Chapter 136- Planning for Bachelor's Party!

Akaash POV:-

I opened my eyes to see Vihaan's smiley face while trying to wake me up.

" Good morning, son! What happened? " I asked.

" Daddy! I want to see Mumma. " My son said with a grin on his face.

I can't believe my son wants to meet his mother the first thing to do in the morning.

Doesn't he go to the washroom, which a normal human does?

I looked at the window and saw it was still dark outside.

I turned my face and checked the time, which showed four in the morning.


Now I can understand why this little devil is giving me that grin.

He wants to sleep with his dear mother.

I sighed and decided to go to Teja's room.

I took Vihaan in my arms and went to Teja's room.

I checked before entering Teja's room so that no one would tease me for sneaking into my fiance's room.

I carefully opened the door and closed it behind me carefully.

I turned and saw Teja sleeping peacefully on the bed.

Her face looked so calm and contented, which brought peace to my mind.

My son did one good thing. He made me look at her peaceful face. I was never able to see it till now.

I walked near Teja and shook her shoulder lightly.

She opened her eyes and looked at us with shock.

She sat on the bed immediately and asked, " Akaash, what are you doing here? What happened? "

I sighed and replied, " Teja, I am sorry for disturbing your sleep, but Vihaan wants to sleep with you. "

She nodded and took Vihaan in her arms.

She laid Vihaan in her bed and looked at me.

I nodded at her, but before I could take a step, Teja caught my wrist. My breath hitched as this was the first time Teja held my hand.

I turned my face towards her, and she blushed.

" Akaash, vo... Thank you for bringing him here, and Good night! " She said with a shy smile, and I held my urge to pinch her cheeks.

" Good night, Teja! " I replied and left her room.

When I came outside, I put my hand on my chest and tried to calm myself down.

Oh, God. Teja is too adorable when she blushes.

But I didn't notice someone catch me already.

" Akaash! " I heard Mayank's voice, and I cursed in my breath.

I turned and saw him looking at me with a teasing smile.

" Bhai! Good morning! " I greeted him while trying to divert his mind.

" Good morning, Akaash. But what were you doing in Teja's room? Did you sleep with her when you knew that you were restricted to do that? Should I call papa or uncle? " Mayank bhai asked, and before he called anyone, I put my hand on his mouth.

" Bhai, don't call anyone. Why are you trying to make my life hell? I haven't done anything bad to you.

Also, Vihaan was crying and asking me to take him to his mother's room as he wanted to sleep with her.

Teja and I are innocent. " I said in one breath and looked at my brother with hope.

He was trying to say something, but then I realized I put my hand on his hand.

I pull off my hand immediately.

" It's okay, Akaash. I was teasing you.

Also, I know you. You and your fiance are way too obedient children when it comes to rules.

So, we can't expect any thrill from you both. " Mayank said with frustration, and I giggled.

" Alright, now I am going to sleep. Good night! " I said and left without hearing his reply.

I came to my room and let myself fall on the bed, and soon sleep engulfed me.

I woke up at 8 am and went to the bathroom.

I came out looking fresh in my green high-neck sweater and navy blue pants.

I went downstairs and saw everyone was sitting on their respective chairs.

I sat in my seat and wished everyone.

After that, we ate our breakfast quietly.

After breakfast, we all went to the hall and sat on the couches.

Mayank bhai said, " Dad, we planned everything except one thing. "

Everyone looked at him with confusion.

" What thing we forget, Mayank? " Uncle asked.

" Their bachelor's party! " Mayank bhai exclaimed with excitement.

Teja and I looked at each other with shock.

Never in my life had I ever thought they would think about a bachelor's party.

" Bhai, Teja, and I hate parties. Also, who will take care of Vihaan and Jaspreet? " I asked and tried to make sense in their dirty mind.

Teja nodded while supporting me.

" No, di. This time I will support Mayank bhai. This is the last party before you are both married and live your boring life your way. I want you both to enjoy this party. " Bubbly said, and I looked at her with shock.

" Teja and Akaash, you both live your life without any enjoyment these years. I think your siblings are right.

If you are worried about Jaspreet and Vihaan, we will take care of them. You youngster enjoy this day. " Dad said, and I looked at her with shock.

" But, dad? " Before I said something else, dad cut me off.

" No, buts. This is my order.

Mayank, Abhishek, Jaspreet, Arjun, and Akaash will call their friend and hold Akaash's Bachelor's party in any hotel.

Manvi, Akaansha, Bubbly, Kavita, and Teja will hold Teja's bachelor's party in the outhouse.

I think today will be the best day for their party because, after Mehendi, they can't go outside. " Uncle ordered, and Teja and I groaned.

Teja and I looked at each other and sighed in defeat.

On the other side, everyone jumped in excitement.

" Then, it's decided. Teja, you will stay in the room after haldi and we females prepare a brilliant bachelor's party for you. I am sure you will love it. " Manvi bhabhi said, and Teja nodded with a fake smile.

I know what this smile means. Teja is not looking forward to this party and tries to form a plan to escape this party.

I smiled seeing her this helpless.

" Akaash, can you stop staring at your fiance just for a minute? Come on, man. We know you love her so much.

But we are your brothers too.

At least hear us out. " Abhishek bhai stated, and I blushed.

God, can they leave me alone for a second without their teasing?

Everyone laughed, and Teja blushed like me.

" Bhai, stop your teasing. Tell me, what were you saying? " I asked with frustration, and everyone chuckled at my expression.

" I think you should stay with Teja and accompany her until we arrange everything. After all, we know you will irritate us with your constant irritating blabbering. " Abhishek bhai stated, and everyone smiled.

" Thank you, bhai. Teja and I need to attend a meeting today regarding an important surgery after Haldi. " I stated, and everyone looked at us with frustration.

" Akaash!!! What the hell?!!! " Mayank bhai asked.

" Bhai, my profession comes first. " I stated and looked at Teja, who smiled at me in appreciation.

" Mayank bhai, don't worry, our meeting doesn't affect any ritual. We are attending this meeting when you all arrange the party, and when you come back, we will see you ready. So, don't worry! " Teja assured them, and they nodded in defeat.

" Alright, Teja.

We will meet at 2 pm for your haldi. Abhishek, come with me. " Mayank said and left with Abhishek.

Everyone left to do their work and left me with Teja alone.

Mom took Vihaan and Jaspreet. So, we can be free today without children.

Teja and I went to the garden and sat on the bench.

There we talk about everything while laughing.