Chapter 130- Forgive them, Bubbly!

Teja POV:-


This place has a unique fragrance.

We are standing in front of the gate of Khatudhaam.

Many people started their journey from Ringus to Khatudhaam, which had a 17 Km distance.

That journey was truly amazing as people spent their time with their family, partners, and friends.

I went on this journey in the past too.

So, I know how I felt at that time.

I can't describe the happiness I felt when I completed that journey. I went to the temple for darshan(Worship).

the look of God Khatu is truly mesmerizing.

People even say whatever you will wish in front of God Khatu, your wish will come true.

I bowed in front of the gate while joining my hands and taught Vihaan too.

I know he will ask so many questions when we sit on the bus.

But for now, I have to teach him our traditions.

He should know everything about our culture.

I saw tears in papa's and Bubbly's eyes.

I knew they missed this place with their whole heart.

I went near them and put my hand on their shoulders.

Papa looked at me and pecked my forehead.

" Thank you, beta! Thank you for this beautiful chance.

I missed this temple.

Look how many changes happened here.

This temple is filled with so many memories of our family. " Papa said with a smile while tears were flowing from his eyes.

I hugged him and said, " Let's go for darshan, papa. "

He nodded, and I held bubbly and papa's hand, and we entered.

We walked towards the Khatu temple and entered inside the temple.

When we saw Lord Khatu, tears fell from papa and my eyes.

After all, Papa, Bubbly, and I came here together after more than 20 years.

We worshipped together with our family.

When everyone left except Akaash, Vihaan, and me, We bowed in front of God, and I wished only one thing we would live together with a happy life till the end of our lives while giving everyone their rights.

After that, I smiled at Akaash, who smiled back at me.

We left together when Kavita said, " I am so tired, now.

Also, I am so hungry. Can we eat something now? "

" Oh, God. This girl is thinking about her stomach.

Can you hold your hunger for a minute, you duffer?

Can't you enjoy this beautiful place? " Arjun taunted Kavita, and everyone laughed.

Kavita glared at him and replied, " Shut up you jerk!

I was talking to my family. Have I said anything to you?

Why do you always interrupt me?

Also, I want to enjoy here's dishes.

You should think like me too, stupid. "

And they fought with each other again.

" Alright! We will eat now. You both stop fighting with each other. " I said, and they looked at me and smiled.

" Arjun, I never saw you fighting like this. Then why are you behaving like this with Kavita? " I asked Arjun.

" Di, this girl irritates me so much. I can't tolerate her. " He replied while glaring at her.

" Feeling is mutual, Mr. William. " Kavita replied, and I smiled.

" Okay! Okay! Let's go and eat something. " I said, tried to stop them before they start fighting.

Then we went to a near restaurant.

Males ordered something for their family and came back with a smile.

I saw Jaspreet and Vihaan play together.

Bubbly sat beside me and said, " Di, I am so happy that we came here together after so many years. "

I smiled and replied, " Yes, bubbly.

Can you do one thing for me, Bubbly? "

I asked this question, and she nodded happily.

" Can you forgive papa, Mumma, and Arjun, please? " I requested, and her smile dropped.

She looked at me with disbelief and replied, " Di, I am sorry, but I can't do that. You may forget his faults, but I can't. "

I held Bubbly's hand and looked at her in her eye.

" Bubbly, you know. Mom always told me that we should forgive those people who hurt us.

Bubbly, you have the right to be mad at him.

But you should also think about how guilty he is.

Bubbly! Arjun and Mumma were innocent people.

At least don't be rude to them and accept them.

You should give papa another chance because he loves you too, dear.

I know Mr. Baghel never gave you his fatherly love.

You always want that love.

I know Jassi's parents gave you that love.

But your father's love is something else.

Let him come to you.

This is my suggestion, dear.

You know I will never force you into something.

Now, the choice is yours. " I said and took Vihaan in my arms when I saw Akaash come with papa and Jassi.

Bubbly looked at them together and thought.

They were laughing and enjoying their time together.

Bubbly looked at me and nodded her head.

I smiled.

" Papa! " I called my father.

He looked at me, and I gestured for him to come near me.

He came to me, and I said, " Papa, Bubbly wants to say something. "

He looked at Bubbly with love.

Bubbly looked at him with nervousness.

" I... vo... Can... Can you accept me as your daughter, papa? " She asked and closed her eyes.

Papa looked at her with shock.

He looked at me for confirmation, and I nodded.

Tears formed in his eyes.

He lowered his face and kissed Bubbly's forehead.

" S... Sure! Thank you for giving me this beautiful chance, Bubbly beta. " Papa said and hugged her.

Bubbly hugged him back with tears in her eyes.

Arjun and Mumma looked at them with a smile and came near me.

" Have not you forgotten someone, papa? " I asked.

They broke their hug and looked at Arjun, Mumma, and me.

Papa smiled and embraced me with his other arms, and I held Mumma's hand.

Arjun, Mumma, Papa, Bubbly, and I shared a hug with a laugh.

I looked at Jassi and Akaash, who gave us a thumbs up.

We laughed and enjoyed our time together.

After that, we all had our lunch together and went back to the castle as in the evening Roka ceremony will happen.

I am excited about my Roka ceremony.