Chapter 129- Everyone is Excited!


Teja POV:-


Yes, everyone is feeling excited today for this trip.

I woke up early and took a quick shower.

Every female helped in the kitchen.

We packed some snacks and light dishes with us.

Every male took and put those things in the minibus we will need during the journey.

Vihaan enjoyed his time with his father, uncles, and grandfathers.

After that, we all sat inside the bus, and the driver started the bus.

We all enjoyed our time while singing the bhajans, songs, and dancing.

Bhabhi teased me while Akaash's brother irritated Akaash and Kavita.

They even involved Jassi and Bubbly with them.

After two hours, we reached my Kul Devi.

Amarsar's Kali Temple!

We came out from the bus and looked at the temple, which I saw for the first time in my life.

I looked at my father, who looked at me with sadness.

After all, he didn't even come with my mother when they married.

Today, he came here with mother Angelina.

But at least, Arjun got this chance to come here before marriage.

This temple looks old, and not many people are here.

It will be easy for us.

I went to a shop and bought chunar and woman accessories for Goddess Kali.

After that, I looked at Akaash, who had Vihaan in his arms.

We entered, and everyone came behind us.

We worshipped goddess Kali and came outside with a smile.

After that, the king said, " Everyone, we worshipped Goddess Kali.

Now let's have breakfast.

After that, we will go to Khatu. "

Everyone nodded, and we went to a stall, and males bought Indian dishes for us.

I looked at the thaal.

They ordered Rajma Rice, Raita, and ras malai.


These dishes are my favorite.

We have our breakfast with lots of laughs.

After all, Arjun and Mavika fought with each other.

They teased each other.

They both are in the same college and the same batch.

I smiled while looking at them.

After breakfast, we start our journey for Khatu.

This time, everyone sat with their partner.

I took Vihaan and made him sleep.

So, he can have some rest.

" How many times have you gone to Khatu in the past? " Akaash asked.

I looked at him and smiled.

" I don't know, maybe 20-25 times.

But you know the best time to go to Khatu is Fagun Ekadashi(In March near Holi).

That time, Khatu was filled with so many people, and mela also happened.

You will hear bhajans in every stall you will see.

At that time, no one cared about celebrities and VIP members.

They just want to enter the temple and get the chance to see God Khatu for more than one second. " I said with a smile.

" You know! Maa, Bubbly, and I was looking for that time when Fagun Mela started.

We always had one wish if we ever come to Khatu, we come to that mela. " I explained, and he smiled.

" But after my miscarriage, I missed that chance to go there. After that, I never get the chance to come here ever. " I said with a sigh.

Akaash looked at my sad face and cupped my face.

" But, now we are here.

Also, I promise. We will come here every year. " Akaash promises to me, and I smiled.

I hugged him and replied, " Thank you, Akaash! "

He hugged me back and pecked my forehead.

" Bro, get a room. You don't need to show PDA in front of us. For god sake, here are our parents. " Mayank said, and everyone laughed.

Manvi pinched his forearm tightly, and he hissed.

" what was that for? " Mayank asked with irritation.

" For disturbing them. You destroyed our show.

Also, FYI ( For Your Information ), they were not showing any PDA. They were just happy with each other.

Unlike you, you kissed me in front of the whole media. That was PDA, you idiot. " Manvi said, and everyone laughed.

" You deserve it, bro. " Abhishek said with a laugh.

" Oh, do I need to tell everyone what you do? " Akaansha asked, and a threat laced in that statement.

Abhishek gulped, and everyone laughed.

" Okay, so let me tell you about Teja's childhood incidents. " Dad said, and everyone nodded their heads in excitement.

" Ritu who was Teja's older sister.

Teja and Ritu were too sweet children.

They never do anything that hurts anyone.

Everyone comes home to look at them. After all, they both looked too beautiful.

I remember they both just did two things which laughed at everyone.

First, One day, I was playing with Ritu as Teja went to the washroom.

When she came back, I was throwing the ball towards Ritu. But by mistake, it smashed with Teja's face.

Teja got mad and took that ball with her and sat on one side of the park.

That was the first time Teja got mad with anyone.

At that time, Teja's mother clicked her picture. " Papa said and showed my picture to everyone.

Everyone laughed because my face truly looked like a mad cartoon.

" Papa, Delete this picture. " I said, and he shook his head as no.

" No! You know this picture is so cute! " He said and winked at me.

Everyone laughed at his antiques.

" Alright! Her second incident.

One day, Teja and Ritu went to the pre-school with their grandpa and me on my scooter. " He said, and he smiled dropped a little when he mentioned Senior Mr. Baghel.

No one noticed this except me.

" We went to our shop, and then I realized I forgot to bring my cell phone.

I called on my cell phone with my father's cell phone, but no one answered.

After that, I went home and looked everywhere for my phone.

But I didn't find my phone.

You know where I found my phone. Any guess? " Papa asked, and Dad Raj answered, " In your pocket. "

Papa shook his head as no.

" In your scooter. " The king answered.

Everyone tried to guess but failed.

Then papa answered, " In Teja's beg. "

Everyone looked at me with shock, and I blushed in embarrassment.

" Yes, it was because Papa gave me his phone and I put it in my bag. " I explained, and everyone laughed.

" Yes, I went to Teja's school and took the cell phone from her.

At that time, her teacher was mad at me for giving her a cell phone.

That was such an embarrassing day. " Papa said with a chuckle.

I smiled.

" Papa, do you remember how you come to Khatu for videography? " I asked in excitement.

" Yes, that was the best time in my life.

I didn't get the chance to sleep a week.

But most of the time, my duty was located in front of God Khatu.

I felt lucky every time because if people get the chance to see God Khatu for a minute, that was a miracle for them, and I was looking at him for 5-6 hours. " Papa said with excitement, and I smiled.

" That mela was the best time to enjoy life. " Papa said, and everyone smiled.

" For videography, I traveled to many states, Banglore, Rajasthan, Uttrakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, West Bengal, and Delhi.

But I love Uttrakhand most as I love hill stations. " Papa starts speaking about his experience.

Then everyone started speaking about their interest and favorite places.

When the car stopped, no one noticed.

So the driver had to interrupt our conversation and say, " Everyone, we arrived. "

Everyone smiled as everyone was excited to see Khatu again!