Chapter 140- Drunken Teja!

Teja's POV:-

Today, all my past stood in front of me after I tried hard to forget all this.

When I saw the disgust in the girl's eyes, I remembered Tanish's eyes, who looked at those marks with disgust.

I gulped the sip from the bottle and walked towards the park.

Today is too cold, but the coldness in my mind is nothing in front of this weather.

I stumbled in my step and was about to fall to the ground, but someone caught me.

I opened my eyes to look at that person and smiled to see Akaash.

" Akaash! You will always come to save me just in time. " I said and wrapped my arms around Akaash's collar.

He blushed and said, " Teja, I will always come to save you, and why are you drinking too much? You are drunk already. "

I recalled that time when Akaash looked at my scars on our first night. He never found them disgusted. He truly loves me.

" I want to enjoy my bachelor's party alone, Akaash. " I replied and stood up on my feet and released myself from Akaash.

I was about to take a step again when Akaash held my wrist.

I turned and looked into his eyes which held concern for me.

" Teja, it's cold. Why haven't you worn any overcoat? " He asked and left my hand. He took off his black coat and put it on me.

" You need to take care of yourself, Teja. " He said, and I chuckled.

I held his hand and said, " Come with me! "

I took him into the castle, and we went upstairs to my room.

I pushed him inside my room and closed the door.

My room is dark. Only the moonlight is showing in the room.

I turned to look at Akaash, who looked at me with confusion.

I walked towards him and made him sit on the bed.

Then I put the bottle on the table and turned towards him.

I looked at him and started to take off Akaash's overcoat.

I threw the coat at him and unzipped my midi.

" Teja, what are you doing? " Akaash asked while shuttering, and I chuckled.

I put my finger on his lips and replied, " Patience, darling. "

I took off my midi and stood in front of him in my inner-wear.

Akaash turned his face to the other side, and his cheeks turned a deep shade of pink.

So cute!

" Akaash, look at me. Please. " I said, and he turned his face at me. But didn't dare to look below my face.

" Akaash, today I realized what a wh*re I was. "I said, and he looked at me with rage.

" Teja, don't you dare to call yourself a wh*re. You are not allowed to call yourself such names. You are the purest in the world. " He yelled while holding my hand.

" Akaash, how can you say that I am the purest? You know very well, I gave my virtue to Tanish many years ago. He made my body like this. I ruined my dignity and self-esteem, Akaash, with my own hands. He did everything with my body, and I couldn't able to stop him. Tell me, aren't I a wh*re? " I asked, and he looked at me with many emotions.

" Haven't I become a wh- " Before I could complete my sentence, Akaash smashed his lips on mine.

This kiss was aggressive and dominating.

A tear fell from my eyes, and I started to melt in that kiss.

I started to respond to this kiss.

After a minute, Akaash broke our kiss and put his head on mine.

We were taking deep breaths. I looked at Akaash, who looked at me with love, anger, frustration, and lust.

" Teja, don't you dare to call yourself a wh*re anymore. Else, I will stop you like this. I don't want to force you into anything.

Teja, Tanish used your family. You did everything to save your family. You never admit defeat in front of him.

Yes, he played with your body, and he was the first man you spent nights with. But, all the time, it wasn't your wish. Either you were under the influence of a drug, or he forced you.

It wasn't your wish.

I know my Teja. She is prideful. He was the one who used your weakness to crush your pride. But still, you divorced him and made yourself free from those abuses.

Teja, if you are here with me as my wife, it's because of your pride and willpower.

So, tell me now, aren't you the purest?

These marks were nothing but enhancing your beauty. These are your battle marks. You don't need to feel shameful about these marks. For me, they are not ugly but beautiful. " He said and touched the marks on my abdomen.

I felt a shiver when his cold hand touched my skin.

He looked at me and said, " You are the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes upon.

I love you, Teja. "

I felt a flutter in my heart, and I smashed my lips on him.

He got shocked but kissed me back.

I bit his lower lip and entered my tongue into his mouth.

When he wrapped his hands around my back, I felt hot in my body.

I took him towards my bed and threw him on the bed.

I hovered over him and smashed my lips on his lips again.

My desires clouded my mind, and I let them.

I raised his shirt and touched his abs.

He cupped my face, and I broke our kiss and started to kiss his neck.

" Teja, I think we- " Before he could say anything, I bit his neck, and he moaned my name.

I am sure it will going to leave a hickey tomorrow.

I didn't like his shirt on his sexy body, so I ripped his shirt.

Yes, I, Teja Rathore, ripped my husband's shirt.

But, he is my husband.

He looked at me with shock as he heard the ripped voice.

" Teja, what- " Before he could yell at me, I attacked his chest.

I kissed him everywhere, and he became a moaning mess.

I kissed, nibbed, and bit him, and he was moaning my name.

I pinched his nipples and sucked them off.

Before I went further, suddenly, bile formed on my throat, and I rushed towards the bathroom and pucked everything out.

Akaash came to the bathroom and rubbed my back.

He made a bun of my hair which helped me a lot while I was vomiting.

After I was done, I was so tired. Akaash picked me up in bridal style and helped me rinse my mouth.

I didn't remember anything after because sleep engulfed me.