Chapter 141- Akaash's Love!

Akaash POV:-

My brothers took me to the hotel where they arranged my bachelor's party.

When we entered, I saw all my friends from school, college, and colleagues.

" Wow, brothers. You invited all of my friends. Thank you! " I thanked them and went towards Teja's and my school friends.

Ritik Pal looked at me with his wide smile and said, " Akaash, so good to see you again, buddy. "

I hugged him and replied, " Yes, I am happy to see you again, bro. How are you now? You guys forgot about me. "

He laughed and said, " Bro, we weren't the ones who forgot you. It was you and Teja who forget us after completing high school.

But bhai, manana padega! Tune to sachme Teja ko pata liya bhai. "

(I have to admit, you caught Teja as your wife.)

" Yeah, after Tanish and Teja got married, everyone thought no one can able to separate them.

Anyways, forget about Tanish.

Today night is all about Akaash and his happiness. " Ravi said, and for a minute, I felt bad when they mentioned Tanish's name.

But I can understand they want to know the reason behind Teja and Tanish's divorce.

" Akaash, how is Teja? You know I love my sister. I saw her at that meeting and found out Teja changed her name and her whole identity. I was shocked.

When I saw her cold eyes, I didn't believe she changed a lot.

I know my sister, who was innocent and so soft. How can she change a lot in these years? " Ritika pal asked, and everyone agreed.

I know why he asked this.

Our batch was the best. We all are connected to Teja and love her.

Some love her like a sister. Some people like me love her as a girl.

" Guys, I think we should take seats. I know you deserve to know about her as I know how much you cared about her. " I said, and they nodded in understanding.

We all went to the couches and took our seats.

My college friend came, and colleagues came and congratulated me.

I thanked them.

My brothers went to the bar counter. So, they can give me some private time with my friends.

" Teja changed a lot because of Tanish and her personal situations.

You have seen that conference. So, you know her biological father is alive. " I said, and they nodded.

" To be honest, I was shocked when I found out Teja's biological father was alive all those years.

I mean. What the f**k?

How can his father do this to his family?

He got married to a rich foreign lady and left his family alone to struggle.

How selfish he is?!!! " Noorullah said, and my blood boiled.

" Noorullah, mind your language. You don't have the right to come to the conclusion without knowing the whole truth. " I yelled, and he sighed and lowered his eyes in shame.

" It's happened because of Teja's so-called stepfather and his parents. " I stated and explained to them the incident of Teja's father's accident.

" Teja's father didn't want to marry Angelina mummy Ji, but the situation wasn't in his hands just like Teja's drug incident. " I stated, and they nodded in understanding.

" But, how did Teja become so cold? " Daksh asked, and I sighed.

" It's all because of Tanish and Srishti. " I said and explained to them everything that happened between Tanish, Teja, and Srishti.

They looked at me with shock and their eyes moistened.

They are trying to control their emotions.

" After six months, Teja found out she was three months pregnant and she was about to tell this to Tanish, but they went to Tanish's annual business meeting.

There Teja found out the existence of her father.

Teja confront him and she was coming downstairs when she fell from the stairs.

I tried to save her child, but we lost him. That time, I saw those whip marks on Teja's body first time.

Teja's mother found out about Teja's biological father and she was already at the fourth stage.

I told them to meet Teja after eight hours and I left them alone and I was in a rage because of Tanish.

Later, I went to see Teja and examined her. When I told her about her child, she didn't cry.

Tanish entered her room and told me to leave them alone.

At that time, I left and Teja's mother came to see her.

She heard their arguments and found out everything.

She had a heart attack, and she lost her life.

Teja tried to revive her heart, but she couldn't able to do it.

You know at that time, Teja didn't cry a bit.

She did her mother's funeral and left for the hospital, where she wrote the left and committed suicide.

You even heard that news too. " I said, and they nodded in understanding.

" We were devastated when we found out Teja's mother died.

After all, her mother was an amazing lady. We remember how she used to help us.

But I didn't know she died in such a brutal way. " Ravi said, and everyone sighed.

" After we opened her eyes after two days, she was dead internally.

You know for six months, she was living in depression. Her second family and I helped a lot to recover her after we left India. That's the reason, she became cold.

But you know, she started to melt down again.

She started smiling again.

Guys, when you will come to our wedding, please don't say Tanish's name ever again.

Please talk to her like we used to talk when we were studying together. " I said, and they nodded in understanding.

" Our Teja is really a brave and prideful lady. I mean, I never thought she went through so much.

To be honest, when she became a doctor and joined AIIMS and when we were invited to Teja's wedding.

I thought now Teja will live a fairy tale live where we were fighting for our life.

But she may achieve a lot, but the price she paid was too much for her.

Now, I felt the pride to know I know such a brave lady. " Harsh said, and we nodded.

" Akaash, make her happy, bro. If you dared to hurt my sister, I will break your teeth. Mind it. " Ritik said, and we laughed.

" Sure, brother-in-law. " I said, and everyone laughed.

" Guys, here are the drinks. " My brother Mayank and Abhishek came with the waiters.

We took our drinks and cheered for my wedding.

Then we didn't talk about Teja and laughed while dancing.

But after an hour, I received a message from Kavita about some problem at Teja's party. She told me to come there with Surya.

I told about it to Mayank and Abhishek bhai and we called off the meeting.

We went to the outhouse, but I saw Teja with a bottle in her hand.

She was stumbling while walking.

So, I told my brother to stop the car and I went after Teja.

But I didn't know that Teja would fall.

I held her in time or she could get injured.

I took off my jacket and put it on her.

She smiled and took me to her room.

There I don't know she would show her bold side to me.

She took off her clothes and stood in front of me in her inner-wear.

I knew she was in her drunk state. That's the reason I looked in the other direction, but she told me to look at her and called herself wh*re.

I felt my blood boil when she gave herself such names.

I know how pure she is.

Her heart is pure.

So, I smashed my lips on her and gave her an aggressive kiss.

It was painful, but I wanted to show her how much her words hurt me.

But she melted in my kiss and started to respond to me.

I confessed my feeling to her and she kissed me.

She threw me on the bed and started to kiss me.

I saw lust in her eyes.

I knew it was all because of her drunken state.

I knew if she was in her conscious mind, she would never do it.

I don't want to take advantage of her drunken state. So, I tried to stop her.

But she started to kiss me on my neck and bit me.

I moaned.

She touched my abs and I felt hot.

I felt tightness in my pants.

Then Teja tore my shirt.

I was shocked.

When she attacked me on my chest, I lost it.

I started to give in to my desires.

But, thank God, bile formed on her throat, and she run to the washroom.

I helped her.

She was so tired that she couldn't able to stand on her feet.

So, I picked her up on bridal style and rinsed her mouth.

Sleep engulfed her.

I laid her down on the bed and went to her wardrobe.

I took out her nightwear and made her wear her clothes.

I tucked the duvet on her.

I looked at her innocent face and a smile formed on my lips.

I kissed her forehead, and I took my jacket and left.

But I should have worn my jacket because when I opened the door and come out.

I saw my brother who gave me a teasing grin while looking at my front.

I look down I saw so many hickeys on my skin.

I wished at the moment that ground tore down under me and swallowed me.

It was the most embarrassing moment.

God, save me!!!!!