Chapter 142- Embarrassed Teja!

Teja POV:-

I woke up with a terrible pain in my head.

I groaned in pain and sat on the bed.

I looked down and saw I wasn't in my midi, but nightwear.

" When did I change my clothes? " I thought.

Suddenly I started to recall everything regarding last night.

I went to the party with bhabhiya and Bubbly.

Then we enjoyed our time together.

Vina asked the question regarding Tanish and my divorce.

I confronted her and took the bottle with me.

I drank half of the bottle and was about to fall on my butt when Akaash saved me.





It's so embarrassing!!!!

How am I gonna look at him in the eyes????

Teja, have you gone mad at that time?

What were you thinking?

For god sake, you were about to get married to him tomorrow.

How can you let your desires control you?

I cursed myself, and my eyes fell on the torn shirt on my side.

I took it in my hand and realized it was Akaash's shirt.

I tore this shirt.

Teja, you deserve this embarrassment.

Now you have to face the consequence of your stupidity.

I checked the time. It was 8 am.

The breakfast will be served at 9 am.

I should take a shower now.

I let my thoughts aside for the consequence and went to the bathroom. I did my business.

I came out from the shower looking fresh.

I saw myself and realized I was glowing.

Not too much, but I am glowing.

I ignored it and wore a red suit and legging with a dupatta around my neck.

I went downstairs and saw every looking at me with a strange smile.

Akaash was blushing, and he made me blush too.

I cursed myself again and sat beside him.

I greeted everyone with a happy good morning.

" Indeed, Teja. Today is a happy good morning. " Papa said, and I looked at him with confusion.

" Is something special today, papa? " I asked.

" Nothing, dear. It's just you and Akaash have chaak pooja, shastra(Sword) pooja and mehendi.

Today, have bhaat too. You broke your ties with your maternal uncles already. So, Raj and I will be the ones who put the chunar over your head. " Papa said, and I nodded.

" Teja, can't you invite him into your marriage and forget about everything just ones? " Papa asked, and my mood turned sour.

I slammed the glass on the table and glared at him.

" Just because I forgive you, papa. It doesn't mean I forget everything, and you can control me as you want.

I hate them, and I hate them with my guts.

If you don't want our relationship like before, I advise you never to mention their names ever again. " I said coldly and hurt reflected in his eyes.

I ignored it and stood from my seat.

" Mom, please make Vihaan eat. I need to go before I burst my anger on someone. " I said and left without looking at anyone.

Albert POV:-

In the morning, we come downstairs. We heard Mayank and Abhishek talk regarding the advancement in Teja and Akaash's relationship and how Teja make out with Akaash.

I know as a father, I felt strange to hear such things regarding my daughter.

But I was happy that she was ready to accept Akaash and ready to take their relationship to an advanced level.

At that time, Raj, Rajshree, Angelina, and I was there.

We all smile to see each other.

After all, we saw how Teja cracked her cold demeanor and became our old Teja.

Then I recalled today is Teja's bhaat also.

In bhaat, the bride's maternal uncle comes with the chunar and puts it on the bride's head and the bride's mother's head.

I thought. I should try my luck and let Teja invite her uncles.

So, she can be happy when they gave her their blessings.

But I don't know that my words hit her mind like this.

After she left, I sighed in defeat, and a tear fell on my eyes.

" I think I should not mention her uncles like this. " I said, and Angelina patted my back.

Vihaan started crying as Teja left.

Akaash took him in his arms and consoled him.

" Daddy, did Mumma get angry at me? " Vihaan asked in worry.

" No, baby. Mumma didn't get mad at you. She was just upset over something. Stop crying, dear. Just give your mother some time.

She will come to my Vihaan and give him so much love. Okay? " Akaash said and asked.

He nodded while tears fell from his eyes.

I felt guilty. After all, because of me, Teja hurt her son unintentionally.

" Papaji, it wasn't your fault that you mentioned Teja's uncles. Anyone would do it in your place. But Teja was betrayed by her loved ones many times.

Also, what her uncle and grandparents did to her mother, Teja, and Bubbly is still fresh in her mind like a leach.

Teja loathes them a lot.

She didn't mean to say those words to you. At that time, she lost control of her temper.

So, papaji, please don't feel bad for her behavior. " Akaash said, and I nodded.

" It was my fault. I should have thought about her wounds before digging in.

I will go and apologize to her. " I said, and Raj put his hand on my shoulder.

" No, Albert. You are not at fault.

This time Teja is wrong.

She should calm her composure. You are her father. What you think for her is for her happiness.

She should not behave like this to you.

I will go and talk to her. " Raj said, and I sighed.

" Uncle, you don't have any right to say anything about her. I know she overreacted. But if you will to her place, I think you will behave worse than her.

She just said her mind coldly.

Like I accepted papa and his family because of di and their innocence.

I can understand her. In fact, I hate them with my guts.

I never want to see their faces again in my life. " Bubbly said, and he left too without eating.

Luckily, because of chaak, no one can eat until we do the chaak and shastra pooja.

Jasminder sighed and mumbled, " Raj uncle, please don't take Bubbly words seriously. She was protective of her sister. That's why- " Raj cut him off and said, " It's okay, Jasi. I know my daughters.

They cared for each other after Kaya left. They can't trust anyone, especially those people who betrayed them when they need them the most.

I will go and talk to Teja first.

You all get ready for chaak pooja and shastra pooja. " Raj said and left towards Teja's room.

I just hope everything went well.