Chapter 127- Argument

Akaash POV:-

I looked at Teja, who held Vihaan in her arms.

I felt bad for her as her relatives always betrayed her.

But I am with her now.

I will make her forget every bad thing which hurt her.

She has a family now.

My family is her family.

My relatives are her relatives.

I know she is worried if my family accepted her or not.

After all, a lot of things happened.

She was abandoned and betrayed by her family and relatives. So, she had fear in her heart to be not accepted by my relatives.

To be honest, I am worried too.

They never saw her but knew everything about her.

Mom and dad didn't even tell them about my wedding with her before that announcement as we didn't have any idea that Teja would announce the wedding too early.

When mom and dad invited them, but my uncle refused.

They didn't tell us the reason behind the refusal.

Mom and dad had thought that they were angry with us.

But when Srishti died on our wedding day, they called us and told us to come here immediately.

Dad was the one who thought they wanted our marriage rituals to happen at their castle, just like Mayank and Abhishek.

I looked outside and saw we had reached the gate of the castle.

Teja POV:-

The large doors of the castle opened, and the jeep entered.

You will see different sides of flowers on both sides.

There is a white fountain in front of the castle. Lord Mahadev sat at the top of the fountain, and from his jata (hair bun), the water came out and fell inside the fountain.

Whoever made this fountain, that person did great artwork.

This castle is huge.

They decorated the castle like a new bride.

The jeep stopped, and we came out from the jeep.

There the royal family is, standing in front of the entrance.

My family stayed behind, and Akaash's family went forward and met them happily.

Thank God, I wore a red Rajasthani saari with a red overcoat.

I walked towards them and said, " Ghadi Khamma, Raja(King) Sa! " (Greetings, your highness)

Then I went forward and touched the feet of the King.

He put his hand on my head and replied, " Khamma Ghadi, Bahu. (Greetings, Daughter-in-law) I am shocked to see that you know our culture. "

I smiled at him and replied, " This is my hometown, Raja Sa. I never got the chance to come here. "

Then I turned towards his wife and touched her feet and said, " Ghadi Khamma, Rani(Queen) Sa." (Greetings, your highness.)

She touched my head and replied, " Khamma Ghadi, beta. Your face is just like your name, Teja. "

I smiled and turned to look at my bhaiya and bhabhi.

I joined my hands and said, " Ghadi Khamma, Kuwar(Crown Prince) Sa Aur Raj wadhu(Crown Princess) Sa. "

They nodded and smiled at me.

Then I introduced them to my family, and they greeted each other.

Then the queen did everyone's tika, and we entered.

Then we all walked inside the castle.

I felt glad to see that the royal family behaved well with my family and me.

I have hope inside me now.

Akaash came near me and held my hand.

I smiled at him, and we walked to the hall.

The hall was stunning.

A beautiful chandelier was hanging at the center of the hall.

There had at least ten couches.

A table between those couches.

Many maids are standing with snacks and different drinks.

We all sat on the couches.

" Welcome to the castle, Teja and Teja's family. " The king said, and we bowed towards him while joining our hands.

" Raja Sa, please don't say that. " I replied, and he cut me off.

" Teja, we need to talk to you! " He said coldly, and I looked at his eyes.

His eyes didn't show anything.

" Maya! " The queen called some maid.

When she came forwards, the queen said, " Teja's family must be tired with the long traveling. Please take them to the guest's rooms. "

My family looked at me worriedly, and I nodded at them.

After that, they took their bags and left with Maya.

No one said anything after they left.

The king was looking at me with his cold eyes.

I looked at him while trying to understand his mind.

He took a deep breath and looked at papa Ji.

" Jagat, you didn't even tell us about this marriage and announced it to the whole world. Why? " He asked.

Papa Ji took a deep breath and replied, " We didn't plan to announce this wedding like that. We didn't tell Teja and her family about our reality.

We didn't have any intention to hurt you, bhai Sa.

But the situation wasn't on our side. "

The king looked at papa Ji.

When he was satisfied, he turned and looked at Vihaan.

Vihaan was sitting between Akaash and me.

" Why did you accept this child? Is this child your Akaash Or, is this child your wife and her ex-husband? " The king asked coldly to Akaash.

I took Vihaan in my arms and covered Vihaan's ears.

Akaash looked at Vihaan and me.

Then he looked at his uncle and replied with respect, " Tau Ji(Older Paternal Uncle), first of all, this child is Teja and mine. Teja may not birth to him, but we are his parents.

So, Please accept him as your grandchild. "

He looked angry with Akaash's reply.

" But he doesn't have the royal's blood. Why do I accept him?

Also, why did you accept this girl? " He said and asked while pointing his fingers at me.

I looked at him coldly, but inside I was burning in rage.

Why does he mean by this girl?

" Uncle, Teja is a great lady.

She has a heart of gold.

You never meet her.

But when you know her, you will accept her.

I know she divorced Tanish.

But she has a reason behind her divorce.

She earned everything herself.

She is a genius, a neurosurgeon, and a president of the Life Care Hospital. " Akaash replied while holding my hand with a smile.

I smiled back at him.

" But, she is a divorced woman.

She had miscarriages two times.

Her father left her family, and he made his second family.

She may earn everything.

But you forgot how your marriage became a mourning place.

She brings bad luck. " The king stated, and I had enough.

" Raja Sa!

I respect you with my heart.

You are Akaash's uncle. I know you are worried about Akaash's future.

Whatever happened two days ago was not anyone's fault.

It happened without anyone knowing.

Yes, I am a divorced woman, but did you try to know the reason?

No, right?

So, let me tell you.

It's because I had a contract marriage with Tanish Kashyap. He was the one who forced me to marry him using my sick mother.

I divorced him because he never respected my pride, self-esteem, and that marriage vows.

If you have a problem with Vihaan's blood, please tell me.

Is blood everything?

I have seen that blood may be thick than water.

But relations were formed with heart.

You are insulting my parents here.

Do you even know why my father left my family?

He was in a coma for two years, and his body was swiped with some other person's dead body. That body was wrapped with bandages.

That's the reason, no one knew about him being alive.

My mother had to marry my uncle for my older sister and my sake.

In my life, always bad tragedies happened.

But that doesn't mean I am bad luck.

Those hurdles made me who I am today. " I stated.

Everyone looked at me with shock.

" For your information, Akaash and I got married two days ago.

We are here just for your request.

Papa Ji and Mummy Ji wished we married here according to our traditions.

Also, we will take blessings with you and our Kul Devi(the goddess).

So, please, accept Vihaan and me.

If you don't want that, then I will not force you. " I stated while looking at the King's eyes.

He looked at me carefully and laughed out loud.

Everyone looked at him with confusion.

The queen smiled and gestured me to come towards them.

I walked towards them, and she made me sit between them.

" Akaash, you chose a perfect bride for yourself. She is indeed a gem as you stated.

I liked her as no one dared to talk to me eye to eye.

I like her. " The king stated, and I smiled.

" I know I hit your nerves. But I want to check how much you support Akaash?

I know a lot of things happened with you, and you rejected Akaash many times in your fear.

I wanted to see that you are really agreeing to be with our dear nephew.

You proved yourself.

I am proud of you, dear.

Don't worry. I don't have any problem with your family, our grandchild and you.

I felt bad that your father-in-law didn't even tell me before that announcement.

Also, he agreed to marry let you marry in Christian rituals.

But I am glad your marriage didn't take place.

We want to see our nephew's wedding too but according to our traditions. " The king explained and patted my head.

I smiled and nodded at him.

Thank God. They don't have any problem with Vihaan and me.

I am relieved now.

Now, no one will stop us from getting married.