Chapter 131- Roka Ceremony!

Akaash POV:-

I am so happy that everything is falling in its place.

Bubbly accepted her second family.

Tanish won't disturb Teja and me ever again.

My family accepted Teja.

Srishti killed herself. It's not like I am happy with Srishti's death. But, at least, she will never hurt Teja again.

I am happy that with our marriage, everyone is happy.

This time no one will try to stop our marriage.

Right now, I am getting ready for roka.

Only family members will do this ceremony.

Tomorrow, our family members and business partners will come.

I got ready in a cream sherwani and white legging.

I pulled my hair back with gel.

Teja is in the washroom right now.

I heard Vihaan's giggle.

I turned and saw my son awake.

He slept when we were coming back.

I went to bed and asked, " Vihaan, son. Is your father looking dashing? "

He nodded while giggling.

I kissed his forehead and said, " Okay, now. let's get you ready. "

" Okay, daddy! " Vihaan replied, and I kissed his right cheek.

I heard the bathroom door open.

I turned and saw Teja, who came out wearing a cream Anarkali suit.

I looked at her with shock.

She looked so beautiful without make-up.

She blushed when she saw me looking at her with adoration.

" Mumma, you look beautiful. " Vihaan complimented her, and she smiled.

" Thank you, son. I see you are awake. " Teja replied and looked at me.

" I will make him ready. You go and get ready, Teja. " I said and took Vihaan with me.

I cursed myself for not complimenting her.

I changed Vihaan's clothes and combed his hair.

Vihaan wore a cream shirt with black pants.

After that, I took him out and saw Teja get ready.

I smiled at her and held her hand.

We came to the hall and saw everyone was ready.

They hooted for us when we walked down the stairs.

Mom and dad came towards us.

Dad took Vihaan from my arms and led us towards the couple's couch.

We sat on the couch.

Then mom came to Teja with thaal in her hands.

She did Teja's tika and mine.

She put the thaal on the table and took the chunar in her hand.

She opened that folded chunar, put it on Teja's head, and kissed her forehead.

Teja smiled and closed her eyes.

Dad took out a gold coin and gave it to Teja.

Teja took it with a smile.

Then Mom gave Teja a set.

" Teja, this is our generation set. Akaash's grandma gave me my roka. She gave me two sets. I gave one to Akaasha, and now, I am giving this to you.

May God bless you. " Mom said, and Teja smiled and hugged my mother.

I smiled, seeing my mother happy with Teja.

Teja's mom and Mumma came to me and did my tika and Teja's tika.

Then Teja's dad and papa came and gave me two gold coins.

I internally laughed.

After all, I can see how much Teja's fathers love her.

Uncle Raj made Teja his soul daughter.

Also, I am getting two love in my life, Teja, and Vihaan.

" Akaash, my daughter faced a lot in her past, and with great difficulty, she accepted you.

So, never dare to hurt her and break her trust. " Uncle Raj said.

" Sure, Bade papa! " I replied with determination.

Everyone smiled at me.

We stood up and touched everyone's feet.

After all, my stupid brother is still older than me.

Everyone gave me so many blessings.

But my brothers' blessings are just like them.

Abhishek bhai said, " May God bless you with lots of children. "

On the other side, Mayank bhai whispered in my ears,

" May you have satisfactory s*x life. "

He smirked at me when I looked at him with shock.

After that, we went towards the dining table and had our dinner.

After dinner, everyone went to their room, and I entered with Vihaan and Teja in our room.

Vihaan looked tired.

So, I went to the wardrobe and grabbed his nightwear.

I came to the bedroom. I saw Teja take off Vihaan's clothes.

I gave her Vihaan's clothes, and she wore him his clothes and put her in his crib.

I put the duvet on Vihaan, and soon he slept.

" Why were you smiling when my fathers gave you two gold coins? " Teja asked, and I looked at her with shock.

" How do you know about it? " I asked.

" I saw your eyes shined. Now tell me. " Teja replied.

" It's because I am getting two people in my life, and coincidently, I got two coins. That's why I smiled. " I replied and looked at Teja.

She was looking at me with a smile.

I went towards her and held her hand.

I took her towards the window and said, " Teja, you and Vihaan are important in my life.

I know you don't give a damn about money. You can do everything for your loved ones.

I am just like you.

My family is you and Vihaan. I can do anything for you both.

I don't care about your position according to our profession and personal life.

What I want is you, your support, and your love.

I know you don't love me, and it's okay for me because I know my love is enough for us.

Just like you respect me, I respected you and your every decision.

I just want us to be together and walk together in our life journey. " I said, and Teja smiled and cupped my cheeks.

" That we will do, Akaash. You know your sweetness started to melt my frozen heart.

I can't say I love you now.

But I can feel that you will make me fall in love with you.

Also, I am happy that you tried hard to make me accept your proposal.

I am glad to have you as my partner, Akaash. " Teja confessed, and I smiled.

She looked at the moon, and I went behind her and hugged her.

She got relaxed when she realized it was me.

I went near her ear and said, " Teja, you are looking beautiful. Also, The pleasure is all mine to have you as my partner.

I am happy that you gave me this chance to cherish you and Vihaan. "

She blushed and put her head on my chest.

We looked at the moon for some time.

After that, Teja went to her new room. I took Vihaan to the bed.

I slept with Vihaan.