Chapter 121- Teja's Entry!

Teja POV:-

When I walked towards the entrance, I saw my maids of honor were waiting for me.

They were waiting for me impatiently.

When they turned to see me, they smiled.

" Di, you are looking beautiful. " Bubbly said and hugged me.

" You are looking gorgeous, mam. " Hannah said, and I thanked her.

Bubbly and Hannah wore a yellow dress.

" You both are looking gorgeous too. " I replied.

" You are one minute late. Let's make an amazing entrance. " Bubbly said enthusiastically, and I chuckled.

Then we all entered together.

My father wrapped their arms around their forearms.

We smiled at each other, and the door opened.

My nervousness started to increase.

Did I make a good decision?

Am I going to regret this decision in the future?

What about Vihaan's Life?

Will I be able to give Akaash all his rights?

Will Akaash be this considerate in the future too?

So many questions started to attack me. My heartbeat increased in fear.

" Calm down, Teja. You don't need to worry about anything. " Mr. Albert said and squeezed my hand.

I looked at him.

" I don't know if I made the right decision. I don't want to destroy so many lives because of my decision. " I confessed and lowered my face.

He put his finger on my chin and made me look at him.

" Teja, you made me so proud of you.

I know you are worried.

But don't worry.

After a year, you will come to me. You will say that you are happy with this decision of yours.

Now, you have come so far.

Don't let your fears make you waste your hard work and everyone's trust broken. " Mr. Albert said, and I kissed his cheeks.

" Thank you! That's what I want to hear... Papa! " I said, and he looked at me with shock.

" What... What did you call me? " He asked with tears in his eyes.

" Papa! " I called him Papa.

I felt like a huge burden lifted from my shoulders.

Papa hugged me, and tears fell from his eyes.

" Today is the best day of my life. God finally blessed me. Thank you, Teja. Please forgive me for everything. " Papa said and fell on his knees.

I sat on my knees too and wiped his tears.

" Papa, please don't cry. I forgive you! Now, let's enter. " I said, and he nodded.

We both stood up and calmed ourselves.

I looked at dad, and he nodded at me with a smile.

" I am proud of you, princess," he said and kissed my forehead.

I smiled, and we all entered. The bridal Chorus started to play.

I look at the end of the aisle.

There he is standing with the priest, bhaiya, and Arjun.

Arjun and bhaiya wore Armani suits and looked dashing as always.

But Arjun, he looked the center of attention.

For the first time, my heart flutters while looking at him.

I can't believe he is going to be all mine.

We started to walk slowly.

When we reached, my fathers put my hand on Akaash's hand and said, " She is our precious daughter. We are giving you our soul. Never hurt her, Akaash.

Give her all the happiness she deserves. "

Akaash looked at them with awe and replied, " I promise you, I will take care of her and never hurt her and Vihaan. "

Akaash said with sincerity while looking at me in my eyes.

After that, everyone left the stage except the priest.

The priest coughed and said, " Today, we are here to witness the wedding of these two beautiful people who are here to tie them together in a marriage bond.

So, before we proceed, I would like to ask everyone here. "

After that, he sighed.

" Is there someone who has a problem with this wedding? " The priest asked.

" I have the problem with this marriage. " Someone said, and I closed my eyes.

After all, I know very well. Who that person is.

That person is non-other than my former husband, Tanish Kashyap.

I turned and looked at him.

When I saw him, I got shocked.

He has a gun in his hand. Everyone gasped when they saw the gun.

I pulled Akaash behind me.

He is my responsibility now.

I can do anything to save him.

" Tanish Kashyap, what the hell are you doing? " Dad yelled at him.

" Dad, don't stop me today. After all, it's all because of you. If you hadn't submitted the papers to the court. Teja and I would not be divorced.

I love her.

She is my everything.

If she will marry Akaash, then I will kill myself. " Tanish said and put the gun head towards his head.

" Tanish, please, son. Don't do that. Think about Teja and yourself.

You did so many bad things with Teja.

Now, please let her live her life peacefully.

Your parents love you.

Your mother loves you.

Please, Tanish, don't do this. " Mom said while crying.

I looked at mom and dad.

Dad is angry with Tanish's behavior, but the worry has to show in his eyes too.

Mom is crying.

Mom and Bubbly are trying to calm her down.

But today, the matter is between her two children.

She is standing in a line where she has to choose between her two children.

Whoever she chooses, today, she will lose.

Mom and dad did so much for me.

Today is my day to return all those favors.

For me, they fought with Tanish.

For me, they laid their hands on him.

For me, They cut their ties for their own son.

They chose me over her son.

I knew they must be angry at themselves for not raising their son good.

Tanish did everything bad to me, but he never harmed anyone else.

He is not that bad at all.

I need to do something.

So, I can save my new life.

I need to save my parent's hearts.

Most importantly, I need to save Tanish and Akaash as well.