Chapter 134- Engagement!

Akaash POV:-

" Stacey, what are you doing here? " I asked with rage.

Stacey Knight,

my first and last ex-girlfriend in this life.

We met each other when I was living in London with my family at the age of 10.

My father started his business in London in his teen days.

My father got married to mom and settled in London as many enemies tried to create misunderstandings between uncle and dad.

Dad wanted to stay away from the politics.

When I turned 16, Stacey transferred to my school, and we met at school first time.

We became friends then I liked her and proposed to her.

At first, our relationship was going fine.

But after two years, everything changed when Stacey asked me to take our relationship to another level.

I refused her as I believe in physical relationships after marriage.

I know you guys are thinking of me like a tomb boy or an ancient thinking man.

But I believe in our traditions and our culture. I am still living my life as a virgin.

That day, Stacey broke up with me as she wanted us to become one, and I rejected her idea.

When she broke up with me, I felt bad as I liked her.

But after that, Dad had a project in India, and we all shifted to India.

If dad wanted, he could admit me to a perfect high school.

But he wanted me to be down to earth man. He wanted me to know the money and power.

His idea was the best decision in my life as I met Teja in our school.

I know Teja's thoughts are just like mine.

She never agreed to sleep with Tanish if she wasn't under the influence of drugs.

Anyways, let's forget about the past.

I came out of my thoughts when I heard Stacey's voice.

" Akaash, I... I come here to congratulate you. " Stacey said.

" Thank you! Now you can go. " I replied coldly.

" Akaash!! At least listen to me. " Stacey pleaded, and I sighed.

I looked at Vihaan, who looked at me curiously.

I took him in my arms and said, " Okay, tell me. What do you want to say? "

Stacey didn't close the door and came towards me with a soft smile.

" Akaash, I know I never contacted you after our breakup.

I know I am at fault in our relationship.

I am sorry for that.

After you came to India, I realized how much I love you. I always waited for you to come back to London, but you never texted me, called me, skype me.

When I saw you live at the conference, I found out you are going to marry Ms. Lily Smith.

At that time, I realized I had lost you.

I am not here to reconcile our relationship as I am not the type of girl who became a homewrecker.

But I just wanted to look at you one time and check if you are happy with Ms. Smith. " She said, and I looked at her blankly.

But I am shocked to hear her confession.

" Stacey, I'm happy with Teja.

She is everything I could ask for.

She is my life, wife, and partner.

Also, I love her.

I am happy she gave me this chance to spend my whole life with her. " I replied, and she smiled at me.

" I am happy to hear that. Congratulations! " She said and hugged me.

I hugged her back for a second and broke our hug.

" Okay, you can go now. " I said, and she nodded.

After she left, I started playing with my son.

After some time, someone knocked on the door again.

I said come in, and my brother entered with their million-dollar smiles.

" Woah!

Look at him, Abhishek! he is looking so dashing. When did our little brother become this smart? Where is our nerdy brother? " Mayank said, and I rolled my eyes.

They are not going to change. I can see that.

" If you are done with your nonsense, can we leave now? " I asked irritated with their behavior.

" Someone is getting desperate for going to his engagement. " Abhishek said, but someone else cut me off before I could reply to him back.

" Enough, boys! " Uncle came and twisted my brother's ears.

" You both still behave the same. At least become mature now. Do you want to twist your ears in front of your nephew? " Dad said with irritation, and Vihaan giggled.

Vihaan clearly enjoys the scene in front of him.

When everyone heard Vihaan's giggle, Uncle released the ears of my brother and smiled at Vihaan.

My brother's face turned pink because of embarrassment.

" Vihaan, son. Come to your grandpa's arms. Your daddy has to come alone now, okay? " Uncle said in his childish voice, and Vihaan went to his arms.

I smiled at them.

After all, someone said A child would bring the childhood of their grandparents and parents.

Who said this quote is totally right.

" Akaash! You need to come downstairs now. After your entry, we will call Teja. " Uncle stated, and I nodded.

After that, my brother and uncle went downstairs, and I took a deep breath.

I adjusted my attire and opened my door.

I looked at the hall, which was filled with guests.

Many people wore a tux or Armani suits.

Many people wore Indian attire.

Soon, I went downstairs and saw everyone start to look at me with a smile.

When I reached the hall, many people came and congratulated me.

I replied to them with a smile.

My brothers came to support me and took me to the center of the hall, and they made me sit on the couch.

Soon, everyone stopped chattering, and I turned my face towards the stairs.

There she is, my Teja showed herself in full glory with a cold smile.

I know she will behave like this in front of people as she doesn't like to show herself weak in front of society.

I saw the female's face turn into a smile while looking at Teja's body.

I smiled, seeing her with her mother and sister.

She came downstairs slowly, and her eyes fixed on me.

I smiled at her, and she smiled back sweetly.

Slowly, she came and sat beside me.

People started to talk about our amazing look.

How we look perfect for each other!

Many people started to murmur about Teja's past marriage.

We ignored those people, and the priest started his chants.

Everyone went quiet, and we joined our hands in front of us and closed our eyes.

After some time, the priest finished the chanting and turned towards our family.

" Mrs. Rathore, do their Aarti and put the chunar on the bride's head. " The priest said, and mom did as he said.

Then the priest turned towards Teja's mother and told her to do our aarti.

She did as the priest said.

Then the priest said, " Now, the bride will wear the ring to the groom. "

Teja took my ring from her mother and looked at me.

I smiled at her and raised my left hand to her.

She took my hand and put the ring on my ring finger.

Everyone clapped, and some people hooted for us.

" Now, the groom will wear the ring to the bride. " The priest said, and I took the ring from my mother.

I looked at Teja and smiled.

She raised her left hand, and I took her hand gently in mine and slid the ring into her ring finger.

Everyone clapped.

We looked at everyone with a smile.

Then we stood up from our seats and took the blessings from our seniors.

Everyone blessed us in many ways.

Then, we both turned, and our eyes fell on the family we never wished to see.

Srishti's family!