Chapter 128- Teja's Request!

Akaash POV:-

I felt a burden lifted from my shoulders when I saw my uncle liked Teja.

I saw Teja, who looked at me with a smile.

I took Vihaan in my arms and smiled back at her.

" You both are going to marry after two days. Tomorrow you will have roka.

The day after tomorrow will be your engagement day.

Three days later, your haldi ceremony.

Then, your chaak and Mehendi ceremony and the last your wedding day. " Uncle stated, and I nodded.

" I am so excited for this day. " Mayank stated, and everyone laughed.

" Yes, you will be bhai Sa.

After all, you are going to get the chance to irritate me. " I stated, and my brothers hi-fi each other.

" That's true. " Abhishek bhai said.

I smiled.

" But if you don't mind, can I go to my Kul Devi and Khatu before the Engagement with my family and Akaash? If you all come with me, then I will be grateful. But I will not force you. " Teja asked politely, and everyone looked at her.

" Sure, dear. We will all come with you. After all, it's been days since we got the chance to go there. " Aunt replied, and Teja smiled.

" Thank you! " Teja thanked us, and we smiled.

" You both can sleep together today, but from tomorrow onwards, you are going to sleep in different rooms. " Aunt stated, and we nodded at her.

I looked at Vihaan, who slept in my arms.

" He slept already. " I stated, and everyone smiled while looking at him.

" Damn, Akaash, you are the youngest between us, but you became the father early than us.

You broke our heart, man.

Still, you found an angel as your son. Just look at him. He is so cute and sweet. " Mayank bhai said, and I smiled.

" That I am. I am grateful for Teja, who adopted this little bundle of joy and gave me this beautiful chance to cherish them throughout my life. " I stated while looking at Teja.

Everyone was awed for us.

Teja blushed.

" Teja, you made my brother a romantic person. Wow! I am glad you did that because I hate to hear his boring talks in the past.

You know.

In the past, he was always kept silent or rarely talked.

If he talked to us, his topic was always his studies. " Abhishek bhai stated, and I glared at him.

" Yes, you are right.

He was way too boring. We have to make him fool. So, we can run away and enjoy ourselves. " Mayank bhai said and laughed.

Everyone giggled.

" Yes, you are right. How can I forget that you both fooled me many times? That's the reason I spent most of my time with my mom, Tai Ji, and Kavita.

But I am grateful to them for teaching me cooking. " I said, and they looked at me with shock.

" You knew cooking? " They asked in unison.

Before I said something to them, Teja cut me off.

" Yes, Akaash knew how to cook. You should taste his dishes. It's delicious.

He even looked better than me. " Teja stated.

" Wow, Devar(Younger brother-in-law) Ji, you hid that talent of yours from us. I never expected this from you.

Look at your brothers. They only know how to eat.

Mayank, you should learn from your brother. " Manvi bhabhi stated, and everyone chuckled.

" You too, Abhishek.

You always taunt me that I don't cook well. You should learn from your brother now and cook for us. " Akaansha bhabhi taunted my brother, and everyone laughed.

" Alright, you guys can bicker tomorrow. Everyone, go to sleep.

After all, tomorrow will be a long day.

Also, everyone needs to wake early. Teja! Tell your family about our visit. So they can get ready on time." Uncle stated, and everyone agreed.

Teja left for her family room, and I picked Vihaan.

" Bhaiya, can I take him? " Kavita asked, and I nodded.

Kavita took him from my arms, and I left for my room.

After half an hour, Teja entered.

I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

She came near me, and I engulfed her in a hug.

She sighed and put her head on my chest.

After all, I am taller than her.

" Akaash, I am happy that your family accepted me.

They are amazing. I love them already.

I am glad they accepted after knowing everything about my past. " Teja stated.

" Teja, you are the one who made them accept you. They love you after knowing your past because they know you are perfect for me.

They like how you stood for our relationship.

I am proud of you. " I stated and kissed her forehead.

" Can I ask you something? " I asked, and she nodded after breaking our hug.

" Why do you want to go to your Kul Devi temple and Khatu? " I asked.

She cupped my cheeks and replied, " You know, when I was 14, my mother told me that she never got the chance to go to our Kul Devi.

So, I promised her that I would become a doctor. My family would go to our Kul Devi temple before my marriage on our happy time.

But when I was going to marry Tanish, I was not happy.

That's the reason I didn't say about it to Tanish.

Now I am happy. Also, I am not married to you according to our traditions. So, this is the perfect chance for me to go and worship my Kul Devi.

As for Khatu, I may say that I don't believe in God after losing my mother.

But in my heart, I always miss that temple.

In secret, I heard bhajans.

I can never forget him and stop believing him, Akaash.

If you don't like me being Believe in God and don't want to go with me, I can understand." Teja explained and locked down after removing her hands from my cheeks.

I put my finger on her chin and made her look at me.

" Teja, I am willing to come with you, and I understand your feelings.

Also, I am glad that you are honest with me every time.

I want you to be yourself always. " I stated, and Teja smiled.

" Now, let's go to sleep. " I said, and she nodded.

We went to bed and slept quickly.