Chapter 133- Akaash's Excitement!

Akaash POV:-

I felt like a feather was kissing me all over the face.

Then I heard the sun in my voice, " Daddy!!!! Wake up! I need to go to the washroom. Please! "

I opened my eyes with a jolt and sat on the bed.

I removed the duvet from us and took him inside the bathroom.

We did our business and came out from the bathroom fresh.

I am so happy today.

After all, Today, I am going to engage with Teja.

When I entered my room, I saw dad, bade papa, papa, Tau Ji, Arjun, Abhishek bhai, and Mayank bhai.

I put Vihaan on the bed and turned towards them.

" Good morning everyone, how come you all are here? Do you want to talk to me about something? " I asked with confusion.

" Akaash, I have never seen such a dumb person as you. How can you forget that you need to prepare your dress for today's function? " Mayank bhai said, and I looked at him with irritation.

" Oh, bhai. I am not that dumb.

Got it!

I have already made my dresses for the upcoming events.

My dresses will be delivered at noon.

You need to be worried about yourself.

After all, I am damn sure you haven't made your dresses or ordered dresses for yourself. " I said, and everyone laughed while looking at Mayank Bahi. He was looking at me with pure shock.

" How do you know? " He asked while looking at me with frustration.

I walked towards him and pinched his nose.

He removed my hand from his nose immediately.

" Because I know you too well, bro. " I said, and everyone chuckled.

" Well, that's great.

Your Tai Ji has called a designer already, and he brought dresses for everyone.

It's okay if you don't need to buy your dress, but you can come.

For now, come downstairs and have breakfast with us.

Guests will come early. " Dad said, and I nodded with a smile.

Everyone left, leaving Vihaan and me behind.

I took Vihaan in my arms and went downstairs.

When I reached the dining table, I heard laughing from the stairs.

I turned towards the stairs, and I saw Kavita, mom, Badi Mummy Ji, Mummy Ji, and Tai Ji coming downstairs while laughing.

" What happened? Why are you all laughing? " I asked curiously.

They chuckled, and Manvi bhabhi replied, " It's because your soon-to-be-wife is truly a genius. "

" That she is, but I can see that you are not telling me why you are laughing, Tell me na! " I respond and force them.

Manvi bhabhi narrated everything which happened in Teja's room, and I blushed.

I didn't know Teja would forget her dress.

But I can understand her situation.

She was way too worried when we came here.

Then yesterday, we went to temples.

After that, she called all the directors and invited them to our wedding.

Teja even invited her secretary Hannah.

Hannah and our hospital directors will come to her wedding as they don't want to leave the hospital alone when she is not present at the moment.

That made me realize how much Teja made her employees loyal despite her cold behavior.

Then we all sat on our seats and waited for Teja.

Everyone was chatting with each other happily.

I saw Bubbly talk to her mother while Jasminder talked to his father-in-law happily.

I am happy that they are together now.

I am sure Teja will be happy to see them getting along with each other.

Then I heard the sound of anklets coming downstairs.

I raised my face to see Teja come downstairs.

She wore a t-shirt and pants.

But she has worn tike in between her eyebrows.

I smiled seeing that after three years.

Yes, when Teja's mother died that day, she stopped wearing that tika her mother taught her to wear throughout her life.

I knew why she did that.

But I am happy that she is back to her real self now.

She told me the story behind this tika.

I knew everything about her, and I felt lucky to have her as my partner.

Then my brother Abhishek clapped his hands in front of my face.

I got shocked and looked at him with rage.

Everyone laughed, and Abhishek bhai said, " What bhai? Why are you looking at your wife like you haven't seen her in ages? "

" Look, Dad, you always say that we should be like our younger brother. But look at him, he is losing himself. " Bhai said, and everyone laughed.

" Stop teasing him, Abhishek. Eat your breakfast now as Teja came. " Mom yelled at bhai, and everyone laughed.

Teja looked at everyone with confusion.

But mom stood up, and she made Teja sit on my left side.

I smiled, and Vihaan smiled at her mother.

Teja helped Vihaan with food. Also, she ate her breakfast.

Everyone was looking at her carefully.

Everyone can see the love in Teja's eyes, which she rarely shows in front of the world.

Then we ate our breakfast.

After we finished our breakfast,

One worker came and told us about the designer's arrival.

We went to the hall and saw a lot of dresses hanging on the racks.

The designer looked at Teja with a smile.

His eyes sparkled while looking at Teja.

I saw Teja felt uncomfortable under his gaze.

But she didn't show it and put her cold face.

When he held Teja's hand, I felt like killing him with my bare hands.

But I calmed myself and went towards Teja.

I released Teja's hands from his and threatened him.

He understood my threat and behaved carefully after my threat.

Teja chose her dress and explained to him everything she wanted in her wedding attire.

After, that these ladies took us shopping.

There they bought all those things they needed for the upcoming events.

When we come back home, we saw many guests come.

So, we left to our rooms to get ready.

I took Vihaan with me, who was sleeping because of tiredness.

I put him on the bed and let him sleep when I entered the bathroom to get ready.

After I got ready, I looked at myself in the mirror.

I wore a yellow sherwani with white legging and a pink patka on my left shoulder.

I took the backside of the patka and wrapped it in my right hand.

I put gel on my hair and combed them back.

I didn't wear my glasses.

I sprayed my favorite sandalwood cologne.

I smiled at myself.

Then I went to the bed and shook my son.

He opened his eyes tiredly, and I said, " Wake up, son. Time to be ready for the engagement. "

He yawned and opened his arms for me to take.

I took him in my arms and took his bathroom.

He washed his face, and I got him ready.

He wore the same attire as me except the patka.

I heard the knock, and I said, Come in.

There I saw that woman I never thought I would see again in my life.

My ex-girlfriend,

whom I loved before Teja.