Chapter 137- Haldi Ceremony!

Teja POV:-

After spending time with Akaash, I felt better.

After all, Akaash and I will be able to talk comfortably after so many days. Our siblings always disturbed us whenever Akaash and I tried to talk to each other, and they started their teasings.

Sometimes, they behaved like children.

God, I am so tired of their bickering.

I came out of my thoughts when I heard Akaash's voice.

He said, " Teja, it's time. I think we need to go and get ready. Else our siblings and elders come to us and start their blabbering again. "

We chuckled, and I nodded.

" You are right, Akaash. Let's meet after a few minutes. " I replied and came to my room to get ready.

I took out my yellow lehenga, which had a colorful peacock pattern, a silk plain yellow blouse with a net yellow dupatta.

All in all, my lehenga is simply beautiful.

I wonder how is Akaash's today attire.

Teja, what is happening to you?

Are you thinking about Akaash's attire?

Since when did you start to think about him?

I came out of my thoughts, and I went to the bathroom and changed my clothes quickly.

I came out and saw Bubbly was standing in my room.

She wore a yellow net saree, and her curves are perfectly showing on this saree.

Is she planning to make Jaspreet over-possessive?

Anyways, it's none of my business.

" Di, you are looking beautiful. " Bubbly said while looking at me with a smile.

" Thank you, dear. You are looking, seductress. I am sure Jaspreet has to handle it himself for killing those people who dare to stare at his wife. " I said, and Bubbly blushed.

" Forget about him! We should think about Akaash bhai. I am sure he will look at you at the whole ceremony. I am damn sure. " Bubbly said, and we giggled.

" Alright, let's finish this ceremony quickly. I have to attend a meeting after the haldi ceremony. " I stated and, she sighed in frustration.

" There would be a day when you will stop thinking about your boring meetings and surgeries? " She mumbled in her breath.

" Never! " I said and giggled when I saw Bubbly's shocking face.

After that, we left my room. Then we come downstairs.

We saw that all the couches shifted to the end and only one couch was present at the center, and two bowls of haldi were put on two stools at the side of the couch.

Akaash was sitting on the couch looking impatient until his eyes met mine.

He looked at me with adoration and love.

I started to walk towards him with Bubbly.

I saw everyone was grinning while looking at Akaash and me.

I know what it means.

Akaash, you are in great trouble. I thought and internally laughed.

I sat beside Akaash and didn't dare to look at him.

His gaze is too intense right now. I know I will blush if I look at his eyes.

Our mothers came and stood in front of us.

They took some haldi from the bowl and put it on our cheeks while giggling.

I smiled while seeing my mother Angelina, who had happy tears in her eyes.

They put the haldi on our cheeks, neck, hands, and legs.

After that, they Akaash's mom put Akaash's haldi on me and Mumma put my haldi on Akaash.

They kissed on our forehead and stood beside their husbands.

Then mom came and put haldi on Akaash and me.

Then one by one, everyone came and put the haldi on us.

Mayank bhai started the Speaker and rang some Rajasthani songs.

Everyone danced with lots of laughs.

Akaash and I clapped for them.

Akaash and my parents danced together with lots of teasing, and we laughed.

After that, Mumma and mom came towards me and took me with them.

In excitement, I start dancing with them.

Yes, I, Teja Narayan, danced after four years. I showed my emotions in front of everyone.

I saw Akaash look at me with a smile.

He stood up and walked towards me while I was dancing with my family.

He came and held my hand at the end of the song.

I blushed as he held my hand in front of everyone.

I saw everyone was looking at us with adoration.

" Teja, look at me. " Akaash said, and I looked at him.

He came near my face and kissed my forehead.

My eyes widened, and I looked at him, who looked at me with a smile.

I don't know what to do at that time. Thank God, Mumma came to my rescue and took me to my room.

As mom closed the door behind her, I sighed in relief.

After all, I didn't expect Akaash to show his love in front of everyone.

It's a whole different situation for me, and I don't know how to handle it.

" Akaash loves you so much, dear. I am so happy that you gave him chance. Also, I am happy that you let your emotions free. " Mom said, and I looked at her.

Mumma and mom became best friends these days for my sake, and I am happy to see them close.

" Mumma! Mom! I don't know what happened at that time. I was just too happy that I couldn't contain myself to let my emotions behind my fake face. " I replied, and they smiled.

" It means your frozen heart started to melt, dear. Your walls have started to break. I am happy to see that you have started to show your emotions. Teja, Arjun was right about Akaash. Akaash is making you who you were before. " Mom explained, and I didn't say anything.

Am I starting to become that Teja again?

Am I accepting everything too fast?

No, Teja! Stop yourself.

You can't go too fast and change yourself.

You need to change but not too soon.

I thought and calmed myself.

I looked at them, who was smiling while looking at me.

" Teja, take this haldi with you and take a shower. We are going. " Mom said, and I nodded.

They caressed my cheeks and left me alone in my room.

I stopped my train of thought and took a shower.

After that, I changed into a professional dress and opened my laptop for the meeting.

I just hope our siblings don't do any silliness at the bachelor's party preparation.