dad confessed, and I looked at him in awe.

It means dad loved Teja just like Mr. Kashyap.

I smiled and replied, " Dad, I promise you. I will never hurt her, and I will give her my respect, trust, understanding, loyalty, and love. "

Dad hugged me and patted my back.

We broke our hug, and we left for the church.

When we reached, I saw Arjun between the stairs.

Many reporters are asking questions and taking our pictures.

We ignored them and walked towards Arjun.

When he looked at me, he smiled.

" Jija Ji, I am happy to see you. You are looking handsome.

Di got ready with our family.

She is coming with her dads. We need to wait for their arrival. Do you want to wait for her in the waiting room or altar? " Arjun gave me that happy news and asked.

" I will wait for her at the altar. Is every guest here? " I asked.

" Yes, they are. " Arjun replied, and we entered.

The anchor announced my presence, and the guests clapped their hands.

Arjun, Abhishek bhaiya, and I walked to the altar and reached the end where the priest was waiting for us.

I nodded at our lawyers, who came here with marriage registration papers.

As time goes, I started to become more nervous.

I wish everything went well.

Then the door opened, and someone entered.

I gulped in nervousness.

Teja POV:-

I groaned as the sun rays fell on my face.

The whole night, I wasn't able to sleep.

Many questions were running in my dumb brain.

" Hey, don't call me dumb. I am your subconscious, and I always ask the right questions. " My subconscious said, and I rolled my eyes.

" Yes, yes. Ms. Dumb. Because of you, I rejected Akaash many times. " I replied.

" It wasn't because of me. It is all because of your fears. " My subconscious roared.

Again, I left with defeat.

" Fine! You are right. But stop thinking so much you are giving me a huge headache. " I roared, and my subconscious huffed.

I smiled and opened my eyes, and looked at my baby.

Vihaan was kissing me while giggling.

I smiled and said, " Good morning, baby.

Let's take a quick shower. Your father was waiting for us at the altar.

We have to eat and get ready, right? "

He nodded and kissed my nipple.

I sighed.

I know he must miss the breast milk of her mother.

He may forget everything.

But I felt many times whenever he slept.

He started to suck my nipples like milk came out from them.

I can't breastfeed him.

But I can give him my nipples to suck, so he can at least relax and feel at home.

I took him to the bathroom, and we both did our business.

After an hour, we came out from the bathroom wearing rob and looking fresh.

We both change into comfy clothes as we have to change again after breakfast.

We went downstairs and met everyone.

My mothers made hotdogs, sandwiches, cupcakes, pancakes, pasta, and noodles for breakfast.

In drinks, we have milk or orange juice.

We all sat and had our breakfast quietly.

After breakfast, I heard the doorbell.

I opened the door and saw beauticians, makeup artists, and hairstylists.

" Hello, please, come in. " I said enthusiastically, and they bowed at me.

" Would you like to have breakfast? " I asked.

" No, mam. We did it before we came here.

Have you done your breakfast? If yes, can we start dressing you? " One of them asked.

" Yes. Wait a minute. " I said and excused them.

" Mom! " I said, and my mothers replied together, " Yes! "

I groaned.

I need to fix it after my marriage.

" Where are you both got ready? " I asked.

" In Angel's room. " Mom Rajshree replied.

" Okay! " I replied and walked towards the stylists.

" Who is going to do help me? " I asked, and three of them came forward.

" We are, Miss. Smith. " They replied in unison.

" Alright, who is going to help me. Please, go to the third floor in the last room. I will meet you there.

Others, you need to go to the third floor at the second room." I ordered them, and they went to our room.

I went towards the dining room and picked Vihaan.

" Dad! " I said, and Both of my fathers looked at me.

" I will ready Vihaan. Can you come to my room in 15 minutes to take the Vihaan with you? " I asked.

" Sure, dear. " Dad replied, and I left to my room.

I opened my room and said to the stylists, " Can you wait for 15 minutes? I need to get ready, my son. "

They nodded, and I took out my dress and Vihaan's dress.

Vihaan's dress is similar to Akaash's dress.

Vihaan was giggling when I was making him ready.

When I combed his hair, he pouted.

I kissed his cheeks.

When he was done, dad entered my room after a knock.

I gave him to dad.

He waved bye and left with dad.

When he left, I started to think about my life.

" Can we start, mam? " One of them asked.

" Yes, sure. One thing, after looking at my body. I don't need you all to talk about my body and give me any pity looks. " I ordered, and they nodded.

I took off my clothes except for my innerwear.

They looked at me with shock.

But they started to do their work.

They did manicures, pedicures, vaxing, and whatnot.

But I stopped them from doing facials on my face.

They agreed, and after two hours, they told me to change my inner-wear.

I changed them, and they held that dress for me.

They helped me put it on, and then they started doing my make-up and hairstyle.

After an hour, one of them said, " Mam! Please, look at yourself. You are looking beautiful. "

I opened my eyes and saw myself in the mirror.

I looked at myself stunned.

I was looking breathtaking.

The makeup artist did natural makeup on my face with cherry pink lipstick.

On my side face, they curled my hair and let them fall on my face.

After that, they fixed my hair in a bun like a crown on my forehead.

They fixed the crown and veil on my forehead.

I turned and saw myself from the backside.

As Akaash said, my scars are not looking because of this heavy veil.

I smiled and thanked those stylists.

They left, and my mothers entered.

" Teja, you are looking beautiful like an angel, which you are. " Mom Rajshree said, and I hugged her.

" You are right, Rajshree. Our daughter looks like an angel.

I can see why our husbands call her their angel and princess. " Mom Angelina said, and I blushed.

" Thanks, my mothers. " I thanked them, and I compliment them.

They wore the same pink color dress with a different design.

We went downstairs and saw my father.

Mr. Albert held Vihaan in his arms.

I walked towards them and took Vihaan in my arms.

" Princess, you are looking beautiful.

God Bless you! " Dad said and kissed my forehead.

I kissed his cheeks and replied to him with a thank you.

" You are looking beautiful, my daughter.

I am blessed to have you as my daughter. " Dad said, and I closed my eyes. So, I can control my emotion.

He kissed my forehead too.

Then I didn't see Bubbly, Arjun, and Jassi anywhere.

" Where are my siblings? " I asked.

" They reached the church and waiting for you right now.

I think we should leave now. Else, we will be late. " Mr. Albert said, and we nodded.

We went to the church in my limo.

Mr. Albert opened the door for me.

I came out and handed Vihaan to mom.

Mr. Albert asked my hand.

I put my hand on his forearm.

Dad gave me a bookey of roses in my hand.

I took it, and we walked towards the church.

Many reporters are clicking our pictures.

They are asking about mom's and dad's presence here.

I hope everything went well.